Lipstick on a Pig: AP Describes ADP's Job-Loss Decline as Better Than

December 3rd, 2009 3:26 PM
The coverage yesterday by the Associated Press's Stephen Bernard of payroll and human resources giant ADP's monthly jobs report for November focused on a relatively small reduction in the size of the decline in jobs lost and not on the fact that continuing to lose jobs is a bad thing.That rhetorical sleight of hand enabled the AP reporter to tell us that ADP's reported private sector job loss…

Nadal Malik Hasan and Our Absurd Current State of Affairs

December 3rd, 2009 10:02 AM
Charlie Daniels, the legendary country and rock musician, is NB's newest blogger. Considering the condition of most of the media in this country, I can't say I'm surprised at their reaction to the murder of 13 and wounding of 30 soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas.They are trying to blame Maj. Nadal Malik Hasan's terrorist act on the stress of being in the Army and harassment by other soldiers because…

Matthews Calls Cheney an Ankle Biter, Backtracks on West Point 'Enemy

December 2nd, 2009 9:00 AM
There's something about these big events that cause MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews to go off script and say something seemingly ridiculous. Matthews has publicly admitted President Barack Obama has given him a thrill up his leg after a campaign speech in Feb. 2008, and uttered "oh God," earlier this year after an Obama address to Congress, prior to the Republican response from Louisiana…

Matthews Calls West Point, Site of Obama Speech 'The Enemy Camp,' 'Str

December 1st, 2009 9:28 PM
Either MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews let one slip tonight, or it was an extremely poor choice of words. Following President Barack Obama's Dec. 1 speech, which he announced his intentions for increasing troop levels in Afghanistan, MSNBC followed with wrap-up coverage of his speech with arguably three of their most prominent on-air personalities - "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann, "The…

Disgraced Anchor Dan Rather Names Abu Ghraib ‘Startling Scoop’ of

December 1st, 2009 4:03 PM
Writing for Newsweek magazine’s feature on the top ten “startling scoops” of the past ten years, ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather identified the most shocking: “Abu Ghraib has opened our eyes, serving as a dark icon that reminds us our fiercest enemies – hubris, cruelty, and ignorance – wage war from within.”Rather went on to proclaim that the prisoner abuse scandal “is still the subject of…

Prior to Release, 'Brothers' Director Blames American People For Anti

November 30th, 2009 12:40 PM
The budget for "Brothers," per director Jim Sheridan, is $25 million, which probably doesn’t include marketing for promotion and … well, tell me again how Hollywood is driven by profit and not ideology? We’re a month away from 2010 so it’s hard to argue “Brothers” went into production before everyone was well aware that every single war film flopped miserably. But who does the snob Sheridan…

Cal Thomas: Media Eager to Criticize Bush for Abu Ghraib Now Reluctant

November 28th, 2009 11:55 PM
It's a night and day difference between the media's scrutiny of former President George W. Bush and the current command-in-chief, President Barack Obama. And the coverage of three Navy SEALs now facing a court martial that captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq, who allegedly was the mastermind of the murder of four Blackwater contractors in Fallujah in 2004, is proof. John Scott,…

Did Gen. David Petreaus Utter the Forbidden Word

November 12th, 2009 7:44 AM
(The following is satire -- I hope) Forget Ford Hood and investigating the so-called "terror" connections of Nidal Hasan. Yours truly has come across something the current crowd running our government might see as even more sinister. The Obama administration, the FBI, the Justice Department, and, most importantly, the White House's speech police simply have to get on this right away. You see,…

CBS’s Schieffer Blames Army for Ft. Hood Shooting

November 9th, 2009 5:32 PM
At the end of Sunday’s Face the Nation on CBS, host Bob Schieffer offered commentary on the cause of the mass shooting at Fort Hood: “That doctor [Major Nidal Hasan] should not have been at Fort Hood. I don’t care how hard-up the Army is for mental health professionals....sadly, this shows the Army still does not take protecting soldiers’ mental health as seriously as it does training them to…

CS Monitor: 'Code Pink Rethinks Its Call for Afghanistan Pullout

October 8th, 2009 6:27 PM
When a prominent anti-war group changes its position on whether or not American troops should be pulled out of Afghanistan, you would think typically anti-war media outlets would be all over the news.Apparently not, for a Christian Science Monitor article published Tuesday concerning Code Pink's change of heart on the war in Afghanistan mysteriously generated very little media attention.Before…

Why It's Okay to Laugh at Obama's Olympic Fail

October 6th, 2009 12:56 PM
So while chuckleheads like Jesse Jackson and Senator Roland Burris hilariously blame George Bush for Chicago losing the 2016 Olympics, whiny columnists like Mike Lupica are up in arms that conservatives might be gloating over President Obama’s big screw-up. Apparently laughing at all this is somehow anti-American, because Obama is our President, and he was doing this for all of us.You know… kind…

Crutsinger's Crud, Part 3: AP Again Erroneously Cites Cost of Wars As

September 14th, 2009 11:42 PM
Somebody really needs to find the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger some OCD therapy. It seems that he has a not-magnificent obsession with the two major theaters of the War on Terror (yeah, I still call it that), and that he seemingly won't be able to conquer it without outside intervention. In his report on August's federal budget deficit, the AP reporter continued to cite the wars in Iraq…

MRC/NB's Bozell Slams AP for Publishing Photo of Mortally Wounded Mari

September 4th, 2009 12:53 PM
Reacting to the Associated Press's decision to publish -- against a grieving father's wishes -- a photo of a mortally-wounded Marine, MRC President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell blasted the news wire in a statement today: The Associated Press should be ashamed for even thinking something as preposterous as this. This photo will do nothing but cause great sorrow for the family of a hero.…

N.Y. Times Remembers the 'Kinder, Gentler, More Conservative Take' of

August 20th, 2009 4:58 PM
In a Thursday New York Times appreciation of CBS producer Don Hewitt, television writer Mike Hale avoided the whole concept of liberal bias in the work of Hewitt or his creation, 60 Minutes. Instead, Hale suggested that in threading the needle between an "increasingly radicalized" audience and stuffy advertisers, CBS and Hewitt created a "kinder, gentler, more conservative take" for 60 Minutes…