Here's a Word Rarely Used by the Press to Describe the Benghazi Consul

September 13th, 2012 4:13 PM
A report yesterday in the Toronto-based Globe and Mail ("Obama’s reaction to Benghazi will be muted") concerning the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya caught my eye. Right there in its third paragraph, Alan Jamieson said that "On Wednesday, the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was destroyed by Muslim militants." "Destroyed"? I hadn't read that anywhere else. CNN…

Time's Foroohar Compares Glenn Beck to Islamist 'Industry of Outrage

September 12th, 2012 1:13 PM
Mitt Romney's statement yesterday evening slamming the Obama administration for the U.S. embassy in Cairo's attempt to appease the Islamist protesters was "naive," MSNBC's Alex Wagner and Time magazine's Rana Foroohar agreed in a segment on the September 12 edition of Now with Alex Wagner. While Wagner said the initial statement condemning the anti-Muhammad movie was intended to calm tempers…

MSNBC's Roberts, Todd Hit Romney 'Doubling Down' on Statement About Ca

September 12th, 2012 12:09 PM
Both President Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney spoke earlier today about the horrendous murders yesterday of U.S. foreign service officials in Benghazi, Libya. Of the two, only Romney took questions from the media. Yet rather than scrutinize the president's failure to be open to inquiry from members of the press, MSBNC's Thomas Roberts and NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd devoted the…

NY Times Puts Coverage of Cairo, Benghazi Attacks on Page A

September 12th, 2012 9:43 AM
In this case, instead of "all the news that's fit to print," it's all the news that's fit to downplay. While relegating news of the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the American Consulate in Behghazi, Libya to Page A4, today's New York Times placed the following stories on the front page of its New York and National editions (HT Daniel Drezner via Instapundit):

NBC Touts Hillary Clinton Gaining 'Strength' From Mandela While 'Under

August 9th, 2012 12:35 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams gushed over a speech Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made on a trip to South Africa: "...she talked about the strength she received from Nelson Mandela back when she was first lady and the Clintons were under daily political attack." Williams read a quote from Clinton: "I was beginning to get pretty hard inside. I was beginning to…

AP Publicizes Far Left Group's Slam of Social Conservatives' Africa Ef

July 25th, 2012 7:10 PM
The Associated Press made no attempt to hide their liberal slant on Tuesday as they hyped an obscure leftist organization's report attacking American conservatives' efforts to support traditional marriage in Africa. Writer Michelle Faul repeatedly used biased labels such as "anti-gay," "religious right," and "Christian right" against social conservatives. By contrast, she made only one vague…

NBC Notes Bush Birthday and Work in Africa

July 9th, 2012 12:39 AM
Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, on Friday's NBC Nightly News, substitute host Kate Snow briefly noted that it was former President George W. Bush's 66th birthday, and that the former President was in Africa as part of an effort to fight against cancer on the Third World continent. Snow read the item:

ABC Hyped Bill Clinton's Work to 'Save a Continent,' But Skipped Georg

July 3rd, 2012 12:30 PM
When Bill Clinton went to Africa in 2007 to fight AIDS, ABC hyped his important work "to save a continent." Diane Sawyer interviewed the ex-President and Kate Snow followed him to Africa. However, the same network has, thus far, skipped former President George W. Bush's efforts to fight cancer in the same area. On the July 24, 2007, Good Morning America, Kate Snow excitedly related, "In…

WashPost Notes 'Militants' Behind Fatal Kenya Church Attacks; Reporter

July 2nd, 2012 12:57 PM
Washington Post reporter Sudarsan Raghavan filed a 12-paragraph story today, published on page A9 about "coordinated assaults... in the town of Garissa" Kenya on Sunday morning in which "[m]asked gunmen sprayed bullets and hurled grenades at two churches... killing at least 15 people and injuring several." "It was the latest in a series of attacks in this East African nation suspected of…

AP Report Waits Nine Paragraphs to Mention Islamist Terrorists Respons

June 18th, 2012 12:50 PM
So here's how it appears to me and I suspect many other news readers, never mind the real motivations. At the Associated Press, when you're covering situations like suicide bomber attacks on Christian churches in Nigeria yesterday, you hold out as long as you can in speculating about who is responsible, even though Islamist Boko Haram terrorists (and only Boko Haram terrorists) have claimed…

Nigerian Violence: AP, Reuters Won't Label Boko Haram a Muslim Terrori

June 17th, 2012 5:19 PM
It would appear that the establishment press is determined to portray a "both sides are at fault" equivalency as much as possible in Nigeria where almost none exists. Earlier today, Patrick Poole at the PJ Tatler pointed out that a brief initial Associated Press item from Lagos would cause a person, in Poole's words, to "come away mystified as to why these churches were subject to apparently…

Time Notes 'Fundamentalist War Against Moderate Islam' In Libya

January 18th, 2012 4:41 PM

NBC Highlights Bush Efforts to Fight AIDS in Africa

December 22nd, 2011 11:45 AM
Thursday's Today show gave NBC contributing correspondent Jenna Bush Hager - daughter of former President George W. Bush - the opportunity to devote a report to her father's efforts to fight AIDS. As he introduced the piece, substitute co-anchor Carl Quintanilla gave President Bush credit for the federally funded program that he pushed for when he was in office. Quintanilla:

Cain's Taliban 'Gaffe' Refuted by Cain Spokesman and Mere Minutes of I

November 19th, 2011 10:12 AM
Oops, he supposedly did it again. Herman Cain, the GOP presidential candidate who has experience as a rocket scientist on his resume, made another allegedly "stupid" remark. Why, if you buy the press's accounts of his statements, it's hard to believe the guy can dress himself in the morning without hanging his pants over his head and putting his socks on his hands. Here's what Cain said that…