
CNN Uses Maher Tweet To Revisit 'Islam is A Violent Religion' Debate

September 9th, 2014 6:21 PM
Don Lemon returned to the question of whether Islam is an inherently violent religion on Monday's CNN Tonight, as he interviewed Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison and author Reza Aslan. Lemon turned to his two Muslim guests for their take on a recent Tweet by atheist HBO host Bill Maher: "ISIS, one of thousands of Islamic militant groups beheads another. But by all means let's keep pretending all…

Salon Columnist Twists Ray Rice Beating Scandal to Blast Hobby Lobby

September 8th, 2014 6:56 PM
Left-wing columnist CJ Werleman couldn't resist using athlete Ray Rice's suspension from the NFL on Monday as a means to attack social conservatives. Werleman took to Twitter and snarked, "If Ray Rice continues to treat women like that, he'll end up running the Hobby Lobby."

Militant Atheist Richard Dawkins: It's 'Immoral' To Let Down Syndrome

August 20th, 2014 2:45 PM
On Wednesday, outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins ran to the defense of the all-too-common practice of aborting Down Syndrome babies in a series of posts on Twitter. Dawkins endorsed the New Republic piece of fellow atheist Jerry A. Coyne, which slammed the Catholic Church for its "medieval morality" of opposing abortion, and added that "Ireland is a civilised country except in this 1 area....You…

AlterNet Writer: Fox News Audience’s Fear of Atheists Is Just Part o

August 15th, 2014 5:34 PM
When last seen in these parts about a month ago, writer CJ Werleman asserted that Jesus was a proto-Marxist. On Thursday, staunch atheist Werleman, author of books including God Hates You. Hate Him Back, charged in an AlterNet piece that Fox News has in recent years “waged a relentless war on atheism” because the channel’s viewership is “afraid of an America they no longer understand…afraid of…

CBS Spotlights China's Underground Catholics as Pope Visits S. Korea

August 14th, 2014 4:28 PM
Thursday's CBS This Morning stood out for zeroing in on the plight of Catholics in China, as it covered Pope Francis's trip to South Korea. Seth Doane noted the Pope's overflight of the communist country, and pointed out how "that's significant, because the last time a pope wanted to fly through Chinese airspace was in 1989, and Beijing refused the request." The Pope at that time, St. John Paul…

WashPost Critic Lets Woody Allen Play the Moralist, Slam 'Pernicious

July 27th, 2014 7:48 AM
Sunday’s Washington Post carried an interview with filmmaker Woody Allen by movie critic Ann Hornaday. She noted Allen’s latest movie “evokes at least two of life’s most rewarding subjects to contemplate: the South of France and God.” Allen shot back: “At least the South of France exists!” Hornaday oozed, “The zinger is vintage Allen, from its steadfast, playfully expressed atheism to its…

The New Yorker Mocks Hobby Lobby With The 'Crotch Cozy

July 20th, 2014 6:43 AM
Gay playwright and screenwriter Paul Rudnick was assigned by The New Yorker to mock the Hobby Lobby decision and those religious freaks who support it. This came naturally, since Rudnick wrote the satire “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told,” in which God makes Adam and Steve, along with the first lesbians, Jane and Mabel. In the script’s introduction, he writes “I believe in what human beings…

CBS Airs Feminist Rock Star's Anti-Jesus Song: 'I Wish The Virgin Woul

July 18th, 2014 10:45 AM
CBS put on an anti-religion jeremiad early Thursday morning on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson: a feminist musician who likes “wearing and making something Satanic since music is so not right now.” Piano-banging rock singer Kristeen Young made her late-night TV debut, accompanied by Foo Fighters stars Dave Grohl and Pat Smear. She sang the song “Pearl of a Girl” that criticizes Islam,…

Jon Stewart Features Angry Atheist Bill Maher Mocking 'God-Fearing' Ch

June 24th, 2014 12:40 PM
Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart took a break from spouting his left-wing version of the news to interview Bill Maher, HBO’s favorite atheist talk show host. When the host of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart asked Maher if he ever felt he had affected real change in the political world, he replied that the “needle has moved” away from religion and towards legalization of drugs, two of Maher’s pet…

Ralph Reed Defends Religion Against Maher's Aggressive Atheism On HBO

June 9th, 2014 12:35 PM
On the June 3 edition of Real Time with Bill Maher, author Ralph Reed of the Faith and Freedom Coalition held his own against the aggressively atheist HBO host. While most guests either cannot get a word in edgewise or are so baffled by Maher’s illogical liberalism they are unable to reply his radical rhetoric, Reed was able to make an argument for the importance of traditional family units and…

Hateful Bill Maher Calls Bulls*** on the Pope and Catholic Church

May 19th, 2014 3:21 PM
On his May 16 program, liberal comedian and avowed atheist Bill Maher insulted a holy sacrament of the faith of billions of people worldwide in a disturbingly crude joke involving, essentially, sexually predatory extraterrestrial alien priests [See video below. MP3 audio here]. The occasion for the so-called joke was news that Pope Francis said that in the hypothetical situation that life…

If a Koran-Burning Threat in Florida Was Major National News, Why Isn

May 10th, 2014 12:31 PM
Isn't a Satanic Mass at Harvard as national a news story as a potential Koran burning in Jacksonville? Just before the 9-11 anniversary in 2010, pastor Terry Jones – who they mocked for having a congregation of 30 even as they treated him as hugely influential – threatened to burn a Koran, drawing a major media uproar, even a TV question to the president. Catholic bloggers and…

Schultz Show: ‘Scalia Law a Lot Like Sharia Law

May 8th, 2014 2:30 PM
Allowing a brief prayer to be said at the beginning of a court case is akin to stoning and beheading people for not following your religion, according to liberal comedian John Fugelsang.  On MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” May 6, Fugelsang actually compared the recent Supreme Court decision in Greece v. Galloway to allow prayer in government as reminiscent to Muslim Sharia Law. Really? Fugelsang called…

NPR Asks if Allowing Prayer at Government Meetings Is ‘Essentially O

May 7th, 2014 10:36 AM
On Monday May 5, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that government meetings can include an opening prayer without violating the United States Constitution and NPR did its best to spin the ruling as severely troubling for religious minorities. On Monday’s All Things Considered program, reporter Carrie Johnson asked“The question before the Supreme Court, whether Greece did enough to…