
Jalalabad Joy Slams the Media for Attacking Biden's Afghanistan Policy

August 19th, 2021 11:25 PM

Jockeying with MSNBC colleagues to be the Biden administration’s Baghdad Bob on Afghanistan, ReidOut host Joy Reid spent Thursday’s show bolstering her resume by chastising the media for having a “gaze...fixed on Afghanistan” and being “pissed off” that the deadly and chaotic withdraw hasn’t “go[ne] smoothly” instead of spending more time focusing on the January 6 riot or Thursday’s…


'Familiar and Obnoxious': Fredo Ties Capitol Bomb Scare to Fox News

August 19th, 2021 11:20 PM

For five hours Thursday, a man with a history of mental health issues caused the Capitol and surrounding buildings to be put on lockdown after he claimed to have a bomb. The man had live-streamed his standoff and lunched into unhinged rants about a whole host of topics. But during that night’s Prime Time, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo declared that the man’s ramblings were “familiar…


CBS, NBC Ignore Evidence Biden Was Warned This Would Happen By Embassy

August 19th, 2021 8:41 PM

According to a bombshell report from The Wall Street Journal Thursday, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul had sent an urgent cable to the Biden administration in July warning that the chaos we’re now seeing would occur. It’s a shocking revelation that proved the administration was aware of the dangers of their reckless actions but proceeded away. But neither the CBS Evening News nor…

On Not Just Afghanistan, Biden Chooses Decline

August 19th, 2021 6:20 PM

In November 2009, the late Charles Krauthammer gave a seminal speech, titled “Decline Is a Choice.” In it, Krauthammer stated, “The question of whether America is in decline cannot be answered yes or no. There is no yes or no ... Nothing is inevitable. Nothing is written. For America today, decline is not a condition. Decline is a choice.” This week, President Joe Biden chose decline.


Ignatius: Afghanistan ‘Really Difficult’ for White House Self-Esteem

August 19th, 2021 3:27 PM

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Thursday, Washington Post columnist and associate editor David Ignatius sympathized with “shell-shocked” White House staffers for which the catastrophe in Afghanistan has “been really, really difficult.” The concern for the emotional well being of top Biden aides came amid discussion of the President’s disastrous ABC interview in which he…


CNN on Biden's Afghanistan Nightmare: If This Isn't Failure, What Is?

August 19th, 2021 1:30 PM

CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward, reporting from Kabul on the chaos at the airport where Afghans are trying to flee the country, in response to Biden's denial of failure asks, "if this isn’t failure, what does failure look like exactly?"

Facebook for Terrorists But Not Trump? CNN Op-Ed Defends Taliban

August 19th, 2021 1:27 PM

Left-wing author of “Silicon Values: The Future of Free Speech Under Surveillance Capitalism” Jillian C. York condemned former President Donald Trump for fomenting unrest in the past, but expressed wariness over Facebook’s ban of the infamous Taliban.


Stephanopoulos Hounds Biden on Afghanistan, But Lets Lies Stand

August 19th, 2021 12:24 PM

In a lengthy interview this morning, the Good Morning America anchor repeatedly pressed the president on his administration’s “failure” in Afghanistan. However, despite some misleading statements, Biden was saved from the eager media fact-checks his predecessor was frequently exposed to.


Bozell: Even ‘Compliant’ Press Can’t Save Biden From Afghanistan Mess

August 19th, 2021 11:45 AM

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Thursday described the unfolding tragedy in Afghanistan as a “worldwide disaster” that even “compliant” liberal allies of Joe Biden are having trouble spinning. Appearing on Varney and Co., he declared, “The world has seen this President fail as commander-in-chief.”

CNN’s Lament: Biden ‘No Longer Gets Credit Simply for Not Being Trump’

August 19th, 2021 10:28 AM

Afghanistan is descending into chaos, thousands of Americans trapped in the country and women and children terrified of an emboldened Taliban. But CNN has spotted another danger: “Biden no longer gets credit simply for not being Donald Trump.” Yes, that’s an actual sentence from a analysis of the carnage of the last week.  

Liberal Atlantic Turns on Biden With BRUTAL Takedown of Joe's Chaos

August 19th, 2021 9:50 AM

Atlantic magazine's Peter Wehner's attitude toward Joe Biden seems to have shifted from adoration to complete disgust with the way he handled the disastrous exit from Afghanistan.


CNN Analyst Argues AGAINST Rescuing Americans Outside Kabul Airport

August 18th, 2021 11:35 PM

First come, first serve. You snooze, you lose. Let ‘em rot. That was essentially the message CNN counterterrorism analyst and former CIA operative, Phil Mudd was sending the American citizens and Afghan allies that couldn’t make it to the Kabul airport because they’re too scared to rick going outside or live in other parts of the country. His comments were so shocking that they even took


Kabul Karen: Joy Reid’s Three Nights of Spin for Biden on Afghanistan

August 18th, 2021 11:20 PM

All week, MSNBC’s The ReidOut host Joy Reid has shilled for the Biden administration amidst the embarrassing and deadly collapse of Afghanistan that’s trapped thousands of Americans and Afghan allies. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Reid’s spin ranged from arguing this was what the American people wanted to blaming Donald Trump for the calamity to denouncing Afghans and the U.S.…


ABC Grills Biden on Misleading Americans on Afghan Withdrawal Chaos

August 18th, 2021 8:31 PM

President Biden’s Afghanistan disaster was so eclipsing that it was forcing the media to actually do some real journalism for a change. And during an exclusive interview with Biden on Wednesday, ABC’s normally partisan chief anchor, George Stephanopoulos grilled him on how he had misled the American people on how smoothly the withdrawal would go and how fast the Afghan military and political…