Rolling Stone Defends Bernie’s Anti-Bezos Crusade, Blasts Press Too

September 19th, 2018 5:22 PM
Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders has at least one media champion for his Stop BEZOS Act. The bill, which is obviously targeting CEO Jeff Bezos of Amazon, would levy a 100 percent tax on companies in the amount their employees receive in federal benefits.

Rick Santelli: First Two Years of Obama Were ‘A Boot on Business’

September 7th, 2018 11:51 AM
Authoritarian governments are known for having a boot on the neck of freedom. CNBC’s on air editor Rick Santelli said the Obama administration had a "boot on business." Santelli was rumbling with former Obama official and Brookings Institution economist Aaron Klein over taxes, spending and whether the Obama administration enacted “pro-growth” economic reforms.

Mitchell Forgets to Ask Warren About Radical Economic Plan

August 21st, 2018 4:14 PM
During a softball interview with Democratic Senator and potential 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell avoided asking a single question about the left-wing lawmaker’s radical proposal to impose stringent government regulations on any business with over one billion dollars in revenue. 

Lefties Cry #BoycottNathans Hot Dogs After Owner Boosts Trump

August 20th, 2018 2:27 PM
A businessman connected to Nathan’s Famous hot dogs is a close friend of President Donald Trump. His decision to host a political fundraiser for Trump on Aug. 17, infuriated the left, who responded with calls to boycott.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer Boosts Warren’s ‘Novel’ Business Regulations

August 16th, 2018 3:28 PM
Far-left Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a new plan to regulate the largest businesses and some in the media helped promote it. She published a Wall Street Journal op-ed about her new legislation, the “Accountable Capitalism Act,” on Aug. 14. The very next day, Mad Money host Jim Cramer interviewed Warren about her “Novel way to reward the stakeholders of the enterprise.” He also called the…

NBC Airs Ominous Report Hyping Dem Claims of Trump Corruption

August 9th, 2018 10:30 AM
During a report for NBC’s Today show on Wednesday, Senior Investigative and Legal Correspondent Cynthia McFadden seized on Democrats accusing President Trump of violating the Constitution, recycling year-old claims about the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. flouting a ban on an elected officials receiving foreign payments. 

Print, Online Press Ignore, Downplay Record-Low Hispanic Jobless Rate

July 8th, 2018 9:28 PM
The government's Friday June jobs report showed that the economy gained 213,000 seasonally adjusted payroll jobs, while the nation's unemployment rate increased from 3.8 percent to 4.0 percent, primarily because 601,000 more Americans were in the labor force. Despite the increase in overall joblessness, the rate among Hispanics fell to 4.6 percent, its lowest level in the over 45 years of that…

Irony-Unaware NY Times Notes China Tariffs Hit Trump's Midwest Support

July 7th, 2018 11:51 AM

The New York Times has been obsessed with the idea that Russian "meddling" somehow affected 2016's presidential election results and prevented a Hillary Clinton presidency. The Times has also served as a conduit for several leaks by opponents of President Donald Trump and others who are sympathetic with (or even part of) Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation. So it's more…

InsideClimateNews Touts First State to Sue Big Oil, After Cities Lose

July 5th, 2018 4:05 PM
The climate alarmists writers at InsideClimateNews (ICN) seemed thrilled that Rhode Island became the first state to sue oil companies over climate change. Rhode Island’s State Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin filed suit against 14 oil and gas companies and affiliates on July 2, 2018, claiming “Big oil knew for decades that greenhouse gas pollution from their operations and their products…

AP Resists, Tries to Distort Good News in Trump-Saudi Oil Discussion

July 2nd, 2018 10:28 AM
On Saturday afternoon, Ken Thomas and Jon Gambrell at the Associated Press demonstrated the wire service's chronic resistance to recognizing genuinely good news during the Trump era. The pair pretended in their story about Donald Trump's Saturday conversation with Saudi King Salman that the President could only "claim" that Saudi Arabia has agreed to significantly boost its oil production in…

Media Ignores Wage, Regulatory Issues Causing Starbucks Store Closings

June 21st, 2018 9:59 PM
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson announced Tuesday that the nation's number 3 fast-food outlet (by number of locations) is closing 150 U.S. stores. It's not difficult to read Johnson's comments as indicating that the shuttered stores will primarily be in "blue" or liberal sections of the U.S. At the same time, he has specifically targeted "middle America and the South" for expansion. The business…

Press Criticizes Trump's Jobs Tweet, Ignored Obama's Similar Actions

June 6th, 2018 6:33 PM
On Monday, columnist James Freeman at the Wall Street Journal's "Best of the Web" noted the selective memories seen in the vast majority of the press over President Donald Trump's relatively noncommittal but nonetheless protocol-breaking tweet an hour before Friday morning's upcoming jobs report. Many of them had a serious case of the vapors, but didn't recall three instances when former…

Disingenuous Wires: Court's 7-2 Gay Wedding Cake Ruling Is 'Narrow'?

June 4th, 2018 8:09 PM
Both the Associated Press and Reuters have described today's 7-2 Supreme Court ruling in Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission as "narrowly" decided and "limited." The justification for this characterization is thin, and AP has erroneously contended that "the big issue in the case, whether a business can refuse to serve gay and lesbian people," remains undecided.

AP on Record-Low Black Jobless Rate: 'Taking Chances' on the 'Ignored'

June 3rd, 2018 7:36 AM
In his coverage of Friday morning's stellar jobs report, the Associated Press's Chris Rugaber came up with a couple of doozies aimed at curbing readers' enthusiasm. The AP economics writer half-expected that employers would rein in their hiring over confrontational rhetoric President Donald Trump and other foreign leaders have recently engaged in over trade and tariffs. He also implausibly framed…