
ABC to Offer Six Hours of Midterm Coverage...on the Internet

November 3rd, 2014 12:14 PM
Considering that ABC's World News failed to cover the midterm elections from September 1 to October 26, one might think the network isn't interested in a possible Republican wave. ABC journalists reinforced that belief by promoting their election night coverage: Seven hours of coverage. But six of those hours will be online only. 

Biden Tossing In Towel on Tomorrow's Elections?

November 3rd, 2014 5:45 AM
C'mon man! That's no way for a plucky VP like you to talk just two days before the elections!  As a loyal member of the DNC email list, last night I received a message from Joe Biden that sounded decidedly down in the mouth; frankly fatalistic. Here's how Good Ol' Joe opened [emphasis added]: "No matter what happens on Tuesday, I'm proud of you, Mark."  "No matter what happens?" Not exactly a…

Factual Whoppers On Jobs By Illinois Reporter and Michelle Obama

November 2nd, 2014 11:52 PM
Doug Schorpp at the Quad City Times had a really bad day yesterday. The sad thing is that he still probably doesn't even know it. His report (HT Gateway Pundit) on Michelle Obama's visit to Moline, Illinois had two whoppers. One of them was spoken by Mrs. Obama, while the other error was completely unforced. They have been present at the paper's web site since Saturday at 6 p.m., humiliating…

Chuck Todd: 3rd Party Candidates An Excuse To ‘Vote None Of The Above'

November 2nd, 2014 9:54 AM
On Friday, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd insisted that Tuesday’s midterm election seemed like a ‘hold-your-nose’ election and on Sunday’s Today, the NBC News Political Director threw even more cold water on the GOP’s chances of winning the Senate. Todd pointed out how he “ran into a bunch of voters that said I'm tired of the hold-your-nose vote. Forget it. I’m going to vote none of the…

Landrieu Doubles Down on Racism, Sexism Excuses

October 31st, 2014 9:26 PM
Curtis Houck at NewsBusters noted late Thursday that on that evening’s NBC Nightly News, incumbent Louisiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu told NBC's Chuck Todd that President Barack Obama is unpopular in the South because the region “has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans” and thus “[i]t’s been a difficult time for the President to present himself in a very positive…

LOL: Lizz Winstead Blames Wendy Davis Defeat on . . . 'Redistricting'

October 31st, 2014 3:35 PM
Comedy gold! As the co-founder of the Daily Show, Lizz Winstead might be a funny lady. But what she came up with today was surely an unintentional laugh line. Appearing on Joy Reid's MSNBC show this afternoon, Winstead blamed Wendy Davis' impending thrashing in her race for Governor of Texas on . . . "redistricting."   Lizz, last time we looked, there is no districting—"re" or otherwise—when it…

New York Times Slams NRA as 'Grand Master' of Fear

October 30th, 2014 7:31 PM
With less than a week to go before the midterm elections arrive, David Firestone -- a member of the New York Times Editorial Board -- vented his anger in an attempt to diminish the influence the National Rifle Association has on the political process. In an article entitled “The NRA's Instant Classic Attack Ads,” Firestone accused the national organization of producing false advertisements as…

Some 'Update': Politico's Burns Ignores Burke Bio Fail, Walker's Lead

October 30th, 2014 6:03 PM
At NewsBusters yesterday, P.J. Gladnick justifiably went after the over-the-top hackery pervading Alexander Burns's Politico story on how "Scott Walker limps toward 2016." Burns bitterly criticized Walker's "divide-and-conquer strategy," and the governor himself as "confrontational" and (of course) "polarizing." Given that his column was allegedly updated this morning, I expected Burns to revise…

Daily Beast: 'Why Isn't Connecticut Grateful' for Liberal Governor?

October 30th, 2014 5:32 PM
David Freedlander of the Daily Beast just doesn't get it. Gov. Dannel Malloy (D-Conn.) is the Left's "dream governor," pushing through "higher taxes on the rich....  [a] state earned income tax credit for the poor...higher minimum wage" and a laundry list of other "progressive" agenda items like "mandatory paid sick leave, repeal of the death penalty, more liberal marijuana laws, easier ballot…

CBS Pounces On Gov. Christie Fight With Heckler: ‘Don’t Poke The Bear’

October 30th, 2014 10:50 AM
After ABC and NBC played up Governor Chris Christie’s (R-N.J.) confrontation with a heckler at an event marking the two-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy during their Wednesday night broadcasts, all three network morning shows (ABC's Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, and NBC's Today) predictably continued to pile on against the Republican on Thursday morning. On CBS This Morning,…

AP's Scott Bauer Effectively Admits That Media Didn't Vet Mary Burke

October 29th, 2014 11:17 PM
M.D. Kittle at's Wisconsin Reporter scooped everyone covering the Badger State Governor's race on Tuesday when he reported that Democratic candidate Mary Burke's resumé is not what her campaign's web site says it is. Burke's campaign bio claims that she "played a central role in Trek’s expansion as the Director of European Operations." Kittle found "multiple former Trek executives"…

Politico Writer Already Raining on Possible Scott Walker Victory

October 29th, 2014 5:57 PM
Politico writer Alexander Burns concedes that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker could win re-election next week but sounds a very sour note by claiming that Walker won't enjoy his victory. Of course, Burns contrasts a gloomy view of Walker with a warm review of the Democrat candidate, Mary Burke.  

Democratic Candidate Embarrassments the Networks Are Skipping

October 29th, 2014 10:27 AM
Despite a plethora of Democratic candidates this year who have embarrassed their party – from  Wendy Davis attacking her opponent’s disability to Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Grimes refusing to say if she voted for the President to Nikki Haley’s Democratic male opponent calling her a whore – the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have been almost silent in airing these stories on…

CBS: Will Walker Loss 'Send a Message' About His 'Policies & Politics'

October 28th, 2014 10:03 PM
With the midterm elections one week away from Tuesday, the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley profiled the race in Wisconsin for governor as incumbent Governor and Republican Scott Walker faces off against Democratic candidate Mary Burke.  While it’s certainly worth covering governor’s races across the country, CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds chose to use the occasion to go after Walker and…