Chicago Trib's Kass Explains Likely Reason Why GMA's Stephanopoulos Le

July 21st, 2012 8:46 AM
Brian Ross is not the only blameworthy party in the irresponsible smear of a 52 year-old Tea Party activist as the possible perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado theater massacre early Friday. Everyone on the set of ABC's Good Morning America could have said "wait, this is premature and irresponsible" -- and didn't. GMA co-host and former Bill Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos's response to…

AP's Peoples Tells Readers What Obama 'Intended' in 'You Didn't Build

July 19th, 2012 1:46 AM
On July 13, President Barack Obama told a campaign audience in Roanoke that "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." As Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters pointed out on Wednesday, it wasn't until July 17 that any of the Big Three broadcast TV news networks recognized the existence of the remark -- and two of them failed to run the actual quote. Part…

Wishful Thinking at AP: 'Some Argue' That Jan. Tax Increases Won't Be

July 17th, 2012 9:33 AM
One useful interpretation of a journalist's use of "some people say that" or "some argue that" without an accompanying reference to or quote from a subject matters expert is that such phrases really mean "in my opinion." This is the very likely case in a disingenuously headlined Associated Press story yesterday by Andrew Taylor concerning the standoff between the Republicans, who want the…

Pensacola Cartoonist Depicts Ala. Newspaper Job Cuts As Leading to Ret

June 27th, 2012 12:27 AM
Recent job cuts at Alabama newspapers have been steep. The Birmingham Business Journal, which (ahem) apparently is not among the participants, reports that "Three of Alabama’s largest daily newspapers, including the Birmingham News, will lay off about 400 employees as they cut back their printing schedules and increase their focus on digital." The other affected publications include the…

'Solicitweetion': AP Reporter Tweets For Negative Comments on Mitch Da

June 21st, 2012 4:07 PM
The Tweet watchers at Michelle Malkin's caught an Associated Press reporter seeking out (perhaps the term should be "solicitweeting," with "solicitweetion" as the related noun) negative comments about Mitch Daniels on Twitter earlier today from Purdue alumni and students about the appointment announced today of Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels to become that school's next president…

Journalists’ Union: ‘We Are The

June 21st, 2012 3:32 PM
As preposterous as it sounds, some union journalists believe they’re “the 99%.” At least that’s what they chant.  The Communications Workers of America (CWA), which represents journalists and other communications workers, has shown again just how far left it really is. On its website, CWA posted a video from its protest against Verizon, aka “verigreedy.” The protest resembles more an Occupy…

AP Panic Is Evident Over Obama's 'Private Sector Is Just Fine' Comment

June 8th, 2012 11:47 PM
Today at a press conference, President Barack Obama said that "we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone. The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government ..." Later, in a cleanup attempt, in what the press is claiming is a walkback, Obama really didn't walk it back: "…

Hysterical CNN, AP Headlines: 'Walker Survives

June 5th, 2012 11:50 PM
As of 11:15 p.m., with about 74% of the votes counted, Wisconsin Governor Scott was ahead of Scott Barrett by roughly a 56-44 margin. Late-arriving votes from Democrat-heavy areas of Milwaukee and Dane Counties seemed likely to narrow the margin to perhaps 10 points. (UPDATE: Because heavier margins of support for Barrett in those two counties, the final margin was 6.9%, roughly the same as…

Fibbing to the End: AP's Bauer Claims That Act 10 'Stripp(ed) Most Pub

June 5th, 2012 6:08 PM
As he has for nearly 16 months, the AP's Scott Bauer once again included a false statement about what the budget repair legislation also known as "Act 10" passed by Wisconsin's legislature and signed by Governor Scott Walker last year did to public-sector unions and their ability to collectively bargain. He wrote: "Enraged Democrats and labor activists gathered more than 900,000 signatures in…

AP Cynically Hits Wis. Gov. Walker For 'Keeping a Safe Distance' When

May 28th, 2012 10:35 PM
Leave it to the Associated Press's Scott Bauer to take shots at Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker -- in seeming orchestration with Democratic Party officials -- for limiting his public recall election appearances because of unsafe conditions leftists in the Badger State have created, "public safety" officials have too often condoned, and the establishment press has generally downplayed for well…

Unacceptable: NYT's 'Correction' to Op-ed Writer's Incurably False 'Wa

May 22nd, 2012 12:58 AM
The New York Times apparently wants us to believe that it has done its journalistic duty by issuing a "correction," the text of which will follow the jump, to an especially odious May 12 op-ed ("Fables of Wealth") written by William Deresiewicz. The author, who describes himself as "An essayist, critic and the author of 'A Jane Austen Education,'" originally claimed, as quoted at the Media…

AP National Site Headline on Trayvon Martin Evidence Goes From 'Huge G

May 19th, 2012 11:38 PM
Update: An AP official has responded to this post. That response, and my reply, are here. Note: A sentence which erroneously reported the Eastern Time Zone equivalent of a story at the Kansas City Star has been removed. The Associated Press appears to have done something unusual in its coverage of the the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case on Monday. Two identically worded stories with…

It's All About Him at AP: 'Lower Oil Prices Ease Load on Consumers and

May 16th, 2012 8:44 PM
Really, the only surprise is that consumers came before Obama in the headline -- because Obama came before the economy in the underlying article. A late-day dispatch from Jonathan Fahey and Paul Wiseman at the Associated Press even found someone to say that history will be on Obama's side if gas prices fall to below $3.50 a gallon or so by Labor Day. Excerpts follow (bolds are mine):

AP Writers Seem Stunned That Romney Didn't Deliver 'A Red-meat Conserv

May 13th, 2012 11:09 AM
The headline at the Associated Press's Sunday morning story primarily about GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney's commencement address at Liberty University ("Romney urges grads to honor family commitments") was at least acceptable. It went downhill from there, betraying what appear to be deeply-held biases held by writers Kasie Hunt and Rachel Zoll against Republicans,…