NYT Raids Mean Tweets for...a News Story Mocking Conservative UK Pol?

November 18th, 2018 7:03 PM
It was make-fun-of-the-conservative day in Sunday’s New York Times, where “digital editor” Palko Karasz filed a strange piece half-filled with insults culled from a Twitter “hashtag” mocking a pro-Brexit British conservative politician, Jacob Rees-Mogg: “Why Twitter Is Cursing A British Conservative Who’s Not Named May.” (That would be embattled Prime Minister Theresa May.) The online version…

NYT's Lyall Keeps Tabs on 'Stealthy and Dangerous' Pro-Brexit Boris

September 16th, 2018 2:04 PM
New York Times reporter Sarah Lyall, fiercely anti-Brexit, has made it a pastime to belittle iconoclastic, shock-haired Conservative Party politician and Brexit proponent Boris Johnson, which she does in Sunday’s paper: “Witty and Shameless, He Aims to Run Britain – A Populist, Johnson Fits Trump’s Mold.” One can assume that the comparison to Trump is not intended as a compliment. She informed…

Media Yawn as Top Liberal Leader in Europe Denounced as Jew-Hater

July 18th, 2018 5:25 PM
A major European political leader has been slammed by his own party as an “anti-Semitic racist.” So far, the networks and cable channels have ignored the public fight in Britain’s Labour Party over how to define bigotry against Jews. A Senior Labour Member of Parliament, John Woodcock, quit the party as another, Margaret Hodge, is facing discipline for angrily confronting what she saw Labour…

ABC: Trump Is ‘Barging’ Into UK Politics; Didn’t Object to Obama

July 13th, 2018 12:49 PM
An American president lecturing Britain on internal domestic matters is highly objectionable. Except when it isn’t. Good Morning America journalist Terry Moran on Friday derided Donald Trump for “barging into British domestic politics, slamming Prime Minister [Theresa] May for her plan for Brexit.” But the same Moran in 2016 had no objections to Barack Obama injecting himself into Britain’s…

CNN Reporter Gleeful About English Anti-Trump Protests

July 12th, 2018 3:00 PM
The establishment media couldn’t stump the Trump, the US politicians couldn’t derail the Donald’s campaign, and the purple-haired feminists couldn’t put a chink in his armor with all that screaming. Still there is one last hope. The petty pranksters and irreverent humorists in the UK have sworn to give the U.S. president the “trolling of a lifetime.”

Bono at UN: Organizations of Global Community ‘Under Attack’

July 3rd, 2018 3:58 PM
The world’s ambassador for peace and self-righteousness, Bono hasn’t been holding up well in light of recent criticisms against the UN and NATO.

In Series Finale, ‘Designated Survivor’ Takes Jab at Brexit

May 17th, 2018 12:57 AM
ABC’s Designated Survivor was abruptly canceled last week, so the May 16 episode "Run" was the last time the series could make yet another biased statement. In a year filled with gun-control pleas, Republican smears, and even the threat to oust a president, the series finale was almost unremarkable. However, not even the Kiefer Sutherland-led show could resist making one last political jab this…

Elitist NYT: English Town Chose ‘Sentiment’ Over ‘Facts’ in Brexit

April 24th, 2018 5:23 PM
Almost two years later, the elitist New York Times still can’t accept that the British people voted to leave the European Union with its Brexit vote. The front page story on Tuesday is snidely titled, “In Brexit Vote, Town’s Nostalgia for Seafaring Past Muddied Its Future.” 

British Netflix Drama Calls Immigration Policy 'Crass Xenophobia'

March 15th, 2018 7:00 AM
I love a British mystery as much as, if not more than, the next guy, but I could barely make it through Collateral on Netflix. It was like they had a social justice checklist and created a storyline around it, then added in some extra characters to check the boxes they'd missed.

Will Nets Notice? Prominent Lib Leader Accused of Being Commie Stooge

February 18th, 2018 7:05 PM
Late last week, a major world leader suffered serious allegations that he was, in effect, a commie stooge. But unfortunately for liberal journalists, it was Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader in Britain. According to numerous stories, the man who could very well soon be Prime Minister was paid by communist spies to pass information during the Cold War. Will the networks notice this? 

NYT Won’t Stop Bashing Brexit for Hate Crimes, Islamophobia, Etc...

November 12th, 2017 12:51 PM
The New York Times is still finding ways to stay on the snobbish losing side against the popular movement for national sovereignty known as Brexit, by relating any violent crime against an immigrant or Muslim to the U.K’s June 2016 vote to withdraw from the European Union. Reporter David Kirkpatrick made Saturday’s front page by tying Brexit to “Islamophobia” in a sympathetic profile of a mosque…

PBS Guest Likens Conservatives to Osama bin Laden on Immigration

November 1st, 2017 10:05 AM
On Friday's Tavis Smiley show, on display for PBS viewers was the latest in a parade of mostly left-wing guests getting to promote their liberal views as author Sasha Polakow-Suransky of the Open Society Foundations promoted his book -- Go Back Where You Came From -- that was critical of right-wing political movements in Europe and in the U.S. reacting against too much immigration. At one point…

Season 3 of Amazon’s ‘Catastrophe’ Begins & Ends by Devaluing Life

May 3rd, 2017 1:12 PM
Season three of Amazon’s Catastrophe, which debuted on Friday, April 28, opened and closed with two strong pro-abortion messages. Catastrophe is a British sitcom that covers the life of Rob (Rob Delaney) and Sharon (Sharon Horgan) who met while on a trip to London. Rob is American and Sharon is Irish, and the two found themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy after a week of “hooking up” in…

'Will London Fall?' NYT's Brexit Mocker Mourns Lefty Version of London

April 11th, 2017 1:49 PM
The front of Tuesday’s New York Times featured a long essay by Sarah Lyall on Brexit, “A Mighty City Trembles at a Global Crossroad -- With Britain Leaving Europe, Can London Remain a Capital of the World?” The online headline was stark: “Will London Fall?” The NYT made a big production of it, with big photos over the fold on the front and inside, with Lyall “mourning” the supposed death of the…