AP: Military Hits Recruiting Goals Despite 'Slow Economy,' and 'Unpopu

May 12th, 2008 9:13 PM
Don't you just love the MSM? They can't even report good news without interjecting their doom and gloom, agenda driven verbiage into any report. This time it is the Associated Press with the good news that the Marines and the rest of America's armed forces have reached their recruiting goals. In fact, many branches of the service exceeded them. All good news, right? Well, naturally the AP had to…

Wednesday Funnies: 'Halp Us Stevin Kenk

May 7th, 2008 7:35 PM
For Stephen King's benefit, our friends at Are We Lumberjacks have updated an hysterical picture from November 2006 which humorously mocked John Kerry's offensive anti-military remark:

Military Members Respond to Horror Author's Illiteracy in the Army Com

May 7th, 2008 3:31 PM
Horror author Stephen King's comments regarding illiteracy and the military have drawn criticism from the United States Army according to a report by CBS-TV affiliate in Washington, DC, WUSA channel 9.As NewsBusters reported Monday, King recently told a group of high school students at the Library of Congress, "If you don't [read], then you've got, the Army, Iraq, I don't know, something like…

AP: 'Stephen King Fires Back After [NewsBusters] Blogger Attacks Remar

May 6th, 2008 8:10 PM
The battle between NewsBusters and horror novelist Stephen King went national Tuesday when the Associated Press picked up the story.For those that haven't been following this, on Monday, NewsBusters reported King's disgraceful comments -- made in front of a group of high school students at the Library of Congress in April -- about people who can't read having few options other than to enlist in…

Horror Author Tells Fans to Email NB, Shuts Down Discussion of Anti-mi

May 6th, 2008 11:28 AM
The saga of horror novelist Stephen King's disgraceful comments about America's military took an interesting turn Monday when shortly after instructing visitors to his website to send me a message stating "Hi, Noel—Stephen King says to shut up and I agree," his own message boards were shut down.This followed the creation of a number of threads by members that wanted to comment about King's…

Once More Unto the Breach: More Biased AP Reporting in Iraq

May 5th, 2008 2:39 PM
It seems to matter little whether the location is Gaza or Baghdad. If there is a way to spin a story, Associated Press reporters will find it.Today, American forces called in an AC-130 for support when they came under fire in the Kazimiyah district of Baghdad.The Associated Press editorializes: The AC-130, a lethal tool used by the military since the Vietnam War, can slowly circle over a…

Writer Stephen King: If You Can't Read, You'll End Up in the Army or

May 5th, 2008 9:54 AM
Remember shortly before Election Day 2006 when Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) suggested that if you don't get a good education, "you get stuck in Iraq" (video available here)? Well, last month, famed horror author Stephen King was speaking in front of a group of high school students at the Library of Congress, and he virtually made the exact same statement.For those that can bear it, what follows is…

CBS’s Simon to Israeli Air Force Pilot: ‘You Don't Look Like a Kil

April 28th, 2008 2:02 PM
On Sunday’s CBS "60 Minutes," anchor Bob Simon talked to members of the Israeli Air Force and asked one pilot, Captain Omri, about air strikes in the Gaza strip in which civilians occasionally are killed: It's a classic guerilla war. Fifty dollar rockets made in the back alleys of Gaza against Israel's $50,000 missiles. The Israelis will tell you that kind of expense buys precise weapons which…

Rev. Wright's Press Club Debacle Has CNN Anchor Groaning 'Ah, Boy

April 28th, 2008 11:49 AM
How bad was Reverend Wright's appearance before the National Press Club this morning? Bad enough that even CNN contributor Roland Martin—who yesterday enthused about Wright's address to the Detroit NAACP, who gave Wright's chat with Bill Moyers an 'A'—flunked it with an 'F.' Bad enough that David Gergen condemned it as "narcissistic almost beyond belief." Bad enough that, introducing a panel…

Former NBC Analyst Confirms He Quit Due to Network's Move to the Left

April 27th, 2008 11:21 AM
Last February, NewsBusters reported the resignation of retired Col. Ken Allard from NBC News as a result of the military analyst's view the network was undergoing a "precipitous retreat from journalistic and ethical standards."On Sunday, Allard was more specific, claiming, "I thought they really had moved very slowly to the left, and I also thought that when they had the chance to clarify to the…

Time Editor: Objective Journalism a 'Fantasy'; Justifies Greening of I

April 22nd, 2008 11:38 AM
Time magazine Managing Editor Richard Stengel continued to defend the magazine's doctoring of the iconic Iwo Jima flag-raising photo in a speech April 21 - calling it a "point of view." But perhaps one of the most appalling revelations to come out of Stengel's defense of the photo is his idea of the role of objectivity in running a legitimate news magazine. During his speech at the University of…

Time Spokesman Unapologetic for Offending Veterans; Calls Cover ‘Res

April 19th, 2008 4:45 PM

Time Magazine Cover Sparks Outrage from Iwo Jima Vets

April 18th, 2008 1:22 PM
The powers at Time magazine, who now approach reporting the issue of climate change with a holier than thou persona, as blogged yesterday by NewsBusters' Mark Finkelstein, have ruffled the feathers of a few Iwo Jima veterans. The Time cover story by Bryan Walsh calls green "the new red, white and blue." But Donald Mates, an Iwo Jima veteran, said this goes a little too far. He told the…

LAT Op-ed Writer Compares Petraeus' Ribbons to Chotchkie's Flair

April 9th, 2008 6:40 PM
"Memo to Petraeus: When you're making the case for more patriotic gore, go easy on the glitter." That's how Los Angeles-based writer Matthew DeBord concluded his LA Times op-ed entitled "Petraeus' 'ribbon creep.'"So DeBord apparently thinks ribbons worn on the service dress uniform are the equivalent of "flair" that Chotchkie's waiters wore in the comedy classic "Office Space"? Here's how DeBord…