Apocalyptic NY Times Bashes Boris Johnson: ‘End of Britain?’

July 25th, 2019 4:01 PM
There was no honeymoon for Boris Johnson, the new Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in the New York Times. The same old hostility greeted him, and his push to make good on the 2016 referendum to leave the European Union, known as Brexit: "After a lifetime of joking and blustering and maneuvering his way into jobs and then sabotaging himself with poor preparation and deceitful…

Nets Mock Brexit-Supporting Johnson: ‘Buffoon,’ ‘Boris the Clown'

July 24th, 2019 5:00 PM

All three networks on Tuesday night offered up mocking, derisive reports on Brexit-supporting Boris Johnson winning his party's support and becoming the new British Prime Minister. ABC, CBS and NBC also highlighted comparisons of the conservative leader to Donald Trump. On World News Tonight, Ian Pannell derided, “To his opponents, he's an ambitious philanderer, unfaithful in marriage, accused…

NY Times Warns of 'Talibanization' When Brexit Backers Get Their Way

July 22nd, 2019 6:50 AM
The New York Times can’t stop whining about how the UK Conservative Party determines its membership. It’s an indirect way to bash Brexit, and Conservative front-runner for the Prime Minister slot Boris Johnson, under the guise of concern for democracy, which is why this obscure issue has become a Times obsession. The latest example appeared in the Sunday edition, “1% of Voters Will Pick Britain’s…

NYT Bashes Boris, 'Virtually Cultlike Certitude' of Brexit Embrace

July 11th, 2019 2:20 PM
The New York Times does not like British Conservative politician Boris Johnson, and certainly not his Brexit cause, and makes little attempt to hide it, even in its news coverage (and forget about the opinion section). Reporter Stephen Castle’s coverage of the debate between conservatives Johnson and Jeremy Hunt over who would become the Conservative Party’s new leader (and in effect the next…

Here Comes Boris — And Donald, Too

July 11th, 2019 12:38 AM
LONDON — There is the musty smell of a police state here in old London, or should I say an inchoate police state? The present mayor, Sadiq Khan, is of the left, and he shares the left's lust for power. Everything he does indicates his hankering for power. To me, a foreigner in these parts, I sense this lust in his treatment of the automobile. The mayor envisages London as a city abundant with…

Wallace, Brennan Trash 'Xenophobic' Brexit and 'America First'

June 6th, 2019 3:43 PM
On MSNBC’s Deadline: White House Wednesday, host Nicolle Wallace weighed in on President Trump’s “cringeworthy” trip to the United Kingdom and, naturally, Wallace and her guests (including two former Obama administration officials), trashed Brexit and President Trump’s “America First” m antra as “xenophobic.” And for good measure, they called into question his mental health.

'Ashamed’ of Brexit, Elton John Declares He’s ‘Not an English Idiot’

May 31st, 2019 3:40 PM
Sir Elton John doesn’t like being a Brit anymore because so many of his countrymen do. He’s upset that the U.K. voted for Brexit and, according to The Guardian, he told an audience in Verona, Italy that “I’m ashamed of my country for what it has done.”

Bill Press on 'Milkshaking' - 'I Love That Idea', Hope it Comes to US

May 22nd, 2019 9:50 PM
Did you hear about the new study out of Berlin which found that 92 percent of left-wing activists still live with their parents? This will come as no surprise to nearly every conservative learning about it. What the study didn't look at though was what percent of left-wing activists never leave adolescence. Chances are, that answer would have been on the high end. Latest example from liberal…

Nasty John Oliver as Churchill: ‘We Haven’t Begun to F**k Ourselves'

February 20th, 2019 9:00 AM
Hard-left HBO host John Oliver went on an anti-Brexit rant, Sunday, seething about stupid voters who allowed the country to vote against the European Union. He also featured a profanity-laced tirade from a Winston Churchill impersonator, mocking his home country: “We haven’t begun to f**k ourselves!” 

NY Times Fawns Over Radio Host ‘Fighting Brexiteers With Logic'

February 10th, 2019 6:56 PM
New York Times’ reporter David Segal jeered supporters of Brexit, the 2016 vote in which Britain voted narrowly to leave the European Union, with a profile of a London radio host: “The Fame and Folly of Fighting Brexiteers With Logic -- A talk radio host wields facts, eviscerating Leavers and racking up YouTube clicks.” Segal is condescending and snide on the front page of Sunday Business,…

NYT's Politicized TV: Brexit ‘Exploitation of Nativism and Bigotry'

January 20th, 2019 7:08 PM
Reading James Poniewozik’s New York Times review of Brexit, airing on HBO and starring Sherlock’s Benedict Cumberbatch as a consultant for the successful “Leave” movement, it’s clear he isn’t a fan of the choice British voters made in June 2016 (neither is anyone else at the paper). Poniewozik has a pattern of rating shows and movies based on how anti-Trump or politically correct they are.

Brian Williams Blames Russian ‘Election Meddling’ for Brexit

January 15th, 2019 4:27 PM
Breaking into live coverage of the Senate confirmation hearing for President Trump’s Attorney General nominee William Barr, on Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC anchor Brian Williams informed viewers about the Brexit deal being rejected by Parliament in the UK. He insisted that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union was the result of Russian “election meddling.”

Decision Time on Brexit

January 3rd, 2019 7:33 PM
LONDON — To Brexit, or not to Brexit, that is the question (apologies to Shakespeare). The answer to whether the UK will pull out of the European Union as a majority of voters favored in a 2016 referendum will be decided this month. Maybe. Prime Minister Theresa May told Parliament that debate on the deal would resume on January 7. She has scheduled a vote for the following week. The vote had…

NY Times Admits Its Still Scared of 'Far-Right' 'Hard-Line' Brexit

December 10th, 2018 2:08 PM
A scheduled vote in the U.K. Parliament on “Brexit” has just been postoned, adding to the national angst over the still-pending withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union, which has been a source of bitter political fighting, and smug liberal media opposition. The New York Times has spent the intervening period mocking the majority of British people who voted for withdrawal in smug…