Liberal Media Schizophrenic Over Wendy Davis's Virtual Flip-Flop on Ab

February 13th, 2014 1:01 PM
The latest evidence that Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis can't stay true to her convictions or doesn't have any (take your pick) is her position modification on abortion. Steve Ertelt at Life News relays an underlying Dallas News item, telling his readers that "Davis said she would back a 20-week abortion ban as long as it had two exceptions, to kill disabled babies and a…

Ann Coulter: It Is 'Appalling' How News Media Are 'Smitten' With Wendy

February 13th, 2014 11:27 AM
Appearing on FNC's Hannity Wednesday night, conservative author and columnist Ann Coulter zinged the news media and the Democratic Party for being "so smitten" with Texas liberal Wendy Davis "because she's going to stand up for killing babies. Oh, that's great, that's really speaking truth to power." Now, Coulter said, even Davis has realized that position "isn't so popular in Texas as it is…

Wendy Davis Backpedals on Abortion, Incurs Wrath of MSNBC's Irin Carmo

February 12th, 2014 7:03 PM
Wendy Davis would love to be the next governor of the state of Texas. She'd also probably love to retain the unquestioned doe-eyed adoration of MSNBC. Those aspirations might be at cross-purposes, however, especially as Davis is tacking to the right on gun rights and abortion in order to pass herself off as a centrist Democrat. The Lean Forward network might be able to hold its nose on the…

WashPost Slaps 'Don't Read This' Headline on Story Re: Md. Dems Shield

February 3rd, 2014 5:05 PM
You could call it bias-by-boring-headline. This typically happens when liberal Democrats do something scandalous or at the very least questionable and a major newspaper covers the story and publishes it, but headline editors give it such a milquetoast headline as to essentially tell the reader,"You'll fall asleep reading this. Move along." That's essentially the case with the Washington Post'…

New Orleans Paper Distorts Tony Perkins Comments About GOP Sen. Vitter

January 30th, 2014 6:47 PM
In 2007, Senator David Vitter was implicated in a prostitution ring involving the infamous “D.C. Madam.” Since then the senator apologized to his wife and family as well as the citizens of Louisiana, who, apparently, forgave him, as attested to their reelecting him to the U.S. Senate. But that didn’t stop The Times-Picayune from publishing a story recently which selectively quoted from Family…

Wisconsin's Not Worthy of National Media Attention Any More, Because S

January 25th, 2014 7:01 PM
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, whose name has come up as a possible 2016 presidential contender, had his name splashed all over the nation by the establishment press three years ago when he largely succeeded in reducing the disproportionate influence of public-sector union members. That attention remained steady until Walker beat back a statewide recall in tbe spring of 2012. One might…

Column: The Faux Heroism of That Fabulist Feminist Icon Wendy Davis

January 24th, 2014 6:36 PM
 Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator running for governor, became a liberal superhero last June when she filibustered a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks. (This was the good filibuster, not that awful filibuster three months later by Ted Cruz -- that was just grandstanding.) Apart from her enthusiasm for abortion (and you have to admit, abortion is really cool), the centerpiece of…

Moody's Downgrades Health Insurance Outlook Thanks to ObamaCare; Broad

January 24th, 2014 12:48 PM
On Thursday, the Moody's credit-rating agency downgraded its assessment of U.S. health insurance companies from "stable" to "negative," citing ongoing woes in ObamaCare's rollout. This is, of course, is yet another piece of bad news for President Obama, coming just five days before his State of the Union address and shortly after a new Quinnipiac poll finding 53 percent of respondents believing…

Wendy Davis Fan Andrea Mitchell Downplays Dishonest Bio: 'She Slightly

January 23rd, 2014 3:05 PM
On her Tuesday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell tried to downplay the controversy swirling over the misleading biography put forward by Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis: "[She's] being forced to answer media reports down there that she had slightly altered her resume or focused on the single mom aspects of it and didn't really give the timeline correctly." [Listen to the…

MSNBC's Sharpton Defends Wendy Davis's Misleading Bio, Just 'Minor Det

January 22nd, 2014 6:11 PM
On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton pretended that the misleading details liberal hero Wendy Davis has used to exaggerate her biography are merely "minor details" and actually suggested that it is the "right wing" who should be embarrassed by repeating the revelations as he ended his regular "Nice Try" segment by proclaiming:

Escalation: After Cuomo's 'No Place in New York' Remarks, His Counsel

January 22nd, 2014 8:54 AM
On Friday, as I noted on Saturday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told public radio's Susan Arbetter that "extreme conservatives" – that is, people who are pro-life, understand the clear meaning of the Second Amendment, or wish to keep marriage as it has traditionally been defined – "have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are." Note well that Cuomo's remarks…

Wendy Davis, Whose Rival Is Paraplegic, Issues Statement Saying Oppone

January 21st, 2014 11:30 PM
This is a "Can't Make This Up" item on two levels. The more obvious of the two is an incredibly tone-deaf statement issued by Texas Democratic guberatorial candidate Wendy Davis, whose Republican opponent is paraplegic Greg Abbott, that "I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day…

Will the Press Ignore Wendy Davis's Truth-Free Twitter and Blog Meltdo

January 21st, 2014 8:07 PM
Wow, I'd better get this post done quickly, because Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis has been tweeting up a storm and has posted "an open letter" at her web site. If I blink, I might miss a half-dozen more tweets. Davis apparently thinks that if she accuses Republican candidate Greg Abbott and his campaign of being behind the Sunday Dallas Morning News story which poked…

CBS Repeats the False Wendy Davis Bio Meme: 'Blurred' Lines

January 21st, 2014 3:45 PM
To be fair, it started with the original story broken at the Dallas Morning News, where Wayne Slater's substantive story about Wendy Davis's problems with the truth was headlined "As Wendy Davis touts life story in race for governor, key facts blurred." "Blurred" is clearly a popular word with an establishment press which is determined to try to make this problem with Davis's basic…