Canada Saves Pipeline After Protesters Celebrate Shut Down

May 31st, 2018 1:30 PM
The Canadian federal government will intervene to save an oil pipeline expansion project in western Canada, after environmentalists took credit for stopping it with their protests. EcoWatch and Canadian Press reported that environmental groups took an early victory lap when energy company Kinder Morgan Canada announced in April 2018, that it had temporarily halted its efforts to expand the Trans…

Starbucks CEO: 'I Am Not Aware' That Company Funds Planned Parenthood

May 30th, 2018 4:31 PM
On Maria Bartiromo's Wednesday morning Fox Business Network show, the host asked Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson to respond a Tuesday Washington Examiner op-ed by Alveda King, a longtime pro-life activist and niece of Martin Luther King Jr. King contended that if Starbucks is "really serious about eliminating racism," it will "stop funding" Planned Parenthood.

Bloomberg News Encourages Rep. Ellison’s Call to Regulate Pay

May 23rd, 2018 12:15 PM
Knowing what CEOs make compared to their workers isn’t enough for the left, they also want to regulate it. One of the leaders of the class warfare left is deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee and congressman Keith Ellison. He told Bloomberg News on May 16, the government should “start talking about” regulating corporate pay. Bloomberg News anchors failed to push back or ask…

AP April Budget Story Ignores Record Receipts to Rip Trump Tax Cut

May 19th, 2018 10:19 PM
In its April 2018 Monthly Treasury Statement, the federal government reported that it ran an all-time single-month record $214 billion surplus, primarily because it took in a record $510 billion in receipts. The Associated Press's Josh Boak ignored the collections record, even though the AP noted the previous record when it occurred in 2015. Instead, Boak presented a different and far smaller out…

AP Publishes Virtual Press Release on California's Solar Panel Mandate

May 16th, 2018 5:04 PM
On Wednesday, the California Energy Commission adopted "standards requiring solar systems for new homes" beginning in 2020. Kathleen Ronayne at the Associated Press published a virtual press release celebrating the move, and presented woefully incomplete information about the alleged financial benefits of this unelected body's latest move.

Press Frets About $3 Gas, But in 2012 Said $4 Gas Was 'Not a Big Drag'

May 14th, 2018 11:47 PM
Media outlets been hyping the recent increase in retail gas prices to nearly $3 per gallon, and primarily pinning the blame on President Trump's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear "deal." In 2012, when the price approached $4, CNN told readers that they "aren't as bad as you think," and that they weren't "a big drag on the economy" — and besides, according to the New York Times, "Gas prices are out…

CNN on Venezuela's Oil Collapse: No Mention of Socialism or Maduro

May 12th, 2018 10:30 PM
Wednesday, CNN presented yet another story about Venezuela's implosion which did a fine job of portraying that country's human misery, this time in the oil industry. Unfortunately, it was yet another example of a story failing to mention its socialist form of government or even its leader, President Nicolas Maduro. Though such omissions have long been routine in establishment press reports, …

Slate, With Unemployment Rate at 3.9 Percent: It's 'Meaningless'

May 6th, 2018 4:46 PM
You had to figure that a left-leaning journalist somewhere would denigrate Friday's news that the nation's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell below 4 percent for the first time since 2000. Jordan Weissmann, in a column beginning with a headlined contention that "The Unemployment Rate Is Meaningless," came through.

Filmmaker Debuts Play About Malfeasance In Lawsuit Against Chevron

May 3rd, 2018 10:05 AM
The saga of the environmental crusade against Chevron over pollution in Ecuador will be coming to San Francisco theater this month. Filmmaker and investigative journalist Phelim McAleer co-wrote the play The 18-Billion Prize, with Jonathan Lear. Broadway World described as a “shocking and at times farcical tale of how an environmental lawsuit turned into the world's biggest fraud.”

ABC Drama: Terrorist Revealed as Libertarian Wanting 'Free Enterprise'

May 3rd, 2018 1:41 AM
Now that the matter of presidential removal has been covered, ABC’s Designated Survivor can go back to what it’s best at: promoting the liberal agenda. When it’s not overtly defending liberal values, the show usually spends time demeaning political opponents, and this week’s story is probably the dumbest attack I’ve seen this season. Forget ISIS or even Antifa, the real threat to our nation’s…

Slate: 'Heartless' Ford to Cut Workers, Fails to Correct When Refuted

May 2nd, 2018 8:19 AM
At on Friday, Felix Salmon called the Ford Motor Company "heartless" for its plans to phase out most of its car models, because "The losers, of course, will be the workers." Saturday, Ford responded that no jobs will be lost at its Chicago Assembly plant in converting it to light truck production. Salmon posted that response at the end of his column, but in three days he and Slate haven…

Amazon, Bezos Continue to Get a Virtual Pass For Sweatshop Practices

April 21st, 2018 6:31 AM
Looking at the grief Starbucks has received for problems with two patrons at a Philadelphia store, one might ask why current Executive Chairman and former CEO Howard Schultz didn't buy some media protection by purchasing a major newspaper. Fellow Seattle-area resident and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos did that with the Washington Post in 2013. Amazon's alleged engagement in 21st-century sweatshop…

Gov. Agencies Support Anti-Alcohol Event Meant to ‘Influence Policy'

April 17th, 2018 2:39 PM
Shot: Anti-booze groups held a conference on influencing government policy. Chaser: Two government agencies were involved with the event.

Guardian Boosts Litany of Climate Lawsuits Around the Globe

March 21st, 2018 1:48 PM
The Guardian bolstered the proliferation of lawsuits against governments and companies over climate change by portraying them as incredibly significant. The left-wing British newspaper asked in all seriousness on March 20, “Can Climate Litigation Save the World?”