ABC Disguises Democratic Activist as Victim of Mean-Spirited GOP

December 2nd, 2010 11:30 AM
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Thursday tried to disguise a Democratic activist as just a jobless American who would be hurt by Republican failure to extend unemployment benefits. Shipman sympathetically recounted that Edrie Irvine, who she didn't explain spoke at a Nancy Pelosi press conference on Wednesday, "never thought her very livelihood would depend on a political debate in…

At Cancun, 'Climate Change Experts' Call for End to Developed World Ec

November 29th, 2010 10:18 AM
This would be really funny if it weren't for the fact that so many supposedly informed people, including our president and those who surround him, may actually buy into ideas being proposed at the United Nations-sponsored Cancun climate conference, and will relish the means by which they could be put into place. At the UK Telegraph today, environment correspondent Louise Gray feeds us the…

Liberal Activists Overwhelm Opposing Voices at MSNBC's Immigration Tow

November 16th, 2010 4:23 PM
MSNBC's prime-time "town hall" on immigration reform yesterday exemplified one of the more unseemly elements of media bias: brazen political advocacy disguised as an "honest conversation." Attempting to pass itself off as a forum for voices on all sides of the immigration issue to elevate the dialogue, "Beyond Borderlines" featured droves of liberal guests who dismissed, admonished, and…

Undisclosed NBC Conflict of Interest Again Arises in Annual 'Green Wee

November 16th, 2010 3:47 PM
On Sunday, NBC Universal launched its annual "Green Week," as part of the company's "Green is Universal" environmental awareness campaign. As NBC embarks on yet another week of "environmentally themed programming," it falls to media watchdogs to point out the massive conflict presented by NBC parent company General Electric's significant financial interests in the policies "Green Week"…

Olbermann Replacement Dropped – For Campaign Contributions to Democr

November 7th, 2010 12:55 PM
Are they not properly vetting their liberals over at MSNBC? As NewsBuster Lachlan Markay reported on Friday: MSNBC suspended Keith Olbermann indefinitely … after news broke that he had given the maximum allowable contribution to three Democrats without disclosing it to his employers. With Olbermann out, MSNBC needed a fill-in, so in steps Chris Hayes, editor of the liberal magazine, The…

Caught on Voicemail: Alaska TV Station's Reporters Planning Smear of J

October 31st, 2010 10:12 AM
The audio and transcript are at Here's the story, as relayed by Big Gov's Publius (HT Dan Riehl): ... (A) voice mail message was inadvertently left on the cell phone of Joe Miller campaign spokesperson Randy DeSoto.   The voices are believed to be those of the news director for CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA, along with assignment editor Nick McDermott, and other…

Flashback: Teddy Kennedy Conspired With USSR to Use American Media Aga

October 20th, 2010 11:10 AM
At the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog, J.P. Freire reminds us of a dark chapter in American history. Freire draws some strong parallels to today's debate over foreign influences in American elections. But the story itself is incredible. According to an internal KGB memo discovered by reporters in the 1990s, the late Senator Edward Kennedy colluded with the Soviet Union to…

ABC's Stephanopoulos Still Thinks He's a White House Spin Doctor

October 14th, 2010 4:57 PM
There is a simple explanation for President Obama's dismal approval ratings, but ABC's George Stephanopoulos fails to comprehend it. Appearing on the October 13 "O'Reilly Factor," the former Clinton adviser peddled multiple theories to explain Obama's unpopularity, but neglected to consider the possibility that the president has simply failed to connect with the general public. "As far as…

NY Times Finds 'Tens of Thousands' at Lefty Rally in D.C., but Avoided

October 4th, 2010 12:06 PM
On Sunday, New York Times labor-beat reporter Steven Greenhouse attended the left-wing “One Nation” rally for “Liberal Groups rally in Washington, Offering a Challenge to the Tea Party.” Unusually, Greenhouse led off with a specific (and rather generous) crowd estimate of “tens of thousands,” something the paper was unwilling to do for larger rallies held in D.C. by the Tea Party and talk show…

Environmental Group Paid for Journalists' Vacations, Got Favorable Cov

September 30th, 2010 1:33 PM
As part of its week-long special report on "Big Green," the Washington Examiner's Mark Tapscott wrote a piece detailing the cozy relationship - often brushing right up against unethical - between journalists, policymakers, and environmental advocacy groups.The Examiner raises serious ethical concerns regarding a 2003 article in U.S. News and World Report that, according to Tapscott, continues to…

Jonathan Klein's 'Pajamas Moment' Accelerated Alternative Media's Grow

September 25th, 2010 10:20 AM
News consumers of America owe a debt of gratitude to Jonathan Klein. Really. Yesterday, NB's Noel Sheppard noted the ignominious end of Klein's nearly six-year term as head of CNN/US. If there is an example of anyone who has overseen a bigger audience decline and loss of competitive position and survived so long, I don't know who he or she is. Fox News, which first passed CNN in total viewers…

Ingraham: ‘Crazy’ Attack on Tea Parties ‘Doesn’t Work

September 24th, 2010 9:53 AM
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and guest Laura Ingraham on Sept. 23 highlighted the left's latest line of attack on Tea Parties: that they're crazy. Ingraham characterized the attacks as an attempt to distract from the liberal record and said the critique "doesn't work." "As you may know, the Tea Party was racist for about six months as the far left tried to demonize the movement," O'Reilly said…

Big 3 Nets' Evening News Audience Fails to Break 20 Million in Mid-Sep

September 21st, 2010 2:19 PM
They're out of excuses. Summer's over. It's after Labor Day. The kids are back in school. People are back into their routines. The trouble for the Big 3 broadcast networks is that those routines don't include watching their early-evening newscasts. Beyond that, last week was a pivotal week in Campaign 2010, with key primaries in New York, Delaware, New Hampshire, and several other states. As…

SEIU Activist: Local Networks 'Willing Partners' in Campaign Against W

September 20th, 2010 4:53 PM
Are the three news networks actively working to defeat the Republican candidate for Governor in Wisconsin? According to the far-left Service Employees International Union, yes, they most certainly are.SEIU spokesman John-david Morgan - also, incidentally, a former journalist - told a staffer (audio embedded below the fold) for GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker that local media affiliates…