
AP Journalist Wants Us to Believe Brexit 'Leave' Voters Didn't Mean It

June 26th, 2016 7:11 PM
An example of how unhinged press bias builds on itself was on display Sunday morning on CNN's Inside Politics. Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer told other panel members who were criticizing Hillary Clinton for her lack of an in-person public statement on the the results of Thursday's Brexit referendum that they should doubt the legitimacy of the result. She did so by referring to "all the…

Fareed Zakaria: The Anti-Brexit Media Was Biased 'in Favor of Facts'

June 26th, 2016 3:16 PM
After spending the start of his own CNN show condemning the supporters of Brexit for being ignorant racists, Fareed Zakaria appeared on Reliable Sources to condemn pro-Brexit papers. The disgraced reporter admitted that the media does “tend to be, probably, left of center,” but argued the real bias is that, “the media does have a bias in favor of facts.” Zakaria accused papers in favor of Brexit…

ABC: Why Should Britain 'Be The First Call' The US Makes Anymore?

June 26th, 2016 12:52 PM
Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos seemed to have let his personal feelings about Brexit take over during ABC’s This Week on Sunday. The moderator asked rather ridiculous and rude questions to Sir Kim Darroch, Britain’s Ambassador to the US, about their relationship with the United States going forward. In one of his early questions, Stephanopoulos wondered why the US would even bother with…

NYT Brexit-Bashing Continues With Still More ‘Xenophobia’

June 26th, 2016 12:05 PM
Some of the endless Brexit-result bashing from the New York Times on Saturday got personal. In her “reporter’s notebook," European culture correspondent Rachel Donadio didn’t hide her contempt for the “open xenophobia” and evident ignorance of the Leave side: "This week, it wasn’t Greece that was kicked out. It was Britain that voted to leave, after a campaign of open xenophobia." Also, White…

Pundit: Right’s Support For Brexit Based On ‘Nonsense’ and ‘Tribalism’

June 26th, 2016 11:54 AM
Though the Brexit debate didn’t break down along ideological lines, some liberal writers focused their morning-after scorn on pro-Leave conservatives. Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall wrote that American conservatives rooted for Brexit because of “the same turn back…the clock to glory nonsense that animates Trumpism…American conservative glee [over Brexit] is just a retreat…

Bitter NYT Throws 'Xenophobia,' Violence Threat at Pro-Brexit Voters

June 25th, 2016 9:07 PM
After Britain’s shocking vote to leave the European Union, the country's leftist elites (and the New York Times) shouted bootless cries of “xenophobia” to the rafters. Inside the paper lurked doom-saying, paranoia, and “xenophobia,” among other plagues to be visited upon Britain for its reckless leap from the crushing embrace of the European Union, an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy staffed…

FBN’s Varney: Brexit ‘Under Polled’ Because Supporters ‘Shamed’

June 24th, 2016 5:37 PM
Reacting to the shocking news of Great Britain’s decision to exit the European Union, UK-born Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney responded to “fearmongering” and offered an explanation of the voters’ discontent. “The British have become increasingly frustrated by being ruled, essentially, in many aspects of their lives by an alien, foreign bureaucracy. Notably the bureaucrats in Brussels…

Will You Still Need Me When I’m 64? Journalists Say ‘No!’

June 24th, 2016 5:27 PM
According to a YouGov survey, 75 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds voted for the UK to remain in the EU. Only 39 percent of those 65 and over voted to remain.  Therefore, the young were, in the words of the Huffington Post headline, “screwed by older generations.”

Brexit Rumor Leads to Repeated Journalistic Errors

June 24th, 2016 5:01 PM
Who needs a crisis when you can invent one? BBC fanned Brexit fears this morning when it falsely reported that, according to “sources within Morgan Stanley,” the giant bank would be shipping 2,000 jobs to the EU in response to yesterday’s UK vote to leave the EU. Bloomberg Business Journalists Twitter list could boast that at least 12 of its journalists helped to spread this inaccurate BBC story…

On Twitter, NPR Reporter Blasts 'Isolationist' Brexit Vote

June 24th, 2016 4:49 PM
NPR's Asma Khalid made it clear in a series of posts on Twitter during the evening/early morning after the Brexit vote that she opposed the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union. Khalid initially expressed her shock after the British television network ITV projected that there was an 80 percent probability that 'Leave' would win. She later spotlighted a British Muslim's Tweet that…

Vox Notes Cluelessness of Oxford Students on Brexit Vote

June 24th, 2016 4:32 PM
The shocked reaction of Oxford University students to the Brexit vote yesterday was notable for the fact that they were so firmly esconced in their liberal bubble that even Vox took note of their extreme divorce from reality. As we shall see, it never even occurred to them that (gasp) the vote would be to leave Brexit. In fact the Oxford students clueless reactions to the vote were so laughable…

After Brexit, Todd Warns ‘Media Elites’ Not to ‘Underestimate’ Trump

June 24th, 2016 4:31 PM
On Friday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer observed that Britain’s vote to leave the European Union “would appear in the short term...[to be] a victory for Donald Trump and his political world view over Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and their political world view.” He turned to Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd and wondered: “Does Donald Trump get a bump out of this?”

Soros Set to Make Out 'Like a Bandit' From Brexit

June 24th, 2016 4:08 PM
In a vote heard ‘round the world, Britain chose to declare its own sovereignty and leave the European Union. Prior to the vote, liberal billionaire George Soros spoke out against Britain leaving the EU, but MarketWatch reported on Friday that the his recent investments have been based on “wagers that stocks will tumble.” That was the likely short-term aftermath of Brexit (CNBC’s Rick Santelli …

Shh! ABC Quiet on Obama’s Botched Effort to Sway Brexit

June 24th, 2016 3:44 PM
All three morning shows on Friday led with the “stunning” vote by Britain to exit the European Union, a move that is “rocking” the world. Yet, only ABC’s Good Morning America ignored the inconvenient fact that Barack Obama tried and failed to influence the vote this past spring. On CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose reminded, “President Obama visited in April and urged voters to stay in Europe.”