Philly Inquirer: No 4th For You, America is Evil, WOT is a 'Scam

July 1st, 2008 7:41 PM
You know, I was wondering when this was going to happen, when someone in the MSM would say Bush has ruined July Fourth? The Philadelphia Inquirer didn't disappoint by wallowing in the worst example of blame-America-above-all as well as the most extreme case of BDS that I've seen outside the kind of nutroot sites like Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground. A mainstream paper has now gone that…

CNN Finds NEW Way to Count Body Bags, Now in Afghanistan

July 1st, 2008 12:51 PM
We've taken notice that Iraq is suddenly out of the news now that things are consistently going so well for U.S. forces there. Well, since CNN can't find much bad to talk about in Iraq they've finally found some "bad" news they can use as a needle to stick in the Bush Administration's collective eye. In Coalition troop deaths in Afghanistan surpass Iraq, CNN has discovered that they can make a…

WaPo Buried Haditha Dismissal, Gave One Paragraph to Acquittal

June 18th, 2008 12:14 PM

Media Snoozing Through Another Haditha Development

June 17th, 2008 5:47 PM
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani is the latest Marine to turn out not to be a "cold-blooded killer" that the media and Democratic politicians painted Marines charged with the Haditha "massacre" to be. This two weeks after another Marine was acquitted in a Haditha court martial. has the AP story about the dismissal of charges against him here.:CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - A military judge…

NY Times Reporter: McCain Trying to Live Down 'Warmonger' Reputation

June 9th, 2008 5:07 PM
John McCain's first major television ad of the general election campaign is an apparent attempt to inoculate himself from criticism of his support of the Iraq War by  underlining the fact that War Is Hell. New York Times reporter Julie Bosman used the opportunity (in the paper's regular Ad Campaign feature on Saturday) to suggest from out of nowhere that McCain had a "warmonger" reputation to…

Another Haditha Marine Acquitted

June 5th, 2008 12:35 PM
Another day and another Marine acquitted of charges from the so-called "Haditha massacre" that left-leaning journalists (doing the bidding of Democrat Jack Murtha) insisted actually happened.Bob Owens has the story you won't be seeing on tonight's ABCNNBCBSMSNBC shows: A military jury has acquitted 1st Lt. Andrew Grayson of all charges that he helped cover up the killing of 24 Iraqis in Haditha…

Garrison Keillor Mocks Patriotism

May 28th, 2008 2:46 AM
I guess out on Lake Blowbegone, patriotism isn't kosher? Keillor just seems, nose in the air, to find all that lowborn patriotism so woefully gauche. At least, one might get that impression by reading the attack penned by Garrison Keillor against the patriotism evinced by the folks who don their red, white and blue, along with their leather jackets and hop on their Hogs to join the long line of…

Memorial Day... A Great Time For Stories About How Bad Our Troops Are

May 26th, 2008 8:47 PM
On the weekend when America finds her citizens taking just a little time out of their cluttered and busy lives to pause and memorialize the sacrifice of those who have served and protected us all, the media always sees fit to make their observance of Memorial Day the issuance of stories about how bad our solders are, how bad they have it, or how bad they deserve to be treated. This year is no…

Jessica Lange Decries Bush Era of Torture, Prison Camps, and War

May 26th, 2008 1:51 PM

My Hometown Paper's Lead Memorial Day Article Focuses on Depression

May 26th, 2008 6:47 AM

The AP Maligns Our Soldiers On Memorial Day Weekend

May 24th, 2008 2:13 PM
It's a happy Memorial Day from the Associated Press as they inform that nation that a few Marines involved themselves in a "shooting spree" in Afghanistan. Yes, the AP makes it seem as if our Marines began "firing indiscriminately at vehicles and civilians" during a March 4th altercation near Nangarhar province. But, a closer read finds a far murkier story and one that seems to say that our…

Lt. General Sanchez Slams Media's Iraq Coverage on FNC

May 21st, 2008 7:45 PM

Stephen King’s Third Explanation Still Unapologetic to Military

May 14th, 2008 8:20 PM

SacBee: Anti-War Bias Hidden in Tale of Iraqi Girl Getting New Legs fr

May 12th, 2008 10:30 PM
Here is a sad example of the subtle anti-war bias that the MSM constantly hides in stories even when they are heartwarming tales of the great things our soldiers do for the people of Iraq. In this case, it is the Sacramento Bee putting in some almost subliminal anti-war sentiments in the mouth of Staff Sgt. Luis Falcon who worked his heart out to get some prosthetic legs for an 11-year-old Iraqi…