Daily Beast Knee-Slapper: 'Wendy Davis Will Turn Texas Purple

March 18th, 2014 1:05 PM
"Wendy Davis Will Turn Texas Purple" insists the teaser headline on the Daily Beast front page today. No, this is NOT satire, but the honest-to-goodness belief of community organizer turned Daily Beast contributor Sally Kohn. The headline for the story itself -- "Wendy Davis Is One Step Closer To Turning Texas Purple" -- dials down the hype a tiny bit, but the argument of her piece is pretty…

NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ Fawns Over Bill Maher, Skips His History

March 16th, 2014 12:31 PM
Comedian Bill Maher is no stranger to making outrageous and offensive comments, usually directed at conservatives. His weekly HBO program “Real Time with Bill Maher” is an opportunity for the devout atheist and liberal to spew his anti-conservative hate, yet when a major television network profiles his comedy routine, his controversial style is ignored. NBC’s Harry Smith sat down with Maher…

Democrat Governor Cuomo Hires MSNBC Republican Susan Del Percio

March 12th, 2014 9:43 AM
The New York Daily News reported Tuesday that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has hired Republican strategist and MSNBC contributor Susan Del Percio as a “special advisor to the governor, focusing on operations and special projects.” At first glance, it might seem odd that a Democratic governor would hire a GOP strategist, but given Del Percio’s track record on the Lean Forward network, it’s…

MSNBC's Chuck Todd Hypes Liberal 'Rising Star,' Promotes 'Mr. Castro G

March 7th, 2014 11:28 AM
MSNBC's Chuck Todd on Friday eagerly promoted "rising star" Joaquin Castro, a liberal Congressman from Texas. On the same program that he suggested Republicans don't care about minorities, Todd speculated on a Democratic revival in the Lone Star State. He wondered, "Is 2014 the year that Texas Democrats finally elect someone, some member of their party, to a statewide office?" [See video below…

MSNBC.com: ‘No One Pushes Greg Abbott Around

March 5th, 2014 11:52 AM
Even when attempting to say something nice about a conservative, MSNBC somehow managed to stick its foot in its mouth. Resident MSNBC.com voter-ID conspiracy theorist Zachary Roth sickeningly blared in a March 5th piece that “No One Pushes Greg Abbott Around” with an accompanying picture of Mr.  Abbott waiving to supporters from his wheelchair.   Roth spent the first three paragraphs in a…

NBC Warns: Midterm Election 'Holds the Fate of the Rest of the Obama P

March 4th, 2014 11:41 AM
On Tuesday morning, only NBC's Today marked the beginning of the 2014 midterm primary season and explained the dire situation for Democrats ahead on the November election. Co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: "While President Obama's dealing with the crisis in Ukraine, here at home, the future of his presidency could be at stake. The midterm primary season kicks off today, and this will affect…

CBS ‘Face the Nation’ Ignores Tea Party’s 5th Anniversary

March 2nd, 2014 1:53 PM
This week marks the fifth anniversary of the Tea Party movement, and on Sunday, CBS and NBC did their best to squash its momentum, with CBS’s Face the Nation snubbing the event altogether. Meet the Press moderator David Gregory hyped how on its anniversary Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) had “a message for his party, basically you know be careful how you’re conducting yourself.”

AP's Tomlinson Hauls Out Tired 'Heavily Edited' Jab at O'Keefe as Stat

February 25th, 2014 11:57 PM

At the Associated Press on Friday, Chris Tomlinson wrote a story of national significance ("State officials investigating Democratic activists") which the wire service appears not to have ever carried at its national site. It is nationally significant because the establishment press, both in print and over the airwaves, has chosen to make the Lone Star State gubernatorial candidacy of Democrat…

Another Day, Another MSNBC.com Freakout: ‘Ohio Restricts The Right T

February 20th, 2014 12:10 PM
Does Zachary Roth ever get tired of hyperventilating over new voting laws being passed across the country? He must not because yet again the MSNBC reporter freaked out over the Republican-controlled legislature “restricts the right to vote.” Just in the last year, Roth has penned more than 50 articles on the subject of voting and how the GOP wants to make it harder for Democrats and minorities…

WashPost Tilts Left on Front Page: Scott Walker's Name Is Mud, Charlie

February 20th, 2014 8:56 AM
Is The Washington Post a rag for liberal Democrats? It’s certainly striving for that reputation today. On the front page (above the fold) is this story, trying to ruin another GOP presidential hopeful like Chris Christie: “Gov. Walker, eyeing 2016, faces fallout from probes: Release of ex-aide’s e-mails could stall rise of national Republican.” Meanwhile, on the front page of the Style…

O'Keefe Catches Battleground Texas Illegally Using Info of Newly Regis

February 19th, 2014 3:16 PM
The left constantly rants about alleged illegal coordination between conservative and Republican candidates and groups with little to no proof. At least once, when it had no evidence, it went to court to try to get a judge to allow them to engage in a wide-ranging fishing expedition to find something, anything, which might "prove" it.  Fortunately, a Wisconsin judge in mid-January turned back…

MSNBC.com Attacks ‘Conservative Case to Limit Voting

February 18th, 2014 12:24 PM
As we've documented time and again, MSNBC.com’s Zachary Roth is obsessed with defending the ballot box from his favorite villain: the GOP. His February 18 item may have taken the cake for fear-mongering and outright peddling of liberal talking points. Roth penned a nearly 1500-word piece in which he threw together examples from the 1800s and 1900s where certain segments of the population were…

Morning Joe Cheers on Wendy Davis…Then Admits She Won’t Become Gov

February 17th, 2014 12:33 PM
In near identical fashion to their treatment of abortion-activist Sandra Fluke, MSNBC has been running the unofficial political campaign for Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. During her failed filibuster of new abortion laws in Texas, MSNBC helped propel Ms. Davis into the national spotlight, with host Chris Hayes going so far as to claim that her campaign is a “matter of life of death…

Mika: Republicans Who Mention Monica Are Sexist 'Little Peanuts

February 17th, 2014 8:08 AM
So who's being the sexist?  Mika Brzezinski went ballistic on today's Morning Joe over Republicans like Rand Paul raising Monica Lewinsky in the context of a possible Hillary presidential run, calling them "sexist" and "misogynistic."  But in the course of her rant, Mika mockingly referred to such Republicans as "little peanuts." Hmm. Did Mika need to use such suggestive, demeaning language…