NY Times, WashPost Concoct Scott Walker 'Criminal Scheme' Front-Pagers

June 20th, 2014 1:17 PM
The Washington Post and The New York Times can’t seem to locate the story (never mind the outrage) of destroyed hard drives at the IRS. The latest IRS scandal scoops have been buried deep in the paper. But both biased rags put Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on the front page Friday in an alleged campaign-finance scandal pushed by Democratic district attorneys. Neither paper revealed the…

Liberal Vox Claims Little Basis for Scott Walker Prosecution

June 20th, 2014 11:37 AM
Have you noticed in the past few days the big media campaign against Wisconsin governor Scott Walker? As we have seen here in Newsbusters, the New Republic even attempted a race baiting smear with "The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker."  We also have many media sources salivating over what they think is the prospect of Walker being prosecuted over campaign violations such as the Washington…

NY Times Champions Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay 'Social Moderate' as the GOP

June 6th, 2014 8:47 AM
The New York Times knows just how to rebuild the Republican Party in California...in the image of The New York Times. In Thursday’s paper, correspondent Norimitsu Onishi highlighted the Republican nominee for governor, Neel Kashkari, “a social moderate backed by the Republican establishment.” “Social moderate”? In the next paragraph, we learn Kashkari “is of Indian descent and supports same-…

Ed Schultz Declares GOP Will Push Obama Impeachment After November Ele

June 3rd, 2014 6:09 PM
MSNBC's Ed Schultz is known for using extreme rhetoric during his daily The Ed Show program and it seems that his hateful language has rubbed off on his audience. Schultz conducts an "Ask Ed Live" segment every day in which he answers questions from his viewers and on Tuesday, June 3, a man named Richard wondered: "Will the Republicans try to impeach President Obama before or after the November…

Spiked by Big Media: Democrat Opponent Says GOP Gov. Susana Martinez S

June 2nd, 2014 6:41 AM
On Friday, Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard reported on a video of a potential Democratic opponent of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, the Latino Republican star the networks aerobically ignore (for example, her 2012 Republican convention speech). Candidate Alan Webber, the Democrat with the largest campaign treasury, told supporters "So I’m asking you for your help, we need to make…

AP Report on Dems' Obamacare Campaign Stances Ignores HHS Decision to

May 26th, 2014 9:04 PM
With about 4-1/2 months remaining before early voting begins in the the 2014 elections, three sets of Obamacare-related campaigns are in full gear. The first is seen in electoral contests around the country. The second is a campaign of disinformation and no information being conducted by the Obama administration and its Department of Health and Human Services. The third is a concerted…

Md. ObamaCare Panel Held Illegal Secret Meetings; WashPost Avoids Conn

May 22nd, 2014 5:05 PM
The Washington Post's Jenna Johnson reported yet another black mark against Maryland's rollout of ObamaCare. It seems the "board that oversees Maryland's troubled health insurance marketplace repeatedly violated a state law that requires such groups to fully explain their reasons for meeting behind closed doors" according to a ruling issued Tuesday by the Maryland Open Meetings Compliance Board…

CNN Boosts Van Jones Talking Point; Hypes Tea Party is Pushing GOP 'So

May 20th, 2014 4:30 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo forwarded a liberal talking point about the infighting inside the Republican Party on Tuesday's New Day, as he covered the primary elections in several states that day. Cuomo asked Republican strategist Kevin Madden, "Are you worried that these challenges are pushing your mainstream or establishment or traditional candidates farther to the right than they might be may like…

VIDEO: Sen. Cruz's Father Predicts Conservative Gains, Hails MRC Missi

May 16th, 2014 12:17 PM
As a travelling pastor, Rev. Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz, is in a unique position to sense where the political winds are blowing in this mid-term election year. During a visit to the Media Research Center, the elder Cruz said that with just over five months to go between now and Election Day, he sees major conservative gains ahead, including the retirement of Sen. Harry Reid as…

At AP, Wis. Dem's Plan to Pass Out Klan Hoods at GOP Gathering Was a

May 11th, 2014 8:48 AM
While I was aware that a fever-swamp Democrat in Wisconsin was planning to pass out Ku Klux Klan hoods at some kind of Wisconsin Republican gathering, I had no idea until this morning that the Associated Press actually considered it a national story back on May 1. It was really even more than a national story at the self-described "essential global news network." It was so vital that the nation…

Bitter AP Focuses On Politics and Not Free-Speech Import of Wis. 'John

May 7th, 2014 3:07 PM
In his "analysis" on Tuesday's U.S. District Court ruling which called a halt to "a secret investigation into his 2012 recall campaign and conservative groups that supported" Scott Walker, Wisconsin's Republican Governor, Scott Bauer at the Associated Press basically gave away what the prosecution's agenda really has been all about. It really hasn't been about cleaning up political campaigns…

Texas Tribune Avoids Reporting on Big Setback for Wendy Davis Campaign

April 30th, 2014 9:17 PM
The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday about a big setback for the Wendy Davis campaign for Texas governor.  The Democratic Governors Association (DGA) did not include her campaign as a top target which means it won't be prioritized for heavy spending. The reaction from the Davis campaign could best be described as an angry hissy fit which bitterly attacked the DGA. Pretty big political…

Barely News: Illinois Gov. Quinn Pulls Tweets Comparing Black Republic

April 25th, 2014 8:11 PM
A search at the Associated Press's national site on the last name of Illinois Governor Patrick Quinn and "Jews" at 7:30 this evening returned nothing. That's pretty amazing, considering that Quinn's campaign enthusiastically retweeted its support for an outrageous April 17 column by Neil Steinberg at the Chicago Sun-Times. For all practical purposes, Steinberg equated African-Americans who…

Column: Insisting ObamaCare Debate Is Over Won't Save Democrats, Mr. P

April 21st, 2014 6:17 PM
Apart from gutting America's military, our standing in the world, our fiscal stability, the economy, the office of the presidency, conventional energy sources, the free market and religious liberty, Obama has little to boast about other than Obamacare, so let him go for it. Yes, let him gloat, because the more he bloviates in defense of the indefensible — the more he spins the unspinnable —…