Journos' Brexit Freak Out: Britain ‘Beyond Repair,’ Blame Xenophobia

June 24th, 2016 2:11 PM
The UK’s surprising decision to exit the European Union brought out typical sneering from journalists, as well as warnings that the decision would bring doom and gloom to the country. Business Insider Finance Editor Lianna Brinded warned Britain was “beyond repair,” and the worst was “yet to come.” 

After Brexit, CNBC's Rick Santelli Cheers ‘Tea Time in London’

June 24th, 2016 12:33 PM
Shocking the whole world, the British people voted on June 23, to leave the European Union — a move nicknamed Brexit. Unexpectedly, the Leave voters won 52 to 48 percent. Although there was much anger at the decision, there were also plenty of voices cheering on the British on June 24. That chorus included CNBC On Air Editor Rick Santelli who acknowledged there would be economic ramifications,…

Celebrities Flip Out Over Brexit Vote

June 24th, 2016 12:29 PM
The sky is falling, the oceans are rising, the sun is exploding, all because the U.K. is breaking up with the EU. At least, that’s what it sounds like from reading the reactions of celebrities in the wake of the Brexit decision. Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling expressed her dismay by tweeting out “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted magic more” and “This is what happens when you try and fix a faulty…

MSNBC Guest Praises Brexit: Now Britain Can ‘Live Its Own Destiny'

June 24th, 2016 11:45 AM
On Friday the Morning Joe crew marveled over Brexit as the people of the UK spoke loud and clear: they want out of the European Union. Panelist after panelist on the morning show expressed shock and concern over the UK’s decision to go it alone. Economist Steve Rattner, on the other hand, stuck out like a sore thumb as he painted a rosier picture of the UK’s seismic decision.

NBC Freak-Out: Brexit = ‘Racism,’ ‘Threatens Western Civilization'

June 24th, 2016 11:18 AM
Appearing on NBC’s Today, analyst and Daily Beast editor Christopher Dickey launched into a tirade against Britain’s vote to leave the European Union: “...they claim it says, right off the bat, is that they were tired of all the bureaucracy of the European Union, they didn’t want all the constraints, they want their sovereignty. But what this was really about is fear, xenophobia, in some cases,…

CNN's Lib Meltdown: Brexit Means ‘Xenophobia,’ ‘White Identity’ Win

June 24th, 2016 10:26 AM
Liberal CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour suffered an epic meltdown on Thursday night as it became clear that Britain was asserting its national sovereignty and voting to leave the European Union. The sneering Amanpour repeatedly derided it as an example of “xenophobia” and “white identity” politics.

NPR ‘Morning Edition’ Airs Three Anti-Brexit Stories Day Before Vote

June 23rd, 2016 11:48 AM
Just before the UK’s vote regarding whether it should remain in the European Union (EU), National Public Radio aired three stories on Brexit on one program. All the stories were biased against leaving the EU.

Beckham, Cumberbatch, Stewart and More Celebs Fight Brexit

June 22nd, 2016 2:31 PM
Hundreds of British actors and celebrities are clamoring for Great Britain to remain part of the European Union when the nation votes this week. That’s in direct opposition to the view of many conservatives on both sides of the pond. Either result could have major economic consequences. UK citizens will vote June 23 on the contentious “Brexit” referendum. Putting their high-profiles to use, 282…

NYT Smears Brexit Voters as Islamophobic, Anti-Immigrant Paranoids

June 18th, 2016 4:04 PM
After the murder of a British Parliament member while she was on the street meeting with her constituency, New York Times reporter Steven Erlanger used the front page to smear conservative supporters of Britain leaving the European Union (known as the “Brexit” movement) as anti-immigrant paranoids and “Islamophobic,” in “Growing Dread Over Ugly Tone of ‘Brexit’ Vote.” The online headline to the…

NYT Irony Alert: Faults Pro-Brexit UK Tabloids for 'Pushing an Agenda'

June 11th, 2016 4:23 PM
Pot, meet kettle: New York Times reporter Stephen Castle unwisely waded into a media bias debate in “’Brexit’ Vote Gives Tabloids Chance to Unleash Anti-European Tendencies.” It also gave the Times a chance to unleash its snooty anti-tabloid tendencies against right-leaning media outlets that support England leaving the European Union, while being blind to irony: "Britain’s freewheeling tabloid…

NYT Taunts Silly Brits Supporting Brexit With Monty Python References

June 5th, 2016 12:49 PM
The liberal Euro-philes at the New York Times are at it again, mocking ignorant Britons for resenting the grand European Union trading bloc. London-based reporter Sarah Lyall made gentle mockery of the right-of-center push for England to exit the EU (a proposal known colloquailly as "Brexit") on Friday’s front page by evoking Monty Python, especially John Cleese: “On ‘Brexit’ Vote, British Ask If…

GMA Gaga for Little Prince George, Ignores Obama Trade Threat to UK

April 23rd, 2016 8:53 AM
Gag me with a steak and kidney pie . . . It's the most blatant example of the MSM glossing over an Obama controversy in favor of featuring a feel-good story that this NewsBuster can remember. Today's Good Morning America went gaga over Britain's little Prince George, with no fewer than four teases followed by a lengthy segment devoted to how much President Obama enjoyed the company of the tyke on…

ABC Won’t Tell You About Obama’s ‘Controversial’ Trip to Britain

April 22nd, 2016 12:41 PM
All three morning shows on Friday highlighted Barack Obama’s trip to Britain. However, only CBS saw it as “very controversial” and explained why one prominent British leader is calling the President a “bully.” ABC ignored the fact that Obama is in the country to lobby Britons to stay in the European Union. NBC noted that the Commander in Chief wrote an op-ed lecturing another country on an…