'It's A ClimateGate Christmas': Seasonal Global Warming Carols

December 10th, 2009 7:10 PM
Our friends at Minnesotans for Global Warming have released a fabulous new video just in time for the holidays.Entitled "It's a ClimateGate Christmas," Elmer and his team took your favorite Christmas carols and inserted lyrics involving Nobel Laureate Al Gore's favorite bogeyman.As you would expect, Gore is the subject of many of the tunes (video embedded below the fold with partial song list):

Thomas Friedman on CNN: ClimateGate an 'Idiot Debate,' 'Nonsense

December 10th, 2009 6:49 PM
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times dismissed the ClimateGate scandal during an interview on Thursday’s Situation Room on CNN, labeling it “nonsense” and an “idiot debate.” Anchor Wolf Blitzer only pressed Friedman slightly when he repeated his call for a “price on carbon that would trigger mass innovation in green technology,” meaning a large surtax on fossil fuels.Blitzer raised ClimateGate…

Sarah Palin Says Critics Of Her WaPo Op-ed 'Got All Wee-Weed Up

December 10th, 2009 4:55 PM
Showing the sense of humor millions of Americans fell in love with last year, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Thursday that critics of her previous day's op-ed in the Washington Post "kind of got all wee-weed up about it and wanted to call me and others deniers."Palin, chatting with conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham, was obviously poking fun at something President Obama said…

ABC's Liberal Weatherman Sam Champion Tweets: ClimateGate Is ‘Not Re

December 10th, 2009 3:45 PM
[See update below.] Good Morning America weatherman and global warming alarmist Sam Champion asserted on Twitter that ClimateGate is "not reportable as such." This analyst queried him on the site about why the morning show has completely ignored hacked E-mails showing that some climate scientists are faking data on global warming. On Wednesday, Champion Tweeted back: "i kno what u refer to! there…

Olbermann Rips Palin: From Birther to Climate Change Denier

December 10th, 2009 12:12 PM
"Having given her sleight of hand stamp of approval to the birthers, Sarah Palin is now moving on to an almost equally popular far right mythology, climate change denial."So began MSNBC's Keith Olbermann in his number one story on Wednesday's "Countdown.""Getting her facts wrong and misrepresenting her record as governor of Alaska, again, not enough for Palin`s latest foray into opinion piece,…

FNC's Wallace: 'Denier' Label Ascribes 'Religious Certainty' to Global

December 10th, 2009 11:38 AM
Chris Wallace, host of "Fox News Sunday" is the latest in a long line of observers to note the essentially religious fervor of those who believe man is responsible for global warming, and the blind faith with which they cling to the science behind it.   Wallace, appearing on the Fox Business Network's Dec. 10 "Imus in the Morning" program to discuss the President's European trip with stops in…

ClimateGate 'An Inconvenient Scandal' Which 'Threatens to Crumble' Glo

December 10th, 2009 12:41 AM
ABC and CBS discounted the scientific relevance of the admissions and obfuscations displayed in the ClimateGate e-mails, but on Wednesday night they finally devoted full stories to the controversy and quoted the “most-damning” of the e-mails, the ones referring to a “trick” to “hide the decline” in a temperature measurement and in which a scientist fretted “we can't account for the lack of…

Al Gore Calls Sarah Palin A 'Global Warming Denier

December 9th, 2009 3:56 PM
Nobel Laureate Al Gore Wednesday called former Alaska governor Sarah Palin a "global warming denier."Speaking with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Gore also repeated his false claim about ClimateGate e-mail messages obtained from Britain's Climatic Research Unit: "the most recent one is like ten years ago."As Andrew Bolt reported Wednesday at Australia's Herald Sun, the most recent e-mail message…

Prominent Lefties Tina Brown, Joe Klein in Uproar Over Palin Anti-Cope

December 9th, 2009 3:43 PM
Sarah Palin isn't getting much of a break these days from anyone on the left end of the political spectrum. In the Dec. 9 Washington Post, an op-ed appeared by the former Alaska governor, in which she called on President Barack Obama to boycott the current Copenhagen climate summit in the wake of the "Climategate" e-mail leak. "Without trustworthy science and with so much at stake, Americans…

Al Gore Warns of Global Warming Doom Seconds Before CNN Reports 'Monst

December 9th, 2009 11:00 AM
Al Gore warned CNN viewers Wednesday about imminent planetary doom at the hands of his favorite bogeyman global warming just seconds before Kiran Chetry reported the "monster storm paralyzing travel in more than a dozen states" with "winter still two weeks away."On "American Morning" to discuss issues surrounding the United Nations climate change conference taking place in Copenhagen, the former…

CBS and NBC Trumpet UN Predictions About Warmest Decade Since

December 9th, 2009 9:46 AM
CBS and NBC on Tuesday nightly eagerly pounced on the latest UN pronouncement about a warming world, without any regard for ClimateGate disclosures about manipulation of past data and without mentioning, as the AP noted, “the United States and Canada experienced cooler conditions than average.” CBS anchor Katie Couric announced: “At the world climate conference in Copenhagen today, scientists…

Cartoon: ClimateGate's Deep Throat

December 8th, 2009 6:36 PM

CNN Extensively Covers Viewpoint of Climate Change Skeptics

December 8th, 2009 2:54 PM
CNN made a real, day-long effort on Monday to address the climate-change debate as a debate, giving skeptics of manmade climate change a series of chances to match the leftist view, especially during its evening programming. CNN is also the only U.S. TV news outlet so far to send an anchor to the Climate Research Unit at the center of the ClimateGate controversy.International correspondent Phil…

New Panic Hook: 'Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Sav

December 8th, 2009 1:21 PM
Prepare for more panic talk about the end of the world as Dr. James Hansen, a leading global warming alarmist whose temperature data has come under question, launches a media tour for his new book out this week, 'Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity.'Hansen is director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New…