NY Times Hails Hugh Grant's Anti-Brexit Drive, Implies BBC's Pro-Boris

December 8th, 2019 7:47 AM
Ever since the surprise referendum result in June 2016, the New York Times and rest of the mainstream press has been virulently anti-Brexit. That has translated into hostile coverage of Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has called an election to strengthen his position as he attempts to make Brexit a reality. The New York Times is clearly stretching to attack Johnson with any weapon…

NYT Injects Anti-Capitalism, Brexit-Bashing Everywhere: 'Museum Heap'

November 16th, 2019 2:15 PM
The New York Times doesn’t just inject anti-capitalist and anti-conservative positions into its “news” coverage, but uses every section to make its arguments, concealed under the rubrics of Arts or Style. The Times is gleeful over the inevitable demise of capitalism, as demonstrated by an enraptured take by culture reporter Jennifer Schuessler of a hard-left satirical exhibit, “Museum of…

This Lefty Actor: Brexit Figure Should Be ‘Hung, Drawn and Quartered’

November 2nd, 2019 1:30 PM
Steve Coogan is unabashedly pro-European and anti-Brexit. The comic actor from Stan & Ollie, Philomena and The Trip franchise often lets his films do the talking for him. He attacked conservative talk radio most recently with Hot Air, and his new film, Greed similarly swipes modern-day capitalism.

Nasty Tina Brown Blames ‘Racist’ ‘Brexit England’ for Royal Woes

October 24th, 2019 1:16 PM

Leave it to liberal Tina Brown to turn a discussion about the woes of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle into one about the “racist” politics of “Brexit England.” The former Newsweek editor appeared on CBS This Morning, Thursday, to discuss the British tabloids and the royal family. Co-host Anthony Mason offered Brown the opportunity to bash her home country by wondering, “What role do you think…

Brexit-Sliming NYT Has Gall to Attack 'Right-Wing' Pro-Brexit Press

October 24th, 2019 11:45 AM
Some nerve: New York Times anti-Brexit reporter Benjamin Mueller devoted 1,350 words Monday to going after his competitors on the Brexit-beat, accusing other media outlets of slanting the news in favor of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s quest to fulfill the 2916 vote to withdraw the United Kingdom from the European Union. As if the Times and Mueller himself hasn’t been notoriously, often…

After Years of Sliming, NYTimes Dares to Call THIS Rhetoric Violent

September 28th, 2019 3:00 PM
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s push for Brexit has made the New York Times lose its wits. Reporter Benjamin Mueller filed the audacious story on Friday: “Johnson Is Told His Slurs on Opponents Could Incite Violence – Female M.P.’s Against Brexit.” The text box: “Linking a leader’s incendiary language to death threats.” Such a story takes an amazing amount to nerve for the paper to publish…

NY Times Sees ‘Evil' 'Rasputin' & 'Political Assassin’ Behind Brexit

September 10th, 2019 6:11 AM
The New York Times devoted a full page to a strikingly condemnatory profile of Dominic Cummings, a political consultant who directed the successful Leave campaign in 2016, and is also an “evil” “puppet master,” “Rasputin,” and “political assassin.” It’s of a piece with the paper’s extraordinarily slanted coverage of Brexit and the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a stout and aggressive fighter…

MSNBC Hypes Possibility of Boris Johnson Getting Arrested

September 9th, 2019 4:40 PM
How hard is it for the British Parliament to agree to the terms of a referendum that was held over three years ago? Apparently "very" and NBC chief global correspondent Bill Neely joined Hallie Jackson on Monday's edition of MSNBC Live to pile on Prime Minister Boris Johnson and to hype some insane solutions the opposition may try to get their way.

Colbert, Norton Trash 'Angry Cabbage Patch Kid' Boris Johnson

September 8th, 2019 6:05 AM
Stephen Colbert sat down with British talk show host Graham Norton during Thursday’s edition of The Late Show. Not surprisingly, the two teamed up to trash the leaders of their respective countries: President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Norton’s commentary definitely indicated that the infiltration of left-wing politics into comedy shows is not unique to the United States.

NY Times on Brexit: ‘Smug...Private School Types’ to ‘Starve Britons'

September 5th, 2019 2:27 PM
The bruising political backlash against British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his aggressive push in Parliament for a “no deal” exit from the European Union led Thursday’s New York Times. The paper blamed Brexit for everything wrong in British politics while mocking a social conservative politician for lying down on a Parliament bench: "...it was a devastating look, seeming to confirm critics…

BBC Editor: UK Conservatives Stand Up to Their Leader, Unlike GOP

September 5th, 2019 10:05 AM
If you are confused about the state of Brexit and the latest news out of Britain surrounding  embattled Prime Minister Boris Johnson, have no fear, MSNBC Live host Hallie Jackson invited BBC North America editor Jon Sopel onto her Wednesday show to make sense of it all. After explaining the latest parliamentary maneuvers by both the government and opposition, Jackson asked Sopel what it all means…

ABC, CBS: Critics Say ‘Liar’ Johnson Could ‘Wreck’ British Economy

September 4th, 2019 12:39 PM
ABC, CBS and MSNBC on Wednesday all gloated at the chaos unfolding in Britain as Prime Minister Boris Johnson fights to bring Brexit to Britain three years after the country voted for it. ABC offered scare mongering warnings, saying that “critics” say “liar” Johnson will bring down the British economy with a no-deal Brexit. MSNBC’s Morning Joe predictably cheered rebel Conservatives who have…

Cut Spending and Die? NYT Blames Brexit, Austerity for Shortened Lives

August 31st, 2019 6:03 PM
Keep government spending at high levels or die young. That’s the stark choice offered by reporter Stephen Castle in Saturday’s New York Times, “Why Are Britons Living Shorter Lives? – Austerity and Illness begin to Take a Toll.” The online headline deck: “Shortchanged: Why British Life Expectancy Is Falling -- For the first time in modern history, Britons are living shorter lives, with poor…

Wash Post FREAKS Over This Brexit ‘Menace’: He’s Like ‘Rasputin’

August 26th, 2019 3:52 PM
The Washington Post’s bias doesn’t stop at the water’s edge. The paper on Sunday profiled Dominic Cummings, the man who led the 2016 Brexit Leave campaign and who now has a top job steering job to completion for Prime Minister's Boris Johnson’s government. In a supposedly objective story, writers Karla Adam and Adam Taylor smeared him as a ‘Rasputin’-like “menace” who is promoting the “divisive”…