
Even MSNBC Won’t Support Controversial Wendy Davis Wheelchair Ad

October 12th, 2014 10:59 AM
Last week, Wendy Davis, the Democratic Party candidate for governor of Texas, aired a controversial ad attacking her opponent, Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott, depicting him as an empty wheelchair who had turned his back on disabled people in Texas. Despite MSNBC doing everything it could to promote Ms. Davis, her latest attack ad appeared indefensible for the “Lean Forward” network. On…

At Politico, Walker's 126,000 Jobs Added Is 'A Little Over 100,000'

October 11th, 2014 2:26 PM
In covering the latest debate between incumbent Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker and Democratic challenger Mary Burke, the Politico's James Hohmann significantly understated the number of jobs added in the Badger State during Walker's tenure. Hohmann wrote that "Burke attacked Walker for his 'broken promise' to create 250,000 private sector jobs during his first term. He’s now at a…

AP Dishonestly Headlines Report On Davis's Despicable Anti-Abbott Ad

October 10th, 2014 11:44 PM
Another day, another dishonest Associated Press headline. No one realistically expects the AP, aka the Administration's Press, to go after Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis for her vicious ad attacking her opponent, Greg Abbott. The 30-second ad, seen after the jump, denigrates Abbott as a man who sued for millions when he was crippled by a falling tree and then supposedly…

Republican Pundit Pushes Back Against MSNBC Bias on Voter ID Laws

October 9th, 2014 1:08 PM
Former Md. Governor Bob Ehrlich (R) pushed back against Howard Dean and Chris Matthews on Wednesday night's Hardball when the topic of voter ID laws came up and the liberal duo pushed the tired meme that such laws were Republican plots to disenfranchise poor and minority voters who tend to be Democrats.  Ehrlich pushed back that such laws were common sense to establish a voter's identity and…

AP's Andrew Taylor: Obama 'Inherited a $1 Trillion-Plus Deficit'

October 8th, 2014 2:44 PM
In a sign that the historical revisionists and Barack Obama legacy builders at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, may have shifted their operation into high gear for the final weeks of the midterm election campaign, Andrew Taylor has written that "Obama inherited a trillion-dollar-plus deficit after the 2008 financial crisis." The occasion for Taylor's tripe is the… Flips Out Over Court Approval of Wis. Voter ID Law

October 7th, 2014 5:24 PM
"'Horrendous' Ruling: Federal court upholds controversial voter ID law" blared the top-of-the-page teaser headline for Zachary Roth's October 7 story on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the Badger State's 2012 voter ID law which has been tangled up in court for the past two years. 

Will Weighs in on How Poorly Obamanomics Has Worked in Illinois

October 5th, 2014 2:09 PM
On Thursday, President Barack Obama did something Republicans have inexplicably been reluctant to do. He nationalized the impending midterm elections by telling a friendly audience at Northwestern University that "I am not on the ballot this fall ... But make no mistake: These policies (of my administration) are on the ballot -- every single one of them." That evening on Fox News's Special…

Daily Kos: GOP Anti-Medicaid ‘Virus’ Deadlier Than Ebola

October 4th, 2014 3:09 PM
A blogger declared that as many as 17,000 Americans per year needlessly die because of what “might be the greatest act of political spite in modern American history.” The good news, he added, is that the “GOPer virus” can be killed at the polls.

NYT's 'Woe Is Us' Report on Ohio Dems Woefully Short on Fact Checking

September 30th, 2014 8:53 PM
On Sunday, Trip Gabriel at the New York Times had the thankless task of concocting a report which would somehow make Ohio Democrats feel positive about winning at least one statewide office in November instead of getting skunked, which appears pretty likely at this point. That's because the campaign of the Dems' gubernatorial candidate, affectionately known as the Wreck That Is Edward FitzGerald…

WashPost Puts Thumb on Scale for Liberals in Ohio Early Voting Story

September 30th, 2014 5:46 PM
Washington Post Supreme Court correspondent Robert Barnes gave readers of today's Washington Post an imbalanced, biased story regarding the Supreme Court's intervening to permit Ohio to reduce its early voting plan by one week.

Ronan Farrow Attacks GOP Candidate’s ‘Harsh Rhetoric’ On Immigration

September 30th, 2014 3:53 PM
With the 2014 midterm elections just five weeks away, MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow thought it was the perfect time to give a state Democrat a six minute platform to promote her campaign. On Tuesday afternoon, Farrow spoke to Leticia Van de Putte of Texas, the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor, and provided her with unchallenged airtime to hit her Republican opponent on numerous issues including…

'60 Minutes' Audience Craters For Obama Interview

September 30th, 2014 2:37 PM
Steve Kroft's interview of Barack Obama was the focus of this past Sunday's episode of "60 Minutes" on CBS. It has become noteworthy primarily because of Obama's statement that U.S. intelligence agencies "underestimated what had been taking place in Syria." As several previous NewsBusters posts have shown (examples here, here, here, and here), the press is working mightily to minimize how the…

AP Seems to Think 28 Days of Early Voting Not Good Enough

September 29th, 2014 9:41 PM
Early voting in Ohio was supposed to start tomorrow, a full 35 days before Election Day. But today, the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 5-4 majority allowed the state to carry out voting law as passed by the legislature instead of what a group of misnamed "civil rights" groups wanted. The final paragraph of Ann Sanner's Associated Press coverage of the ruling illustrated how absurd this controversy has…

DNC Chair Also Used 'Back of the Hand' Barb Last Month on Fla.'s Scott

September 26th, 2014 11:30 PM
Debbie has been caught doing it again. Early this month, Democratic National Committe Chairmwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz went after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, claiming that he "has given women the back of his hand," and that "Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are ... grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back." I wrote at the time that Wasserman-Schultz's supposed "…