AP Pretends It's Romney's Campaign Which Is Focused on 'Gay' Rights, I

May 11th, 2012 12:46 PM
This morning (saved here at host for future reference), Philip Elliott and Kasie Hunt at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, demonstrated how apparatchik propagandists work. In their recast of reality, it's Mitt Romney whose presidential campaign has been focused on gay rights, not Barack Obama, his administration, his campaign, and the lapdog establishment press which have…

WaPo: 5,400 Words on Mitt Romney's High School Years, Marked by an Obs

May 10th, 2012 2:58 PM
If the people who run the Washington Post Company need an archetypal example of why their newspaper publishing segment is in so much financial trouble (as found here: a $22.6 million first-quarter 2012 loss following on the heels of an $18.2 million loss for all of 2011) and is bleeding customers (per the Audit Board of Circulations, the paper's daily and Sunday circulation dropped by 7.8% and…

Scrubbed at AP: W. Va. Dem Senator Manchin Refuses to Say Whether He V

May 9th, 2012 9:01 AM
This morning, in a report ("Romney, Obama win; Manchin to face Raese") with a 1:00 a.m. time stamp, Associated Press reporter Lawrence Messina informed readers that U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia "refused to say whether he voted for Obama on Tuesday" in West Virginia's primary. That's news. In his 6:01 a.m. dispatch currently at the AP's national site ("Against Obama, even a…

AP's Wiseman Points to Obama Reelection Based on Dropping Unemployment

May 3rd, 2012 12:16 PM
Well, we can all stop thinking about the presidential election, because Barack Obama's victory is assured. This morning, Paul Wiseman at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, virtually celebrated analysts' predictions that the unemployment rate will drop a whole 0.3% between now and Election Day to 7.9%. But in searching desperately for a precedent, he claimed that a public…

Follow-Up: Atlantic Revises John Edwards Trial Article, Names His Part

April 24th, 2012 11:31 PM
The Media Research Center's Dan Gainor tipped me to a remarkable development this afternoon. Someone at the Atlantic, probably with the help of commenters there, took notice of the noise being made by Doug Ross, yours truly (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), and probably others, and took some action on a disgracefully written 1,800-word article about the upcoming trial of John Edwards by Hampton…

Joseph Kennedy Jr. at NYT: Crude Oil 'Extraction' Costs Average $11 a

April 24th, 2012 10:18 AM
It would appear that if you're an op-ed columnist at the New York Times, you can make up just about any outrageous claim and not get called on it by anyone responsible (if there is such a thing) at the Old Gray Lady. The column in question, Joseph P. Kennedy II's "The High Cost of Gambling on Oil," goes back two weeks to April 10, but deserves a closer look for two reasons. First Kennedy, who…

AP: Obama's Chances Improve in Ohio and Mich. Because of Him; No Menti

April 22nd, 2012 3:27 PM
It has become clear what the Obama campaign's strategy for trying to win states like Michigan and Ohio is and will continue to be. In three steps, it's as follows: 1) Pretend that the states' Republican governors, John Kasich in Ohio and Rick Snyder in Michigan, who both succeeded free-spending Democrats who presided over stagnant economies, have had nothing to do with their increased…

At AP, De Facto Obama Admin Spokesman Babington Continues to Milk the

April 13th, 2012 10:44 AM
When I saw the headline at last night dispatch from the Associated Press's Charles Babington on presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and his campaign ("Romney rebuts claims that he, GOP are anti-women") I thought that the Obama administration and Babington's employer, also known as the Administration's Press, might finally be throwing the inane "war on women" meme into the dustbin.…

Dayton Daily News Reporters Try to Pin Child's Death by Neglect on 'La

April 11th, 2012 12:51 PM
On March 1, 2011, 14 year-old Makayla Norman of Dayton died of neglect at the hands of adults (her mother and three others) who were responsible for her care and safety. Makayla weighed 28 pounds when she died, and was found "covered in bedsores, living in filth and starved to the point the she looked more like a skeleton than a teenager." On Friday, her mother pled guilty to involuntary…

AP on Individual Mandate: Those Dumb Supremes Don't Understand

April 10th, 2012 2:36 PM
At the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar is floating the notion (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) that members of the Supreme Court who seem inclined to strike down ObamaCare might do so without fully understanding it. Translation: Those dummies. The AP reporter makes a claim which reads like a desperate talking…

Memo to All AP Propagandists: It's Okay to Call It 'ObamaCare' Now

March 27th, 2012 1:16 PM
Apparently most reporters at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Propagandists, lost the memo that Reuters got ("Obama Campaign: Obamacare Not a Bad Word After All"). Either that, or they haven't been paying attention their Obama For America emails. OFA and President Obama himself both say it's now okay to call the fraudulently named Affordable Care Act which became law in March…

AP Deliberately Deceives on Santorum's Conditional Statement Comparing

March 23rd, 2012 8:53 AM
Rush Limbaugh was right yesterday when he suggested that "If I were you, I would regard every AP (Associated Press) story, particularly this year, as nothing more than a propaganda piece for the reelection of Barack Obama." Rush fan Matt Drudge, who currently has a deliberately misleading AP report linked at the top of his Drudge Report, would do well to heed Rush's suggestion. The AP story…

Rush Rips AP's Coverage of Obama's Keystone Pipeline Pretense

March 22nd, 2012 3:11 PM
Here's some good advice from Rush Limbaugh's opening monologue today: "If I were you, I would regard every AP story, particularly this year, as nothing more than a propaganda piece for the reelection of Barack Obama." What occasioned Rush's rant is the thinly disguised propaganda today from the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, concerning President Obama's visit to Cushing,…

AP Assigns Seven to Occupy Movement's Six-Month Anniversary, Omits Cri

March 18th, 2012 8:30 PM
In what may be the most obvious over-employment of journalistic resources since the Associated Press assigned 11 reporters to review Sarah Palin's book in late 2009, seven journalists with the AP (yep, again) worked up a Friday afternoon item (saved here for future reference, fair use, discussion and embarrassment purposes) entitled "6 months later, what has Occupy protest achieved?" Primary…