Daily Kos: Dems Must Vote in Midterms to Stop GOP ‘Zombie Cult Army’

October 28th, 2014 9:42 PM
A blogger tells DKos readers that even if they’re disappointed that Democrats aren’t farther to the left, it’s vital for them to vote in the midterms against racist ultra-right-wing GOPers.

Ann Romney Blasts Dems, Media on Handling of Sheheen's 'Whore' Comment

October 28th, 2014 5:31 PM
Apparently Ann Romney believed that no one was going to call Democrats and the press onto the carpet over their disgraceful conduct and non-reaction, respectively, after South Carolina Democratic gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen called incumbent Palmetto State Governor Nikki Haley a "whore" — and failed to "apologize" for it for four days. Mrs. Romney, sadly, is presumptively correct.…

Norah O’Donnell Admits To Throwing ‘A Softball' At Elizabeth Warren

October 28th, 2014 10:41 AM
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) appeared on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning to discuss next week’s midterm elections and the three CBS hosts eagerly threw softball questions at the Massachusetts Democrat. During the interview, Norah O’Donnell asked Senator Warren “what's going to happen if Republicans take control?” before admitting “I guess that was a softball of a question, wasn’t it?”  

Nicolle Wallace Lumps Scott with Crist: Untethered to 'Moral Compass'

October 28th, 2014 8:12 AM
If on national TV you pass along from a "friend" an extremely damning charge about someone's morality, do you have an obligation to identify that "friend" or provide some sort of substantiation for the charge?  Nicolle Wallace apparently doesn't think so. On today's Morning Joe, speaking of Rick Scott and Charlie Crist, Wallace blithely passed along the charge from an unnamed "friend" from…

GOP Candidate's 'Sweetheart' Covered, Not Dem Calling Haley a 'Whore'

October 27th, 2014 8:45 PM
In late September, Charlie Baker, the Republican who is the party's gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts, told female reporter Sharman Sacchetti, who had already asked him a series of questions: "OK, this is going to be the last one, sweetheart." That was enough to send the press into a tizzy. Jack Coleman at NewsBusters noted how Rachel Maddow at MSNBC turned Baker's statement into proof…

S.C. Reporter Calls Dem's Nikki Haley 'Whore' Remark 'Slip of Tongue'

October 27th, 2014 4:36 PM
Earlier today, South Carolina Democratic gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen "apologized" for telling supporters last Thursday that if he defeats incumbent Republican Nikki Haley, "we’re gonna escort whore out the door." Sheheen's "apology" is far from satisfactory, especially given the point NewsBusters commenter "Rio5" made at last night's post, namely that "As my father always said, 'If…

MRC's Bozell Discusses MRC Midterm Study with FBN's Varney

October 27th, 2014 1:26 PM
"If it hurts the narrative of the Obama administration, it's just not covered." That's how Media Research Center president Brent Bozell summed up the stunning findings of the latest MRC study, which shows a tremendous disparity in how the liberal broadcast networks covered the 2006 midterms as opposed to this years. 

NBC Highlights Michelle Obama’s Campaign Efforts, Ignores Her Gaffes

October 27th, 2014 9:22 AM
On Sunday night, NBC Nightly News covered First Lady Michelle Obama’s busy campaign schedule with just over one week to go until Election Day. Unfortunately, in their rush to play up her midterm efforts, the network ignored the Democrat’s numerous gaffes on the campaign trail. Anchor Lester Holt introduced the report and noted how “First Lady Michelle Obama is taking on a key role that she's…

Press Ignoring Haley's Opponent Wanting to 'Escort Whore Out the Door'

October 26th, 2014 6:09 PM
Did you hear about Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott in Texas saying of opponent Wendy Davis, "We need to keep the whore away from the door"? Of course you didn't. We know that if Abbott had said anything like that, it would become national news story more important than even Ebola within minutes. So why is it only news at about a dozen web-based center-right outlets that Democrat…

Chuck Todd: White House ‘Concerned About These Mandatory Quarantines'

October 26th, 2014 10:25 AM
On Sunday morning, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd appeared on NBC’s Today to discuss the politics of Ebola in the upcoming midterm elections. Speaking to co-host Lester Holt, Todd channeled the concerns of the Obama administration following decisions made by Governors Chris Christie, Pat Quinn and Andrew Cuomo to institute mandatory quarantines to anyone who came in contact with an Ebola…

Press Continues to Virtually Ignore Michelle Obama's Speech Gaffes

October 25th, 2014 9:20 AM
One can only imagine how much grief the national press would have given Laura Bush had she gone on the midterm congressional campaign trail during her husband's presidency and mispronounced the name of a Republican senatorial candidate, or if she had presented part of the bio of a Democratic opponent as that of the incumbent Republican for whom she was stumping. First Lady Michelle Obama has…

Hypocritical Matthews Hits Christie Over 2016 Campaign Comments

October 23rd, 2014 9:52 PM
On his Oct. 23 Hardball program, MSNBC's Chris Matthews excoriated New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie for highlighting in a recent speech the importance of swing-state Republican governors getting reelected this November in order to pave a smoother road for the eventual Republican nominee in the 2016 presidential campaign. Matthews took the worst-possible interpretation of Christie's…

Study: Nets Filibuster for Wendy Davis

October 23rd, 2014 11:59 AM
It wasn’t supposed to be this way. In June 2013, when then Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis staged an 11-hour filibuster against a bill restricting late-term abortions, the national media claimed they’d found a rising liberal superstar, and they’ve been campaigning for her ever since. Davis has few more enthusiastic backers than ABC, CBS and NBC. From the beginning, Davis’ network fans were…

Press Covers For Crist Excuses For Florida's Jobs Freefall In His Era

October 22nd, 2014 8:40 PM
At their debate Tuesday night, former Florida governor (2007-2010), former Republican (1974-2010), former independent (2010-2012) and current Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist got out the crying towel over why the Sunshine State's economy was so bad on his watch. He also refused to acknowledge that incumbent Republican Governor Rick Scott deserves any credit for the state economy's…