Crime Victims Virtually Ignored, Khan Exalted on Univision, Telemundo

August 2nd, 2016 2:31 PM
Top U.S. Spanish-language television networks Univision and Telemundo virtually buried the Republican convention speeches by the parents of victims of violent crimes committed by people who are living in the country illegally, devoting less than a minute to the subject.

Fashion Writer: Hillary in White, 'Hopeful'; Melania in White, Racist

August 2nd, 2016 9:26 AM

White is ok, so long as it’s worn by the Democratic nominee. Two weeks ago, Philadelphia Enquirer fashion critic Elizabeth Wellington bashed Melania Trump for daring to wear a white dress for her RNC speech. Wellington acknowledged that “on a strictly fashion note,” Melania pulled off an “angelic look.” But the white designer dress was a “scary statement,” and supposedly gave off the…


MRC's Bozell Slams ‘Incredible’ Disparity in Coverage of Grieving Moms

August 1st, 2016 6:00 PM
The Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell appeared on Fox News’s Your World to slam the media double standard in how reporters covered one grieving family who spoke out, but not another. Bozell highlighted an analysis by the MRC which found that Khizr Khan, who denounced Donald Trump at the Democratic convention, received 50 times more coverage than Pat Smith, a mother who condemned Hillary…

On CNN, Pat Smith Blasts 'Dirt' Treatment From Media Over RNC Speech

August 1st, 2016 5:51 PM
On Monday's CNN Newsroom, Patricia Smith hammered the media over their clear double standard between the often-negative way they treated her anti-Hillary Clinton speech at the Republican National Convention versus their hyping of Khizr Khan's anti-Donald Trump speech at the Democratic National Convention: "I was treated like dirt. I don't think the Khan family was treated that way. But I was…

NYT's Post-DNC High: 'Obama Laps the Field,' Fox Bias 'Under Fire'

July 30th, 2016 3:48 PM
The New York Times post-convention political roundup praised Democratic stage-craft, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech, and forwarded complaints about bias at Fox News (but not CNN). Adam Nagourney’s “Stark Contrasts in Style and Substance” praised Democratic convention stagecraft and says that as a speaker who can “move a crowd, seize a moment...Barack Obama laps the field.”

Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi Trashes ‘The Myth of the Liberal Media’

July 30th, 2016 1:48 PM
Is media bias just smart marketing? Yes, suggests Taibbi, who claims it’s “irrelevant” that “most individual reporters” are liberals given that their profit-driven, audience-conscious corporate overlords keep them on a short leash. “Whatever their personal leanings, influential reporters mostly work in nihilistic corporations, to whom the news is a non-ideological commodity, to be sold the same…

Democrats Draw Far More Network Overtime at the Conventions

July 29th, 2016 10:10 PM
Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer put on his media-critic hat on the blog  on Thursday to complain that ABC, CBS, and NBC gave several hours more live coverage of their conventions, largely the overflow into the local-news hour at 11 pm Eastern time. The GOP says across the three networks, it drew 47 minutes of overtime, compared to 261 minutes for the Democrats. Our…

Chelsea Handler Brings on 'Celebrity Apprentice' Losers to Bash Trump

July 29th, 2016 6:05 PM
A group of D-List celebrities gathered on Netflix’s Chelsea to discuss their time on NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump and "commiserate" about "Trump f*cking up the country." 

TV's Convention News: Condemning Republicans, Cheering Democrats

July 29th, 2016 12:45 PM
With both the Republican and Democratic conventions now concluded, it’s time to judge the news media on how fairly they covered the two parties. Media Research Center analysts looked at various aspects of coverage, all of which demonstrate that journalists obviously favored the Democratic gathering.

CNN Praises the 'Political Genius' of Hillary's ‘Inspiring’ Speech

July 29th, 2016 1:46 AM
Hillary Clinton formally accepted the nomination to be Democratic Party’s standard bearer as their presidential candidate on Thursday evening, and CNN’s America’s Choice 2016 panel couldn’t be happier. “The words that came to my mind were kind of— sturdy, steely,” CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger gushed, “It was not an oratorical masterpiece. It did have its great moments.” Borger…

Univision corre a enmarcar el mail incriminatorio 'marca latina' CNDe

July 28th, 2016 11:29 PM
La prensa estáblishment está a la defensiva tras algunas de las revelaciones más explosivas de los correos electrónicos hackeados al Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC, por sus siglas en inglés) recién difundidos por Wikileaks. Uno de esos mails salpicó muy de cerca a Univision.

Univision corre a enmarcar el mail incriminatorio 'marca latina' CND

July 28th, 2016 11:29 PM
La prensa estáblishment está a la defensiva tras algunas de las revelaciones más explosivas de los correos electrónicos hackeados al Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC, por sus siglas en inglés) recién difundidos por Wikileaks. Uno de esos mails salpicó muy de cerca a Univision.

UPDATED: CNN Plays SIX Times More Convention Videos From Dems Than GOP

July 28th, 2016 7:12 PM
CNN has clearly favored Democrats during their convention by playing more of their pre-produced videos during its first three days than they did during the entire Republican convention. So far, the liberal network has played 16 video montages and anti-Donald Trump featurettes totaling 47 minutes and 53 minutes of air time — all during their prime time coverage (8 pm Eastern to midnight) of the…

NYT Hails 'Our National Poet' Obama's 'Stirring Valedictory Address'

July 28th, 2016 2:38 PM
New York Times coverage of Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention could be characterized by an hour-long swoon over Barack Obama’s speech -- pardon, his “stirring valedictory address." Also, Democrats were (again!) finding their voice on gun control, Bill celebrated Hillary, TMI-style, and Frank Bruni celebrated the president as "our national poet."