NYT Focuses on Sen. Jay Rockefeller's Apology, Not Offensive Anti-McCa

April 9th, 2008 3:09 PM

Media Provide Little Coverage to Medal of Honor Awardees

April 8th, 2008 6:23 PM

News Agencies Slow to Cover Rockefeller Smear of McCain, Fighter Pilot

April 8th, 2008 6:08 PM

CBS’s Smith Uses Democratic Talking Points on Iraq

April 8th, 2008 12:43 PM
In an interview with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," about the upcoming congressional testimony of General David Petraeus on the Iraq war, co-host Harry Smith began by asking a question that perfectly toed the Democratic Party line: "David Petraeus is going to come before this committee this morning. He's going to say in more -- you know, more elaborate words than I will right now…

TMZ.com Continues Mocking Military for Recovering WWII 'Old Bones

April 4th, 2008 4:16 PM
Online gossip blog TMZ.com just doesn't know when to quit. In this April 3 post, the site took time from its busy schedule tracking celebrity train wrecks to condescendingly mock former “Bachelor” reality star Navy Lt. Andy Baldwin yet again for retrieving WWII remains. This is the third time TMZ has knocked Baldwin for “diving for old bones." The bashing began in a March 20 post that explained…

Former Saddam Officer, Now NYT Reporter, Apparently Involved in Over

April 1st, 2008 10:45 AM
To refresh from what I posted on earlier this morning (NewsBusters; BizzyBlog [third item at post] -- here's the admission from New York Times reporter Qais Mizher, in his report from Basra in yesterday's Times: Early last week, when the assault started, I happened to be in Diwaniya, another southern city, as part of my work as a reporter and translator for The New York Times. Calling on my…

Richard Miniter: NYT Reporter in Basra Is Former Saddam Officer

April 1st, 2008 9:22 AM
This is not an April Fool's gag. Richard Miniter at Pajamas Media caught the jaw-dropping significance of these two paragraphs in a New York Times report by Qais Mizher out of Basra (HT Instapundit; bolds are mine): Early last week, when the assault started, I happened to be in Diwaniya, another southern city, as part of my work as a reporter and translator for The New York Times. Calling on my…

CBS’s Pelley: Innocent Man Tortured In ‘America's Shadow Prison Sy

March 31st, 2008 4:45 PM
On Sunday’s "60 Minutes" on CBS, anchor Scott Pelley interviewed Murat Kurnaz, a german-born Muslim man who was released from Guantanamo Bay after five years, having been found innocent of terrorist activity, and as Pelley declared: "At the age of 19, Murat Kurnaz vanished into America's shadow prison system in the war on terror...The story Kurnaz told us is a rare look inside that clandestine…

Students Shout 'Tase 'Em' as Protestors are Removed From Rove Speech

March 29th, 2008 8:03 PM
Former White House advisor Karl Rove gave a speech at George Washington University on Friday that was disturbed by protestors from the anti-war group Code Pink.As the "insurgents" were being removed from the Harry Harding Auditorium by security guards, students in attendance could be heard comically shouting "Tase 'em!" (embedded video to the right).As reported by The Conservative Voice, in…

WaPo Doesn't Understand Why Hollywood's Dismal Iraq War Pics Are Flopp

March 25th, 2008 12:06 PM

Minn. Star Trib Publishes Help Wanted Ad For Anti-Military Story

March 21st, 2008 11:51 AM
This is really taking their quest to find stories that makes victims out of members of the U.S. military to the farthest degree! The Minneapolis Star-Tribune is apparently now resorting to advertising to dredge up women in the military "whose marriage is ending" for a story they want to write. There is really only one reason they'd want such examples and that is so that they can show that the…

Five Years of Media Slant Against Iraq War Success

March 19th, 2008 10:12 AM
Exactly five years ago, an international coalition of troops led by the U.S. invaded Iraq, overthrowing Saddam Hussein's tyrannical dictatorship in just three weeks. Since then, Iraqis have voted in free democratic elections to seat a representative parliament; Saddam and several of his henchmen have been tried and convicted in public war crimes trials; and a bloody insurgency fomented by al…

AP Just Noticed 'Iraq War Disappears' From TV

March 17th, 2008 7:30 PM
Apparently, AP's television writer David Bauder just noticed that the Iraq war has been canceled as TV fare lately. Maybe Mr. Bauder should have been reading Newsbusters because our own Rich Noyes noticed how the war had vanished from TV all the way back on Feb. 28th. Of course, Bauder is trying to spin this neglect as mere "fatigue," as if the war were a fad that people have just grown tired…

Cheney Derangement Syndrome Strikes the Chicago Sun Times

March 8th, 2008 6:04 PM
You seriously have to question why the mainstream media feels compelled to hire activists to pose as reporters in their precious newspapers. I contemplated taking the higher road in this article and setting emotion aside. But I feel compelled to call it like it is. Why should I or anyone else sit idly by while feckless reporters such as Abdon M. Pallash of the Chicago Sun Times use the power of…