Weeks Before Election Md. Loses Hundreds of Jobs to Va.; WaPo Ignores

October 16th, 2014 1:12 PM
On Monday the Bechtel Corporation announced it was pulling up stakes from Frederick, Md., and moving a "substantial" portion of its Maryland-based jobs across the Potomac to Reston, Virginia. Of course the Washington Post, which on Monday endorsed Maryland Democratic gubernatorial nominee Anthony Brown, refused to carry the story in its print pages. High taxes and a sluggish economy that is…

Networks Jump On ‘Fangate’: ‘Awkward Moment That’s Blowing Up Online'

October 16th, 2014 10:58 AM
On Thursday morning, all three network morning shows hyped Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott’s refusal to appear on stage for a scheduled debate with his Democratic opponent, former Governor Charlie Crist, due to the appearance of an unapproved fan. Despite the “big three” enthusiastically covering the Republican governor’s “Fangate” episode, the networks have repeatedly refused to cover…

Charles Pierce: Wendy Davis Ad Shows Conservatism Is a ‘Sham’

October 15th, 2014 9:52 PM
The Esquire blogger claims that right-wingers don’t believe in small government, but rather in grabbing all the publicly funded goodies they can.

Oregon's First Lady Is a Wannabe Marijuana Farmer; Networks Ignore

October 14th, 2014 10:00 PM
By and large the national liberal media have ignored gubernatorial races this election cycle, preferring to focus on the battle for control of the U.S. Senate. That is perfectly understandable, of course, but not when a juicy watercooler-worthy story comes along like this one.

NYT Suggests Disabled Greg Abbott 'Opened Door' to Nasty Campaign Ad

October 14th, 2014 5:52 PM
Wendy Davis, pro-abortion Democrat and media darling, is trailing in her Texas gubernatorial race against Republican Greg Abbott. In desperation, her camp released the already infamous 30-second "wheelchair ad," targeting her disabled Republican opponent Greg Abbott. But the New York Times' David Montgomery suggested that "by referring to his disability in his political campaign, some analysts…

Nets All But Ignore Wendy Davis 'Wheelchair Ad' Attacking Greg Abbott

October 14th, 2014 5:46 PM
On Friday afternoon, Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis and her campaign released a new ad that took aim at her Republican opponent Greg Abbott as a “hypocrite” for supposedly not caring about the disabled after becoming a paraplegic in 1984. Since the despicable ad aired, only one story has been offered on the morning or evening newscasts of the major broadcast networks…

Jon Stewart Throttles Democrats For Hypocrisy on Campaign Spending

October 14th, 2014 12:18 PM
Jon Stewart attacked top liberals/Democrats on Monday's Daily Show for their blatant hypocrisy on the influence of money in politics. Stewart particularly mocked former Democratic senator and current Secretary of State John Kerry for his past lament that "the unending chase for money threatens to steal our democracy itself," while his party raises hundreds of millions of dollars for its campaigns…

Charlie Rose Gushes Over Andrew Cuomo, Pushes Presidential Run

October 14th, 2014 10:37 AM
Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) sat down with CBS’s Charlie Rose for an exclusive interview on CBS This Morning to promote his memoir “All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life.” Throughout the interview, which aired on Tuesday morning, Rose gushed over the New York Democrat and lobbed numerous softball questions at Cuomo before hinting that “I think he would like to be …

NBC Banishes Story to Sunday on Obama's Unpopularity Ahead of Midterms

October 13th, 2014 11:49 PM
On Sunday, NBC Nightly News took the unusual step of running a story that not only discussed the upcoming midterm elections but also President Obama’s unpopularity on the campaign trail as Democrats struggle to keep control of the Senate.  The problem with the story, however, was that it aired on Sunday night, when millions of Americans are watching football, spending time with family or at…

WaPo Shields Dems from Scrutiny But Now Sees Md. 'Voter Discontent'

October 13th, 2014 5:53 PM
On page A3 of today's Washington Post, staffer Reid Wilson relayed the story of how "Voter discontent opens up more governor's races" in a reliably Obama-friendly corridor of the continental United States. "GOP offers surprising challenges in Northeast," notes the subheader for the story.

Susan Page: 'Government Is Not Competent' To Handle ISIS and Ebola

October 13th, 2014 12:57 PM
Susan Page, USA Today Washington Bureau Chief, appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation and had a surprisingly blunt take on how the public views the federal government. Speaking to moderator Bob Schieffer, Page maintained that “the Ebola virus and the threat from ISIS are feeding into a sense that a lot of Americans have that the world is not only a dangerous place but that the government is not…

All? Michelle O Ad for Davis: 'Give All Kids' Chance for Better Life

October 13th, 2014 11:21 AM
"All our kids"—well, except for the ones who won't have a chance to build a life at all, thanks to Wendy Davis' ardent support of abortion . . . As a loyal member of the Wendy Davis email list, I just received today's fundraising message from the campaign, touting the fact that First Lady Michelle Obama has cut a radio ad for Davis. The email highlights the portion of the ad in which Mrs. Obama…

Dem Spokesman Threatens Reporter With Arrest for Tax Returns Request

October 12th, 2014 8:08 PM
The Democrats are looking desperate in Colorado. Chuck Plunkett of the Denver Post reported that “Arthur Kane, an award-winning journalist, posted a first-person account Friday of an encounter with the [Gov. John] Hickenlooper campaign in which he says he was threatened with arrest.” Kane is a former Denver Post reporter and former local investigative TV producer now working for Watchdog.org. He…

Austin Columnist: Davis's Despicable Ad May Be 'Daring Inspiration'

October 12th, 2014 1:41 PM
Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis's "wheelchair" ad, her latest and most despicable attempt to smear her Republican opponent, Attorney General Greg Abbott, got favorable reviews in a Friday evening column by Jonathan Tilove at the Austin American-Statesman. Tilove, the Statesman's chief political writer, wrote that the ad provoked "debate about whether it was an act of…