AP's Surveyed Economists: Unless Stopped by $150 Oil, Happy Days Are H

April 27th, 2011 12:27 AM
It's always a bit of risk saying that a bunch of supposedly smart folks are wrong, but the economists Jeannine Aversa at the Associated Press consulted for a Tuesday afternoon report on the economic outlook must be taking a double dose of sunshine pills every day. If we are to believe these folks, the only thing that can stop the economy now is oil -- not the $112 a barrel accompanied by $4…

Paul Krugman Favored Raising Retirement Age Until GOP Proposed It

April 26th, 2011 3:13 PM
This just in: New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is a raging hypocrite. You'll be shocked to find out, I'm sure. In the ongoing debate over entitlement reform, one relatively modest proposal for saving a bit of money is to raise the retirement age by two or three years. But in a recent blog post, Krugman dismissed the proposal, saying it "shows how disconnected [its proponents] are from…

Amazing: To AP Reporter, Gas Prices Are a Big Problem Because They Hur

April 24th, 2011 10:41 PM
The establishment press's lack of interest in associating President Obama with the sharp run-up in energy costs has been thoroughly documented by several folks at the Media Research Center, including but not limited to Julia Seymour when gasoline hit the $3 mark, and more recently Brent Bozell. Saturday, the Associated Press's Mark S. Smith took the gas-price propaganda to the next level. As…

Popular Media Description of Coffee Party and Similar Tiny Lefty Group

April 18th, 2011 12:10 AM
Whoever is compiling a list of what journalists really believe when they put forth certain vague but commonly used phrases (e.g., using "some people believe" instead of truthfully saying "in my opinion") should consider adding the following: "small but vocal group" really means "a tiny bunch of people I agree with." That's my assessment as I look at two uses of the term this past weekend,…

AFP Pic Caption, Video Description: 'Tea Party Radicals Rally on Tax D

April 16th, 2011 11:08 PM
A photo taken at a Tea Party demonstration in Boston carried at Yahoo News carries the following caption (HT Powerline): VIDEO: April 15 was tax day in the United States, and Tea Party radicals used it to stage demonstrations across the country, including near the site of the original Boston Tea Party revolt of the colonial era. The photo was grabbed from an Agency France-Presse video with…

Appalling Cartoon at Newspaper Guild Site Is Evidence That Its Members

April 14th, 2011 11:27 PM
The undisguised bias of a dispatch tonight by Associated Press reporter Laurie Kellman, with help from Scott Bauer, about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's appearance before a Congressional committee may have as its source two items found at the Newspaper Guild's web site (seen after the jump). One is an announcement relating to a possible deterioration in the Guild's negotiations with AP,…

Longtime Sports Journalist: 'NFL Players Need Obama's Support

April 12th, 2011 12:09 PM
According to his University of Maryland faculty bio, Kevin Blackistone "is a former award-winning sports columnist for The Dallas Morning News from September 1990 to September 2006." He has written for AOL's FanHouse; his most recent column is here); he was likely released when AOL recently laid off its FanHouse employees as a result of what I refer to as "Huffington's Heist." In a Monday…

Barack the Born-Again Deficit-Cutter Gets Predictable AP Kid-Glove Tre

April 11th, 2011 9:41 PM
I sure hope that the Associated Press's Jim Kuhnhenn has been working out, especially in his upper body. The volume of water he's having to carry for the Obama administration as a dutiful member of the state-compliant establishment press has to be getting very heavy. This evening, Kuhnhenn and his wire service are expecting the AP's readers -- and ultimately its subscribing media outlets'…

AP Failing to Update Prosser-Kloppenburg Election Tally, Claiming Mora

April 8th, 2011 9:09 PM
It may be laziness, or it may be failure to recognize reality, but the Associated Press's official tally of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race carried at JSOnline (but note the AP-based URL) still shows Democrat JoAnne Kloppenburg with a 204-vote lead over incumbent David Prosser, and hasn't been updated since Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. This failure to update has occurred despite the following…

Unintentional Honesty: Los Angeles Times Listing For Obama Campaign We

April 4th, 2011 10:43 AM
Via William Jacobson, at his influential  LegalInsurrection blog. Let's call it a case of unintentional honesty, or as Bill Jacobson described it, a classic "Freudian slip." In its article reporting President Obama's announcement of his 2012 re-election campaign, the Los Angeles Times gave the URL address for the official Obama campaign website as: http://latimes.com.   Too true! View…

ABC’s Jon Karl Touts Liberal Advocacy Group’s Claim That ‘Tea Pa

March 31st, 2011 11:38 AM
Good Morning America’s Jon Karl on Thursday used a new study by the liberal Environmental Working Group [EWG] to deride the calls of spending cuts by certain Tea Party Republicans as "hypocritical." Karl didn’t raise any concerns about hyping the claims of the EWG, an organization that, as Michelle Malkin pointed out in 2002, has railed against hair spray, playgrounds and the conservative…

Reuters Calls Bombing Near Jerusalem a 'Terrorist Attack' -- Using Sca

March 24th, 2011 1:17 PM
In a Wednesday story at Reuters ("Bombing near Jerusalem bus stop kills woman, 30 hurt") describing the aftermath of  "a bomb planted in a bag exploded near a bus stop in a Jewish district of Jerusalem," reporter Crispian Balmer wrote the following (bold is mine): Medics said three people were seriously hurt by the explosion, which hit one of the main routes into central Jerusalem in the…

Overnight Engine-Starter: Guess How the AP's Scott Bauer Answered His

March 15th, 2011 12:44 AM
You knew, based on his track record of biased and inaccurate reporting during the Badger state standoff that Scott Bauer's Thursday attempt to explain the state's situation and events occurring up to that point ("Key questions surrounding Wisconsin union fight") wouldn't exactly be fair and balanced. But it's Bauer's answer to one of his own crafted questions that revealed as much as anything…

You Stay Classy, Rog: Ebert Misinterprets Cable Ratings to Bash Fox Vi

March 14th, 2011 11:07 PM
Demonstrating the ability to go unhinged without provocation, movie critic Roger Ebert looked at this Hollywood Reporter item discussing CNN's audience increase on Friday as an excuse to tweet the following at about midnight Eastern time last night: