Ana Marie Cox Compares Tea Party Movement to Code Pink

April 4th, 2010 5:43 PM
Ana Marie Cox on Sunday compared the Tea Party movement to the anti-war women's group Code Pink.Appearing on CNN's "Reliable Sources," the GQer formerly known as Wonkette wasn't at all bothered by Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans disrupting Karl Rove's book signing last week."It's not infringing on Karl Rove's right to speak to have someone else interrupt him." She continued, "Code Pink was to…

Liberal Journos Use End of '24' to Claim 'Torture,' Liken Intelligence

March 29th, 2010 1:22 PM
With the recently announced end of Fox's hit series "24," many liberal pundits are parading the show as a false depiction of the notion that "torture works." Contrary to their accusations, the Jack Bauer interrogation methods bear exactly zero resemblance to any actual interrogation techniques used by American military, law enforcement, or intelligence agents."On '24,' torture saves lives," the…

NY Times Still Calling 'Haditha' a Crime, Despite Acquittals of Marine

March 15th, 2010 11:49 AM
Seven of the eight Marines charged in the alleged "massacre" of 24 civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha in 2005 have been acquitted or had their charges dismissed. Yet the cover of the New York Times's Sunday Book Review is splattered with the charge that Marines at Haditha committed a "crime."Of all the crimes that sullied the record of the United States military in Iraq -- the torture of…

Don Imus’s Take on ‘Tehran Tom’ Hanks: ‘Another Panty-wearing

March 12th, 2010 2:52 PM
Don Imus, for one, is not surprised by Tom Hanks' recent comments calling WWII and the War on Terrorism racist crusades undertaken by the United States. First brought to his attention by "Imus in the Morning" producer Bernard McGuirk on the show, the remarks were news to the host - just not shocking news. "Oh darn, what a surprise. We have another panty-wearing liberal dickweed from Hollywood…

Bloomberg News Calls Jack Murtha 'Supporter of Troops', Doesn't Mentio

February 9th, 2010 6:41 PM
Bloomberg News managed to pen a full obituary of the late Congressman Jack Murtha today, calling him a "Supporter of Troops" in the headline, without once mentioning his incendiary--and unfounded--claims that a group of Marines had murdered 24 Iraqis in cold blood (h/t Washington Examiner's Mark Hemingway).Murtha, himself a former Marine, said in 2005 after two dozen Iraqis were killed in the…

NY Times Plays Up John Murtha's Anti-War Turn in Obit, Omits Smear of

February 9th, 2010 1:46 PM
John Murtha, who represented the 12th district of Pennsylvania for 35 years, died Monday. David Stout's obituary in Tuesday's edition of the New York Times, "Representative John P. Murtha Dies at 77; Ex-Marine Was Iraq War Critic," focused on Murtha's influential anti-war turn and "history of hawkishness," but omitted Murtha's smear of the military -- his preemptory claim that Marines in the town…

Politico Glosses Over Murtha's Haditha Smear

February 9th, 2010 10:14 AM
David Rogers glossed over the late Rep. Jack Murtha's (D-Pa.) Haditha Marines smear in an obituary published yesterday and updated this morning at Politico:Rather than lie low, Murtha further made himself a target with public comments in the spring of 2006 pressuring the Marine command to investigate allegations of civilian casualties at Haditha, Iraq. This infuriated many Marines, and critics…

UPDATED: Post Acknowledges Oversight, Adds Graf | WaPo Publishes Obit

February 8th, 2010 4:29 PM
Updated: Washington Post adds mention about Murtha's Haditha comments, thanks me for me pointing out omission (see bottom of post). Rep. Jack Murtha (D-Pa.) passed away earlier today, and the Washington Post has already published a 26-paragraph obituary. Post staffers Martin Weil and Carol Leonnig don't gloss over some of Murtha's political controversies, such as his penchant as a pork barrel…

Dylan Ratigan Helps Soldier-smearing Cartoonist Ted Rall to Raise Mone

February 1st, 2010 4:24 PM
It ain't easy being a laid-off hack leftist cartoonist with a penchant for slandering 9/11 widows and equating U.S. soldiers with suicide bombers. But Ted Rall got a big break on Friday when he got a chance to do a fundraising pitch for his planned trip to Afghanistan as an "unembedded" journalist.On his January 29 program, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan introduced Rall as "an award-winning cartoonist who…

Obama Proposes Huge Hike In War Spending, Will Media Revolt

February 1st, 2010 12:06 AM
Less than two months after receiving a Nobel Peace Prize, the President is proposing a huge increase in war spending.Despite his campaign pledges to the contrary, Obama's new budget calls for expenditures associated with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to increase to levels only ten percent below the average of former President George W. Bush's last two years in office.Given the media's anti-war…

Helen Thomas Asks Why U.S. Fighting ‘So-Called Terrorism,’ Hints M

January 15th, 2010 5:43 AM
On Thursday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly used the show’s regular "Reality Check" segment to highlight comments made by Hearst columnist Helen Thomas in which she questioned whether terrorists really should be called "terrorists," and seemed to express a view of moral equivalence between the United States and the terrorists with which America is at war. When asked in an interview…

BBC: Former Guantanamo Prisoners Nothing More Than Charitable Pothead

January 12th, 2010 10:10 PM
The media has frequently made the deplorable decision to present prisoners at Guantanamo Bay as innocent choir boys, wrapped up in the evil that is a U.S. prison system run by blood thirsty prison guards. Such is the case of a recent piece by the BBC, covering a love-fest reunion between the former Guantanamo guard who has seen the light, repenting for his evil ways, and two ex-inmates whose only…

Olbermann Turns To Conspiracy Theories to Absolve Obama of Underwear B

January 6th, 2010 6:14 PM
Sometimes being such fans of President Obama makes liberal media types tie themselves into knots.  As I documented earlier today, the New York Times went to great lengths to insist America's rising debt is not the administration's fault.MSNBC ranter Keith Olbermann decided to try his hand at the absurd apologetics Tuesday by concocting a wild vision of intelligence officials who care nothing…

Al Gore's Current TV Rips Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony

December 12th, 2009 2:43 PM
Following in comedian Jon Stewart's footsteps, Al Gore's Current TV mocked President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize ceremony Friday.In a "SuperNews" segment, animator Josh Faure-Brac showed Nobel Chairman Thorbjorn Jagland getting uncomfortable with the idea of giving the President a peace prize while he's sending 30,000 more troops to war.Frustrated by the exchange, Obama turned the tables on Jagland…