Richard Carmona's Former Boss Claims AZ Dem Has Issues with Anger, Wom

October 15th, 2012 12:24 PM
In a jarring campaign ad for Jeff Flake's U.S. Senate campaign, Dr. Cristina Beato alleges that, when he worked under her as Bush's Surgeon General, Flake opponent Democrat Richard Carmona angrily pounded on her front door during the middle of the night on one occasion. As a "single mom," Beato told viewers, "I feared for my kids and myself." Carmona "has issues with anger, with ethics, and…

Huffington Post: 'Americans For Prosperity Distributes Ads Promoting P

October 15th, 2012 8:54 AM
The liberal media's mission to smear the Koch brothers and Americans For Prosperity, one of the advocacy groups they support, continues. On Wednesday, the Huffington Post published an article with the inflammatory headline "Americans For Prosperity Distributes Ads Promoting Pro-Slavery Arkansas Legislators":

CNN's O'Brien Furiously Spins to Blame Republicans in Congress for Dea

October 10th, 2012 3:22 PM
With a House Oversight committee slated to hold a hearing on the deadly Benghazi consulate terrorist attack at noon today, there was really no excuse for CNN's Starting Point to not cover the story. But alas, anchor Soledad O'Brien checked her journalistic credibility at the dressing room door, going on air with Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) sounding more like an Obama apologist than a hard-…

Wild and Crazy Steve Martin in Bizarre Video Endorsement of Bob Kerrey

October 6th, 2012 9:19 AM
Actor and comedian Steve Martin is a wild and crazy guy so it is no surprise that he would make a bizarre political endorsement. In this case the endorsement was for Bob Kerrey who is running for the senate seat from Nebraska. However, Steve Martin does not once mention Bob Kerrey or anything political in the "endorsement." Instead, Martin in the guise of a home crafts expert shows us how to…

Self-Proclaimed Media ‘Fact Checking’ Site Clearly Favors Democrat

October 3rd, 2012 11:14 AM
As their circulation numbers continue to decline, the self-described mainstream media has errected a new idol for Americans to worship: so-called “fact checking” websites which ostensibly exist to vet claims from all sides about political disputes. A review of one such site, PolitiFact Ohio -- an arm of Cleveland's Plain Dealer -- shows that the supposedly non-partisan fact-checkers there have a…

MSNBC Host: Warren Thinks She's a Native American, Therefore She Is

October 3rd, 2012 11:06 AM
Remember the saying "I think, therefore I am?" Well, MSNBC weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry does, and she used it to defend Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren against claims that she is not really part Cherokee Indian. A Democrat trying to unseat incumbent Republican Scott Brown in the November election, Warren received support on Saturday when Harris-Perry laughably stated: "If…

MSNBC Strangely Silent About Racially-Tinged Attack Ads, Fliers Agains

October 2nd, 2012 5:54 PM
As even the casual reader of NewsBusters is well aware, the MSNBC cable news network is forever on the lookout for racially-tinged "code words" in Republican speeches and "dog whistle" ads by GOP super PACs against Democrats. But the network's keen sense of outrage is conspicuously absent when it comes to attacks by Democratic groups against Mia Love, the African-American Republican Mayor of…

NBC Claims 'Awkward Stumble' for Scott Brown Admiring 'Ultra-Conservat

October 2nd, 2012 5:08 PM
In a report on Tuesday's NBC Today, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell described "awkward stumbles" for Senator Scott Brown and challenger Elizabeth Warren in a Massachusetts senatorial debate on Monday. Brown's supposed stumble was that he "first named an ultra-conservative" Antonin Scalia as an example of "a very good judge" and model Supreme Court justice. O'Donnell described Warren's stumble…

Chuck Norris Column: Make No Mistake, Gun Rights Are On the Line This

October 2nd, 2012 12:03 PM
It's time to take stock of where we stand as a nation. The election of 2012 offers us a stark contrast, between candidates who are looking to protect our Second Amendment rights and those who seek to restrict those same freedoms. Over the past month, I've been alerting you to some dangers on the horizon. As we consider the path we are about to embark upon, it's good to recall what's at stake…

Brown Scolds Warren: 'I’m Not a Student In Your Classroom - Please L

October 2nd, 2012 9:11 AM
Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown (R) scolded Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren for interrupting him during their debate Monday. “Excuse me, I’m not a student in your classroom - please let me respond.”

NBC Eagerly Touts Kennedy for Congress: 'A New Generation Has Stepped

October 1st, 2012 4:50 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie promoted "a congressional battle in Massachusetts featuring a very familiar name" and wondered, "Could another Kennedy be headed to Congress?" In the report that followed, Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell lamented the end of 65 years of Kennedys in Congress, then proclaimed: "But now a new generation has stepped forward." In reference…

Carl Bernstein Slams Republican Party As Radical

September 27th, 2012 11:42 AM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Jansing and Co., Vanity Fair contributing editor Carl Berstein joined the ranks of his fellow liberal journalists who are slamming the Romney campaign and the entire Republican Party as radical.  Naturally, anchor Chris Jansing failed to challenge the premise or balance out the segment with someone who would. Bernstein insisted that polls showing President Obama with a lead…

Sticking to the Meme: Politico's Isenstadt Seems Surprised GOP House C

September 25th, 2012 11:07 PM
This one requires a reality check before proceeding. First, a long list of Democratic Party candidates (per ABC on September 4, five for the Senate and eight for the House) -- including many incumbents, chose not to attend the Democratic Convention in Charlotte because (let's get real) they wanted to put distance between themselves, Barack Obama, and Obama's policies (and still do). Candidate…

Saturday Night Live Uses Thursday Night Special To Call Mitt Romney Ra

September 21st, 2012 11:35 AM
Saturday Night Live trashed Mitt Romney and gave President Obama a pass on their September 20 election special.  SNL, which is known for its unabashed liberalism, took to the air Thursday night to smear Romney as a racist politician.  In total, SNL spent over 6 minutes smearing Governor Romney but just 13 seconds gently poking fun at the president indirectly. The show opened with a skit…