AP Pair's Employment Report Howler: 'More than half a million people f

February 6th, 2011 9:22 AM
Someone needs to tell the Associated Press's Jeannine Aversa and Christopher Rugaber that just because the number of unemployed people declines, it doesn't mean that they "found work." That must be what the pair believes. Their error-riddled and suspect supposition-driven Friday afternoon report, whose title predictably focused on the unemployment-rate drop while ignoring the pathetic…

Lefty 'Journalists' Plot Planned Parenthood Defense -- With Org Offici

February 5th, 2011 10:12 AM
Lila Rose's LiveAction.org went into overdrive yesterday. LiveAction videos released earlier this week (with both edited and unedited versions) exposed personnel at Planned Parenthood clinics in Perth Amboy, New Jersey and Richmond, Virginia as all too willing to help provide abortions, birth control, and other "reproductive health services" to underage hookers in a pimp's employ while…

In Brewing ObamaCare Contempt Showdown, Mark Levin Rips Into Press

February 4th, 2011 2:00 AM
On Wednesday, the inarguably correct Mark Levin, aided by flashbacks to monologues earlier in the week, laid out in detail the rule of law standoff the Obama administration has created in choosing to defy Monday's federal court decision declaring Obamacare null and void and continuing its implementation as if the ruling doesn't exist. In the process, he also ripped in to the clear…

ABC's Bob Woodruff Reported on Liberal Group Without Disclosing Financ

February 1st, 2011 3:49 PM
ABC reporter Bob Woodruff has helped raise money for a liberal environmental advocacy group while reporting on environmental issues for ABC, in direct violation of the network's ethics politcies, according to our friends at Big Journalism (who picked up on an investigation by the Enterprise Report). Woodruff even reported on the group he helped raise funds for - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s…

Claire Shipman's Husband Named New Obama Press Secretary; Conflict of

January 27th, 2011 5:46 PM
The White House on Thursday named Jay Carney, the husband of ABC News reporter Claire Shipman, to be the new White House Press secretary. Carney is also an ex-journalist, formally of Time magazine. Will this appointment prove to be a conflict of interest for Shipman? Will she continue to report on the Obama administration? Shipman whose title is senior national correspondent, often covers…

HuffPo Blogger Fired for Using Press Creds to Abet Union Protesters

January 24th, 2011 7:00 PM
Just because the site was founded by an alleged plagiarist doesn't mean it's totally devoid of ethical clout. Though you do have to wonder: from where does the Huffington Post recruit its bloggers? The site reportedly informed one of its unpaid contributors last week that he was being let go. The offense: he had used his press credentials as a HuffPo blogger to get labor union demonstrators…

'Let's Pretend' Headline via Reuters: 'Accounting Tweak Could Save Fed

January 22nd, 2011 9:18 AM
Trick? Or "tweak"? On Friday, a Reuters report at CNBC noted the Federal Reserve's journey into the accounting and reporting twilight zone earlier this month. In doing so, it conducted a clinic in how to make unreality look acceptable and make a dangerous situation appear palatable. In the el bizzarro world at Reuters and those the wire service interviewed for its article: A change in…

Toledo Free Press Schools the Toledo Blade Over Talker's Non-Racist 'M

January 17th, 2011 5:24 PM
Especially on Martin Luther King Day, it seems worth asking whether or not the assassinated civil rights leaders would have cared more about: Whether a talk radio host told his audience, in reference to the No Child Left Behind Act causing many school districts, including the Toledo Public Schools (TPS), to believe they must "teach to the test" to avoid serious sanctions: "teaching little…

Piling On: Reuters Dispatch Wants to Tame 'Tough Political Rhetoric

January 9th, 2011 9:37 PM
"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story" must be the motto at Reuters, or at least of the wire service's Richard Cowan, three other contributors, and Editor Jackie Frank. Cowan's late Sunday afternoon dispatch (HT to an e-mailer) is caricature-driven collection of cliches, half-truth, outright myths, and totally predictable oversights. There's the racial slurs before the heath…

Oh the Humanity! Per AP's Julie Pace: Congress Is 'Heavily-Laden With

December 28th, 2010 5:01 PM
To those who have spent time following new reports emanating from the Associated Press, it's not exactly a secret that many of the alleged journalists who work there are having difficulty with the idea that there will be a new Republican majority in the House during the next two years. A further annoyance is that many members of that majority, especially the newer ones, hold sensible,…

AP Reporter: Chávez Power Grab Is 'One of the Boldest Moves of His Pr

December 28th, 2010 12:19 PM
A Christmas Eve report from Ian James at the Associated Press on developments in Venezuela caused me to go to the dictionary to make sure my understanding of the word "bold" is correct. In context, here are the two most relevant definitions of the word found at dictionary.com: (first listing) "not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and…

AP Headline: Keeping 2011-2012 Income Tax Rates the Same Is 'Big New T

December 18th, 2010 10:21 AM
Did you know that the "big new tax law" signed by President Obama yesterday "will save taxpayers, on average, about $3,000 next year," and that it will have "tax breaks for being married, having children, paying for child care, going to college or investing in securities"? Don't spend that extra $3,000 yet, because it mostly won't be there. With the only major exception being the 2-point cut…

AP Deliberately Captions Palin Haiti Photo to Cast Her As Self-Conscio

December 15th, 2010 10:55 AM
Maybe we need to add the word "Palinography" to the dictionary. Its definition would be: "The process of preparing news photographs and accompanying captions about Sarah Palin in a deliberately negative light." One example many will likely remember involved the amateurish wire service shoes-and-calves-only photos frequently seen during Palin's vice-presidential run. Lori Ziganto at the…

AP Reporters Try to Breathe Life Into Moribund UN Cancun Climate Confe

December 5th, 2010 3:35 PM
I do hope that Associated Press reporters Arthur Max and Charles J. Hanley are finding some recreational time while they are reporting from Cancun about what's happening at the "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change." The pair's bosses ought to be asking them how much real attention they are paying to the festivities since they began. For example, as far as I can tell from two…