Politico's Nather Imagines Non-Existent Rift Between Cliven Bundy and

April 21st, 2014 2:53 PM
Last Tuesday, in an incredibly childish piece, even by his non-standards, Politico's David Nather acted as if the resistance at Clive Bundy's ranch was endorsed and supported entirely by the tea party movement and/or Republicans and/or conservatives, so he could then characterize their post stand-off behavior — i.e., pursuit of their longer-term political goals — as some form of abandonment.…

AP: After Years of Touting It, Dems Told Not to Say 'Recovery

April 18th, 2014 11:13 AM
In a Friday morning dispatch which comes off more as a set of election instructions from "Democratic strategists" than as a real news report, David Espo at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, wanted to make sure that political operatives who don't read boring pollster reports still get the message: Don't use the word "recovery" during your fall campaign. In the course of his…

MSNBC Silent on New Poll Showing Wendy Davis Getting Crushed, Even Los

April 16th, 2014 12:33 PM
The liberal journalists at MSNBC have been quite enamored with Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, constantly promoting her Democratic campaign. Yet, a new poll showing her trailing by 14 points has gone unmentioned on the network. Even more interesting, Republican candidate Greg Abbott is beating Davis even among women, 49-41. The Public Policy Polling survey was released on Tuesday.…

Census Health Coverage Survey Changes Make Obamacare Results Undetermi

April 16th, 2014 12:44 AM
In a Tuesday story which appears to have been handed to it on a silver platter, and which the rest of the establishment press seems uninterested in spreading (given that searches at 11:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Associated Press and at Politico returned nothing relevant), the New York Times has reported that the Census Bureau "is changing its annual survey so thoroughly that it will be difficult to…

CNN's King Plays Up CBO's ObamaCare Projection; Wonders Why Dems Won't

April 15th, 2014 5:37 PM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's John King hyped the Congressional Budget Office's projection about ObamaCare – that "yes, ObamaCare is expensive, but less expensive than they thought – by about $104 billion over 10 years. That's a decent junk of change." King asserted that the health care issue is "the big domestic challenge for the President and for Democrats this election year: that is...trying…

NPR Boosts NAACP and ACLU's Activism After Court 'Gutted' Voting Right

April 7th, 2014 5:12 PM
Carrie Johnson's Monday report on NPR's Morning Edition could have been mistaken as an informercial for the left-of-center ACLU and the NAACP's efforts to help "protect minority voting rights," after the Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder decision from June 2013. Johnson played up how "a divided Supreme Court gutted part of that law – throwing into chaos a system that had required...states…

Millions Sunk in Md. ObamaCare Disaster; WashPost Fails to Consider Po

March 31st, 2014 3:46 PM
The ObamaCare health care exchange website that Maryland designed is such a monstrous failure that the state government is pulling its plug tomorrow and replacing it with a website which essentially mimics the architecture of the actually-functional Connecticut state exchange. In the process, Maryland taxpayers have seen $125.5 million of their hard-earned tax dollars flushed down the drain by…

MSNBC.com Laments Texas AG Abbott's 'Bogus Voter Fraud Crusade

March 25th, 2014 7:59 AM
MSNBC's rooting interest in the Texas gubernatorial race and the Lean Forward network's loathing of voter ID laws came together Monday in a hit piece on Republican gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott. MSNBC.com scribe Zachary Roth sharpened his pen to attack the Texas attorney general's "bogus voter fraud crusade." Essentially Roth whined that because there were only a handful of cases of…

AP's Bauer Scrubs Democrat Mary Burke's Lie About Unemployment Under S

March 24th, 2014 4:48 PM
It takes quite an effort to for a Democrat to produce a campaign ad which is so obviously and blatantly false that it virtually forces the left-loving Politifact to promptly issue a "Pants on Fire" evaluation. But that's what Wisconsin Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke managed to do when her campaign's opening TV ad claimed that "under (incumbent Republican Governor Scott) Walker,…

Chicago Trib 'Forgets' Illinois' Unpaid Bills in Covering Dems' 'Milli

March 22nd, 2014 8:57 PM
I would say "Only in Illinois," but I suspect that other states have similar problems and would propose "solutions" just as nutty as the Democratic state Speaker Michael Madigan and his party have chosen. The state has an unpaid bills backlog of $5.8 billion, meaning that vendors are going months before they get paid. We're supposed to be thrilled that this total is down from $8.8 billion…

NewsBusted: Don't Jump, Debbie

March 21st, 2014 7:02 PM
"Operators of the Golden Gate Bridge may build safety nets to prevent people from jumping to their deaths. This design is very similar to the ones being erected beneath the Democratic National Headquarters for November." Midterm election gallows humor aside, NewsBusted host Jodi Miller also zinged NBC News, MSNBC, the Los Angeles Times, and those poor saps at Radio Shack in the March 21…

Column: Make Democrats Pay at the Polls for ObamaCare's Failure

March 20th, 2014 7:10 PM
My humble advice to the GOP: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Don't fail to grasp the significance of the Florida election. Make Democrats pay for their president and their shared agenda. Don't listen to any in the liberal media, the Democratic Party spin machine or any establishment Republican types who tell you Obama didn't get his metaphorical head handed to him in the Florida special…

Column: Don't Believe the NY Times's Idiotic Spin; Social Conservatism

March 19th, 2014 7:06 PM
Let me begin by saying that I think the only issue in the 2014 election should be Obamacare. In fact, that should be the only issue in every election until it's repealed. I also think all Republican candidates should be trained with shock collars and cattle prods to automatically respond, upon hearing some combination of the words "abortion," "rape" and "incest": "Yes, of course there should…

Panel on 'Andrea Mitchell Reports' All Agree GOP Has 'Trouble Talking

March 19th, 2014 1:54 PM
It’s election season and MNSBC’s manufactured GOP “war on women” narrative is in full-swing across the network. Appearing on “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Wednesday March 19, the MSNBC host and her entire panel desperately attempted to create a controversy surrounding comments made by two Texas Republicans on the issue of equal pay for women. Mitchell began the segment by proclaiming that “…