AP's Kuhnhenn Does a Water-Carrying White House Workout

March 12th, 2011 10:25 AM
The Associated Press's Jim Kuhnhenn's did some really heavy lifting this morning, carrying bucket after bucket of water for the White House and Barack Obama. Wisconsin? Obama's letting his spokesman handle it while his national party "has played down its role." Death threats against Badger State GOP Senators? What death threats? But Kuhnhenn's keister-covering for the administration goes…

A Free Pro-Union, Pro-Democrat Political Announcement, Courtesy of the

March 10th, 2011 8:55 PM
The instinct here is that an Associated Press "story" by Scott Bauer in Madison, Wisconsin, will get lots of radio and TV time tomorrow. That would be a reasonable expectation, because what Bauer writes isn't really a "story" as much as it is a free political announcement. I'm predicting that the establishment press will love it, especially the opening paragraph: Wis. defeat could help…

Althouse Says It All About AP's Coverage of Wis. Collective Bargaining

March 9th, 2011 10:45 PM
Here is how the Associated Press and reporter Scott Bauer headlined and opened their 10:09 p.m. report (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) on the Wisconsin Senate's collective bargaining-related vote tonight: Wis. GOP bypasses Dems, cuts collective bargaining   The Wisconsin Senate succeeded in voting Wednesday to strip nearly all collective…

CAIR – Distorting Facts, Videos, and Reality

March 8th, 2011 3:00 AM
Recently, the Los Angeles branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) released a video showing a group of protestors exhibiting anti-Muslim sentiments outside an ICNA fundraising dinner.  Liberal media outlets ran with the press release as a way to highlight bigotry towards Muslims, with the video showing up on The Guardian, Think Progress, Salon, Mediaite, Huffington Post,…

Dear AP: Haley Barbour Is Right About Obama's Gas-Price Wishes

March 3rd, 2011 12:16 PM
Philip Elliott at the Obama White House's state-compliant wire service reports, and distorts (bolds are mine): Barbour says Obama cheers for higher gas prices   Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, a potential presidential contender, accused the Obama administration Wednesday of favoring a run-up in gas prices to prod consumers to buy more fuel-efficient cars.   Barbour cited…

NYT's Lipton Teed Up, Hit Out of Park by Powerline over Cooked AFP-Koc

March 1st, 2011 3:19 PM
The Left has been making quite a bit of conspiratorial hay over the following paragraph Eric Lipton wrote at the New York Times on February 21 ("Billionaire Brothers’ Money Plays Role in Wisconsin Dispute") about the alleged degree of involvement Koch family members have allegedly had in the Wisconsin public-sector union showdown: Even before the new governor was sworn in last month,…

'Keep Spending Like Mad or Else' Chorus Grows; Stanford's Taylor Respo

February 28th, 2011 3:11 PM
Late last week (covered at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), a Goldman Sachs economist issued a dire warning cutting current-year federal spending by a measly $61 billion, or about 1.75% of the administration's full-year projected spending total, would significantly reduce economic growth in the coming quarters. If this were so, the economy would booming beyond belief right now, given that the Obama…

AP, NYT Inflate Perception of Non-Madison Saturday Pro-Union Crowds

February 27th, 2011 11:13 AM
Yesterday was supposed to be a day of massive pro-union demonstrations nationwide designed to give Wisconsin public-sector employee moral support from hordes of their union and non-union "brothers" and "sisters" around the country. Uh, that's not exactly what transpired. The establishment press's fallback position in matters such as these when the protesters involved have their sympathies…

AP's Bauer Continues to Claim That Wis. Legislation Would 'Eliminate C

February 27th, 2011 8:52 AM
From all appearances, the Associated Press's Scott Bauer has a story, and he's sticking to it -- never mind the facts. On February 17 (covered at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), in an item which mostly told readers that pending legislation would "eliminate collective-bargaining rights," Bauer let a kernel of truth slip into his second-last of nearly 40 paragraphs: Unions still could represent…

Goldman, AP to Lawmakers: Keep Spending Like Mad or Economic Growth Wi

February 26th, 2011 9:18 PM
Thursday, an odd warning emanated from the halls of the supposedly esteemed investment firm known as Goldman Sachs: If Uncle Sam spends $61 billion less during the second half of the current fiscal year, and ends the year with "only" $3.758 trillion in spending instead of the administration's anticipated $3.819 trillion, economic growth will be seriously harmed. Yesterday, similar nonsense…

Rush Calls Out AP For Critiquing Montana Legislators While Ignoring Ob

February 26th, 2011 9:20 AM
Thursday, the Associated Press's Matt Gouras "reported" ("Tea party vision for Mont. raising concerns") on legislative proposals in Montana. It got the attention of Rush Limbaugh, who skewered it as only Rush can. Gouras's opening paragraphs read like a press release from an opposition party: With each bill, newly elected tea party lawmakers are offering Montanans a vision of the future…

Cincinnati Reporter Frets Over 'So Drastic' Cuts, Govt. Shutdown

February 25th, 2011 10:55 AM
Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Malia Rulon seems to have misplaced her objectivity when she prepared a February 21 front-page report on legislation passed by the House that would reduce projected spending during the current fiscal year by $61 billion. Later in this post, I will present evidence showing that Ms. Rulon's objectivity has likely been missing in action for many years. This amount…

ABC’s Outrageous 1991 Undercover Probe of Crisis Pregnancy Centers

February 18th, 2011 2:32 PM
Given the reactions of the left to both the Acorn and Planned Parenthood stings you might be surprised to learn that  Eyeblast.tv has uncovered a nearly identical sting, at least in terms of tactics, against crisis pregnancy centers that ABC News did back in 1991. Apparently back then the Left had zero problems with undercover video investigations aimed at proving a political point. They were…

In Wis. Standoff, AP Reporter Claims Pending Legislation Would 'End Co

February 17th, 2011 10:14 PM
The Associated Press's Scott Bauer opened his report ("Wis. lawmakers flee state to block anti-union bill") from Madison, Wisconsin today by completely misrepresenting the nature of the legislation involved in the current standoff: Faced with a near-certain Republican victory that would end a half-century of collective bargaining for public workers, Wisconsin Democrats retaliated with the…