
Contraste agudo en cobertura de anuncios Pence y Kaine por Univisión

July 28th, 2016 2:22 PM
Estas últimas dos semanas los televidentes de Univisión han sido testigos de dos enfoques sorprendentemente diferentes a la cobertura dedicada a los candidatos de los dos partidos políticos principales para vicepresidente de Estados Unidos, el gobernador de Indiana, Mike Pence y el senador de Virginia, Tim Kaine.

CBS: Obama ‘Hit It Out of the Park’ and Then ‘Walked the Bases’

July 28th, 2016 12:02 PM
The CBS This Morning crew, on Thursday, couldn’t contain their glee over Barack Obama’s speech. CBS correspondent Nancy Cordes began her piece on the speech as she exclaimed “It was pretty remarkable. The President of the United States essentially pulled the rhetorical fire alarm.” Cordes finished her report by holding up celebratory headlines from the Philadelphia papers and then threw it to the…

CNN: 'Nobody Can Talk About America Like Barack Obama,' 'Maybe' Reagan

July 28th, 2016 12:50 AM
CNN went into full Barack Obama backing mode following his speech at the Democratic Nation Convention. Most of the panel looked and sounded as if they were moved to tears by his words as they all sang his praises. “Nobody can talk about America like Barack Obama, aside from maybe Ronald Reagan,” CNN’s Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger declared, “And that's what I was thinking about this…

Reportero de Univisión malinforma sobre portavoces hispanos en medios

July 27th, 2016 10:39 PM
El vicio mediático se manifiesta de varias maneras. La mayor parte de las veces, el sesgo es evidente cuando examinamos la manera en que se enmarca una noticia. En otra ocasiones, el sesgo se presenta al determinar cuáles hechos se presentan y cuáles no. Y a veces, el sesgo se revela mediante una presentación completamente capciosa de los hechos, Hoy examinaremos una instancia similar.

Scarborough Hails ‘Excitement’ of DNC Over ‘Sleepwalking’ RNC

July 27th, 2016 10:44 AM
Wednesday on Morning Joe, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski continued to marvel over the “obvious excitement” at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. While the hosts insisted there was no comparison between the DNC and the RNC, they continued to build up the Democrats by knocking down the Republicans. The liberal hosts painted a picture of an “excited” DNC filled with “…

Univision Reporter Blatantly Misstates Hispanic Media Surrogate Ratios

July 27th, 2016 8:00 AM
Media bias manifests itself in a number of ways. More often than not, bias is self-evident when examining the framing of a story. On other occasions, bias presents when determining which facts are presented and which are cast aside, brushed over, or omitted. And sometimes, bias is revealed via a gross misrepresentation of fact. Today we will examine a glaring instance of the latter.

DNC v. RNC: Van Jones Prefers When Dems Exploit Mothers' Grief

July 26th, 2016 10:17 PM
On Tuesday, the second day of the Democratic National Convention, a group of African-American women spoke called The Mothers of the Movement. The women are mothers whose children have been killed by police and gang violence. CNN commentator Van Jones had nothing but praise for mothers on Anderson Cooper 360, “A powerful, powerful, powerful, powerful witness.” “Can you imagine losing your child…

MSNBC Touts ‘Profound’ BLM Mothers; Trashed Smith for Ruining RNC

July 26th, 2016 10:10 PM
Right on cue, Tuesday night’s MSNBC coverage of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) heaped effusive praise on a team of Black Lives Matter mothers whose sons died in police-involved shootings as a “profound experience” for those in attendance just eight days after they trashed Patricia Smith over a speech about her son’s death in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.

Sharp Contrast in Univision Coverage of Pence, Kaine Rollouts

July 26th, 2016 9:21 PM
These past two weeks, Univision viewers have witnessed two strikingly different approaches to the initial coverage dedicated to the two major party candidates for Vice President of the United States, Indiana Governor Mike Pence and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine.

CNN Airs 19 Minutes of Clinton's VFW Speech; ZERO Minutes For Trump

July 26th, 2016 6:11 PM
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both spoke to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, but CNN took clear sides in their coverage (or lack thereof) of their addresses. On Monday, the liberal network aired 19 minutes and 20 seconds of Mrs. Clinton's speech uninterrupted during the 11 am Eastern hour. The news channel didn't break away to carry any of Trump's speech during the 9 am…

Henderson: 'Law & Order' Has 'Racist Undertone,' Election 'About Race'

July 26th, 2016 5:16 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Tuesday's special edition of Inside Politics, CNN senior political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson warned that "a lot of people" believe that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's invocation of "law and order" has a "racist undertone." Moments later, she went on to assert that the election is "all about race in a lot of ways," before backing off slightly by adding…

Quote of the Day: Tom Brokaw Lauds 'Remarkable', 'Exceptional' Obamas

July 26th, 2016 10:19 AM
As we select a Quote of the Day for the Democratic convention, it will be useful to compare the two conventions. On our Monday contest last week, Tom Brokaw spoke for many liberal journalists by declaring “as you look at the message, even with Mrs. Trump saying what she said, it's a pretty divisive message. There was no attempt to really pull the country together.” On this Monday night, Tom…

Atlantic Writer: Emigrant Melania 'Has Not Lived the Story of America'

July 26th, 2016 4:43 AM
In a rather bold display of liberal media bias on CNN Tonight, Peter Beinart a contributor to The Atlantic declared that Melania Trump’s American experience was somehow invalid compared to Michelle Obama’s. “She has not lived the story of America,” he slammed in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, “She does not understand the story of America.” Not only did he try to tear down Melania Trump he…

AP: DNC Now 'Positive,' Ignores Bernie Fans' 'Lock Her Up!' Chants

July 25th, 2016 11:38 PM
Though they haven't yet completed covering things up, Hillary Clinton's journalistic defense team at the Associated Press has swung into gear at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. The headline at the wire service's 10:00 p.m. Monday evening story by reporters Julie Pace and Ken Thomas — "AFTER DISPUTES, DEM STARS TURN THEIR CONVENTION POSITIVE" — falsely told readers that the…