NPR Extends 'Unholy Week' With Feminist-Socialist Barbara Ehrenreich A

April 13th, 2014 9:12 AM
It started sounding like Unholy Week on NPR. On the national show “Fresh Air,” one day after Bart Ehrman insisted Jesus didn’t see himself as God, host Terry Gross brought on another atheist author, Barbara Ehrenreich. The segment was titled "A Nonbeliever Tries to Make Sense of the Visions She Had as a Teen." Or as Hanna Rosin summarized it for Slate: “Could Barbara Ehrenreich, fourth-…

‘Cosmos’ Features Cartoonish Churchmen as Cartoon Villains

March 10th, 2014 3:43 PM
You’d think a show whose mission is to explore the unimaginable vastness of time and space wouldn’t waste a big chunk of its first episode on an obscure 400-year-old incident of negligible scientific significance. But hey, there’s always time to beat up on the church! “Cosmos,” the new 13-part reboot of the old Carl Sagan show airing on Fox and the National Geographic Channel, is supposed to…

Daily Beast’s Kirsten Powers Misleads On ‘The Anti-Gay Law Blizzar

March 3rd, 2014 12:23 PM
Liberal columnist and Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers had a field day in her March 3 “Daily Beast” piece where she went on a lengthy rant distorting and attacking supporters of Arizona bill SB 1062. Powers, a pro-life evangelical who is a rarity among liberals for her Christian values, seemed to jump the ship in her outright mischaracterization of a the motives of proponents of the now-…

Bozell Column: Sarah Silverman's Insult Act Gets Old

January 4th, 2014 8:14 AM
Sarah Silverman celebrated Christmas in her usual mode: mocking Christians, and religion in general. On Twitter, she wrote “Happy Birthday, Jesus! I'm sorry [you] were murdered by people afraid of new ideas!” Her last HBO special in 2002 was even mockingly titled “Jesus Is Magic.” Her new special was called “We Are Miracles.” Once again in the new show, she made fun of the death of Jesus, as…

MSNBC’s Reid Bashes Palin for Having a Christmas Tree...on Christmas

December 26th, 2013 6:51 PM
As NewsBusters has reported for years, the hatred liberal media members have for and display towards former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin knows no bounds. On MSNBC’s Ed Show Thursday, substitute host Joy Reid castigated Palin first for having the nerve to show family pictures on Fox & Friends Christmas Eve – the horror! – but also for having a Christmas tree on - wait for it! - Christmas (…

Tim Robbins: A Catholic Priest Took Me To See ‘Deliverance’ When I

December 19th, 2013 4:14 PM
Can you imagine a priest taking a group of altar boys to see the movie “Deliverance?” According to Tim Robbins, when he was an altar boy in New York City, at the age of ten or eleven, a priest at his church took him and some other altar boys into Times Square to see the R-rated film which contained a brutal homosexual rape scene.

Maher: ‘There's Always a Good, Moral, Christian Reason to Tell Every

November 9th, 2013 2:22 PM
If it’s Friday, HBO’s Bill Maher must be attacking conservatives as well as people of faith. On the most recent installment of Real Time, the host did a lengthy segment accusing religious conservatives of being hypocrites saying, “There's always a good, moral, Christian reason to tell everyone you meet to f--k off and die” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NPR Oozes All Over Author of 'The God Delusion' as 'The World's Top Th

September 28th, 2013 10:38 PM
NPR is a very favorable place for atheists. Richard Dawkins, the harsh leftist author of “The God Delusion,” was smothered in air-kisses on the Diane Rehm Show on Tuesday (distributed across the country from WAMU-FM in DC). Fill-in host Katty Kay of the BBC began: “This year Richard Dawkins was voted the world's top thinker in Prospect Magazine's poll of 10,000 readers in more than 100…

Huffington Post: Bill Maher's 2008 Documentary Religulous 'Shockingly

August 12th, 2013 3:33 PM
On Monday, the perilously liberal Huffington Post put the following headline on its front page: 6 Famous Documentaries That Were Shockingly Full Of Sh*t   Unbelievably, one of the films totally lambasted in the piece was - wait for it! - Bill Maher's "Religulous" from 2008 (serious vulgarity alert):

Bill Maher: ‘God in the Old Testament Is a Psychotic Mass Murderer

July 27th, 2013 2:17 AM
Bill Maher has said some disgusting things about religion before. Possibly the most disgusting came on HBO’s Real Time Friday when the host actually said, “God in the Old Testament is a psychotic mass murderer” (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):

Steve Roberts: 'What's Missing Often in TV Newsrooms: There Are Plenty

June 30th, 2013 7:32 PM
Readers are advised to prepare themselves for a rare dose of sanity and reality on television. On CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday, journalism professor Steve Roberts actually said, "What's missing often in TV newsrooms: there are plenty of gays, there are very few people of faith and very  few evangelical Christians who in their own beliefs would be against gay marriage. And this has always…

Maher: ‘The Pope’s an Atheist

June 1st, 2013 6:03 PM
As NewsBusters readers are well-aware, Bill Maher says some astonishingly stupid things. He may have actually outdone himself Friday, for on HBO’s Real Time, the host actually said, “I think the Pope’s an atheist” (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

NPR Promotes Atheist's Horror Movie, Where the 'Horror Is Religion Its

May 26th, 2013 8:39 AM
NPR could stand for Not Pro-Religion. It’s the taxpayer-subsidized network with the Wiccan-priestess reporter. On Friday’s All Things Considered, NPR promoted a new horror movie in which “it’s not the Devil that’s scary.” Instead, “the religious horror is religion itself.” NPR is pushing an “atheist’s take on Catholic horror.” Those teachings can be “terrifying.” (Disclaimer: NPR reserves…

On Easter, MSNBC's Harris-Perry Calls Babies 'Things' Again, Invites A

April 1st, 2013 10:11 PM
ABC wasn’t the only network to turn to atheist on Easter morning for some acidulous religion-bashing. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry turned to feminist Katha Pollitt to rip apart religions as “all invented by men for men” to repress women. That came after Harris-Perry somehow compared the morality of abortion as a less weighty matter than access to water in the Third World. Once again, like…