CBS Hounds Giuliani on Romney's Foreign Policy Speech, 'Tack to the Ce

October 9th, 2012 3:52 PM
Charlie Rose badgered former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday's CBS This Morning over the "few specifics" of Mitt Romney's foreign policy speech on Monday. During the interview, Norah O'Donnell boosted former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's "full of platitude and free of substance" blast at Romney's speech. Rose changed subjects midway through the segment and also…

NBC's Today Pretending That Libya Consulate Attack Isn't News Anymore

October 8th, 2012 5:08 PM
The 2007 video of then-Senator Barack Obama hinting at racism in the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina isn't the only news story that NBC's Today show stuck up its nose at during the first days of October. The morning newscast has conspicuously ignored covering the latest developments in the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. It hasn't devoted a full…

Daily Beast Headline Link to Eli Lake's Story About Pre-9/11 Benghazi

October 2nd, 2012 5:59 PM
The headline writers at the Daily Beast are either dumber than a box of rocks, or really, really don't like the content of Eli Lake's story today. The smart money should be on the latter. As of 5:20 p.m., Lake's story concerning previous attacks on Benghazi, numerous security warnings, and the State Department's refusal to beef up protection was Number 2 in the rotation on the Daily Beast's…

Politico: Romney's the One With an Adviser-Related Libya Problem

September 30th, 2012 11:35 PM
Let's see. Who has the bigger problem with Libya and the Middle East? Is it the guy who's in charge with a foreign policy in disarray who has described the first murder of a U.S. ambassador in 33 years a "bump in the road"? Or his presidential campaign challenger Mitt Romney? If we're to believe Mike Allen, Jim Vandehei, and Politico, it's Romney, where "Romney advisers at odds over Libya"…

More Obama Reelect-Presumptive Coverage at the Politico: 'America's Ne

September 30th, 2012 8:55 AM
Does anyone remember anybody in the establishment press speculating over who might hold Cabinet positions during a second Bush 43 term in the fall of 2004 without qualifying it with "if Bush is reelected"? Neither do I. But at the Politico on Thursday, the closest Josh Ragin got in an item found at the web site's "The Cable" section speculating on whether John Kerry or Susan Rice is better…

ABC Reports Obama Administration Knew Terrorists Carried Out Libya Att

September 28th, 2012 5:22 PM
ABC's Jake Tapper's Thursday report on World News stands alone as the only Big Three coverage so far of what The Daily Beast's Eli Lake reported on Wednesday - that U.S. intelligence officials had "strong indications" within a day that Islamist terrorists were behind the September 11, 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi - not a mob enraged at a controversial Internet video. By…

ABC's GMA, NBC's Today Fail to Report Susan Rice's Now-Disputed Claims

September 27th, 2012 4:11 PM
ABC's Good Morning America hasn't once reported on U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's claim on the September 16, 2012 edition of This Week that the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was "a spontaneous - not a pre-meditated - response to what had transpired in Cairo." Even worse, the morning show hasn't reported on the subsequent developments on the consulate attack over the…

Romney Refers to Benghazi as a Terrorist Attack; AP Treats as News, Ac

September 25th, 2012 6:03 PM
There is clearly no embarrassment threshold at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. In a dispatch today, an unbylined AP report headlined "Romney: Benghazi a 'Terrorist Attack'" seems to act as if this is some kind of revelation to the GOP nominee even though everyone except Obama administration insiders desperately trying to bring life to the corpse formerly known as the…

ABC, NBC Punt on Latest Developments in Libya Consulate Attack; CBS Hi

September 24th, 2012 3:52 PM
On Monday, ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today failed to air any full reports on the continuing inquiry into the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and mentioned the issue only in passing. CBS This Morning did devote a full segment to the dispute between the State Department and CNN over their use of a Ambassador Chris Stevens' personal journal, but didn't mention…

Open Thread: Will Anti-American Uprisings Impact the Election

September 20th, 2012 10:46 AM
Anti-American uprisings are suddenly sweeping the planet. Irrespective of the Obama administration's claim they're all about a video no one's seen, how big of an impact if any do you think this will have on the upcoming elections?

In Covering Reax to Dowd's 'Neocon' Rant, Politico's Byers Buries Obam

September 18th, 2012 10:24 AM
Call it "Politico Protection." Clay Waters at NewsBusters has already exposed the passive-aggressive anti-Semitism in Maureen Dowd's Sunday rant ("Neocons Slither Back") at the New York Times. So did Politico's Dylan Byers, who nonetheless thought that the Obama campaign's tweet supporting Dowd's column via its "Truth Team" (and, by inference,their  endorsement of her "neocon puppet master"…

Congressman King Schools Soledad O'Brien on Obama's 'Apology Tour

September 17th, 2012 11:23 AM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien on Monday felt the need to defend Barack Obama from criticism that his policies are at least partially responsible for the recent anti-American hostilities transpiring in the Middle East and other parts of the globe. During a heated debate with Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.) on Starting Point, O'Brien got a much-needed education on the President's "apology tour" (video…

AP on Sept. 10: 'It Will Be a Rare Day' When National Security or Terr

September 16th, 2012 9:43 PM
On September 10, in a writeup which should qualify them for immediate entry into the Journalistm Hall of Shame, the Associated Press's Julie Pace and three other assisting reporters, acting as virtual stenographers for the Obama administration and water-carriers for his reelection campaign, declared that "It will be a rare day on the campaign when terrorism, or national security for that matter…

CBS Gets in Senator Portman's Face on Embassy Apology Dispute, Breaks

September 13th, 2012 4:43 PM
Thursday's CBS This Morning rushed to President Obama's defense over the spat between the Democrat and opponent Mitt Romney over a statement issued by the U.S. embassy in Cairo, Egypt condemning an obscure Internet video about Muhammad. Minutes after Steve Kroft tossed softballs at the President and let him speak uninterrupted for two and half minutes, the show confronted Republican Senator Rob…