Climate Alarmist Blames This Weekend's Blizzard On Global Warming

December 21st, 2009 12:28 PM
Climate Progress's Joe Romm says this weekend's blizzard that rocked the Eastern seaboard was caused by global warming.That's right, folks: you can add winter storms to the neverending list of things Nobel Laureate Al Gore's bogeyman is now responsible for.Of course this isn't at all surprising, for Romm blamed the 2007 Minnesota bridge collapse on global warming.   Potentially just as…

PBS Ombudsman Agrees NewsHour Slighted 'Fascinating' Climategate E-Mai

December 21st, 2009 8:11 AM

Leftist Green Party Member Exposed Using Wikipedia to Preach Enviro Do

December 19th, 2009 2:34 PM
Climate alarmists have put enormous pressure on the western media to suppress knowledge of facts inconvenient to their scientific arguments using a variety of methods to supress dissenting opinion. Besides threatening journalists, promoting the use of Nazi-esque insults like the word "deniers," and bullying scientists who publish research papers critical of their near-religious beliefs, alarmists…

Hugo Chavez Calls Obama The Devil, Will Media Notice

December 18th, 2009 1:13 PM
In September 2006 when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called George W. Bush the Devil at the United Nations, the Bush-hating press couldn't get enough of the comment.On Friday, Chavez spoke to the U.N. climate change conference in Copenhagen after President Obama made his keynote address, and much as he did three years ago, the Venezuelan despot said, "It still smells of sulfur here," referring…

Weak: Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart Attack Inhofe's Climate Skepticism

December 15th, 2009 3:18 PM
The exposure of ClimateGate and the impending failure of the Copenhagen climate summit have the global warming community on the ropes. And to add insult to their injury, Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., has taken his one-man truth squad to Copenhagen, to continue to underscore just how absurd the idea of anthropogenic global warming is. That has drawn the ire of the left, which knows it's losing…

Gore Refuses ClimateGate Questions, UN Official Disconnects Mic

December 15th, 2009 1:38 PM
United Nations security officials have once again prevented a journalist from asking attendees at the climate change conference in Copenhagen questions about the growing ClimateGate scandal.This time, the person on the receiving end of the apparently forbidden queries was Nobel Laureate Al Gore.Much as when Ireland's Phelim McAleer tried to ask Stanford professor Stephen Schneider questions…

Does Avoidance of ClimateGate Reporting Represent MSM Suicide

December 15th, 2009 8:19 AM
Notice how the mainstream media pretty much avoids the inconvenient scandal of ClimateGate? Although this scandal seems to mark the end of blind faith in the global warming dogma, it could also represent the final act of the long MSM suicide that has been going on for the past few years. That is the assertion made by author, broadcaster, and columnist Gerald Warner in a fascinating UK Telegraph…

ClimateGate Research Unit Disables Its Website

December 14th, 2009 10:03 AM
The Climatic Research Unit at the heart of the ClimateGate scandal has taken down most of the information previously available at its website.Prior to November's release of controversial e-mail messages and documents from Britain's University of East Anglea, there was a separate website for the institution's CRU that allowed readers to review articles and studies created by and for the Unit.Now,…

In Touting 'Climate Justice' Protesters, Networks Oblivious to Communi

December 13th, 2009 10:42 PM
Network journalists who were quick to see racists, haters and extremists amongst the “tea party” protesters were oblivious on Saturday to communists in the “climate justice” march in Copenhagen whose cause they trumpeted -- even as the video they showed included brief shots of marchers waving red flags displaying the Soviet Union's hammer and sickle. “The streets were filled today with tens of…

MSNBCer: Gore Should Debate Palin and All Climate Change Deniers

December 12th, 2009 12:19 PM
Nobel Laureate Al Gore should debate former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and all those who don't believe man is responsible for global warming.So said MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe Friday in an appearance on "Countdown." This was in response to substitute anchor Lawrence O'Donnell bringing up Palin's answer to conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham's question concerning the former…

MSNBC's Matthews: 'Miserable' Culture 'Pleasures Itself' Over Argument

December 12th, 2009 7:49 AM
Leave it to MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews to go into creepy mode over the possibility one could be skeptical about the theory of anthropogenic global warming. On his Dec. 11 broadcast, the same guy who got a thrill up his leg over President Barack Obama and made an awkward pass at CNBC host Erin Burnett on live television, used a bizarre portrayal to describe those who don't ascribe to…

Scientist Uses UN Security To Stop Questions About ClimateGate

December 11th, 2009 4:37 PM
A Stanford professor with ties to Nobel Laureate Al Gore and the growing ClimateGate scandal used United Nations security officials at the climate conference in Copenhagen to halt questions about e-mail messages obtained from Britain's Climatic Research Unit.Dr. Stephen Schneider was speaking at the Bella Centre Thursday when Irish journalist Phelim McAleer began asking about ClimateGate.McAleer…

Al Gore Refuses to Discuss 'Climate Crisis' with John Stossel

December 11th, 2009 1:05 PM
Despite appearing on CNN and MSNBC Wednesday, Nobel Laureate Al Gore was apparently too busy to discuss global warming on the premiere episode of John Stossel's new Fox Business Network program.To kick off his new show Thursday, Stossel chose the controversial subject of climate change, and invited on a number of guests to address the issue in great detail. According to an e-mail message sent to…

Olbermann, Furious at Selective Editing, Proceeds to Selectively Edit

December 11th, 2009 11:34 AM
Keith Olbermann is furious at ABC's David Wright for "selectively editing" a clip from the Daily Show with John Stewart. Olbermann called for Wright to be fired for this horrendous slight against journalistic integrity, then proceeded to selectively edit the same segment.The Daily Show clip in question (reported initially at NB by Noel Sheppard) showed John Stewart fuming at the infamous East…