Transparent: AP Puts No-News Story about Sanford on National Wire

August 6th, 2009 2:56 PM
Could they be any more obvious about it?Just in case you somehow haven't heard about it in the past couple of months, the Associated Press wanted to remind everyone this morning that South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (who, to be clear, I believe should resign), who had AN AFFAIR(!!), went back to work today -- and that this really, really deserved to be a national story, as shown in the mini-…

MSNBC's O'Donnell Enters Alternate Universe, Claims Palin Drove Women

July 29th, 2009 1:22 PM
Lawrence O’Donnell failed spectacularly on today’s "Morning Joe" this morning. The Democratic pundit wasn’t alone in that effort, as co-host Mika Brzezinski, and journalists Martin Savidge and Mike Barnicle all failed to correct his gaffe.Apparently, the MSNBC political analyst is under the impression that Sarah Palin’s selection as Vice President drove down female support for the John McCain…

Rhodes Scholar Bobby Jindal Schools CNN's John Roberts

July 21st, 2009 4:08 PM
John Roberts, on the July 21 edition of American Morning, appeared to expect Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal to turn in a weak performance on the issue of health care.  Hilarity ensued, as Jindal, who turned down Harvard Medical and Yale Law for a Rhodes scholarship at Oxford, proved to be anything but a pushover.The would-be newsman kicked off with some misleading statistics about Jindal’s…

AP Report on 'Card Check' Status Laden With Biased-Charged Words and A

July 19th, 2009 11:59 PM
No one can finish Saturday's report by Sam Hananel of the Associated Press without knowing the side of the political aisle on which he resides (surprise -- not -- it's decidedly on the left), and that he is more sympathetic to the interests of organized labor than he is to those of management at non-union firms.Additionally, no one can doubt that Hananel, and perhaps his editor(s), have little…

Text of Revealing Video Coverage from AP on Cronkite's Death

July 18th, 2009 6:21 PM

God and Guns: CNN's Costello Pits Jesus Against Gun Ownership

July 17th, 2009 2:46 PM
Owning an semiautomatic AK-47, much less giving them away free with the purchase of a pickup truck, seems just "a tad irresponsible" to Carol Costello. The CNN anchor, who said she grew up with guns in her house as a teenager, tacked to the left on gun rights in her interview with Kansas City auto dealer Mark Muller, who is giving away vouchers for the Russian-made rifles with the purchase of a…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Interviews 'Wise Latina' Women- at His Mom's House

July 16th, 2009 10:18 PM
[Update, 10:36 pm Eastern: audio and video links added below.]CNN anchor Rick Sanchez devoted an entire segment on Thursday’s Newsroom program to his interviews of five “wise Latina” women from his hometown of Miami, including his own mother, about the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Though Sanchez did point out how many Americans disagreed with the nominee’s decision in the…

Liz Cheney Schools WaPo's Robinson On Law Regarding CIA Ops

July 14th, 2009 5:52 PM
Sooner or later, liberals will learn to not provoke Liz Cheney on issues of national security.Those who watch the news for information other than the tragic death (and subsequent funeral circus) of Michael Jackson have most likely heard of the most recent round of accusations made by congressional liberals against the Central Intelligence Agency.  On the July 14 “Morning Joe,” the former vice…

USAT's Pathetic Pic At Story About Proposed Military Tobacco Ban

July 10th, 2009 8:03 PM
Call it "Yankee Imperialist Corrupts Impressionable Iraqi Youth":Am I supposed to believe that USA Today had no other more relevant pictures they could have used? The fact that they went back to an AP file photo from 2007 is pretty strong evidence that USAT's page-fillers were looking to make a point.Here are selected paragraphs from the related report by Greg Zoroya:

What CNN Didn't Ask About Canada Health Care Rationing

July 6th, 2009 4:03 PM
On July 6, CNN’s American Morning may have positioned themselves as a fly in the White House’s public health-care ointment.  In a story on Senator Mitch McConnell’s recent comments regarding Canadian national health care, CNN traveled to Canada to investigate whether this vision of long queues in health care was warranted.  In investigating, however, CNN neglected to ask an important question of…

An Internal Discussion Between the Press and White House

July 2nd, 2009 6:15 PM
By this time, the NewsBusters connoisseur will have surely heard about yesterday’s unofficial celebration in the White House press briefing.  Like many parties, it was somewhat louder than normal, a bit tense at points, and the press – specifically Chip Reid and Helen Thomas – topped off the early Independence Day festivities by roasting (figuratively, of course) Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.That…

CNN Bashes Conservative Ads With 'Industry Insider,' Omits His Far Lef

July 2nd, 2009 2:18 PM

John Stossel's ABC Health Care Special Pulled in Favor of Even More (G

June 30th, 2009 5:12 PM
Got this e-mail earlier this afternoon, which pretty much says it all about ABC's news priorities:The links in the e-mail are after the jump.

The Hitman -- Vanity Fair's Todd Purdum Unleashes Vicious Attack On Pa

June 30th, 2009 2:15 PM
**UPDATE BELOW** Todd S. Purdum has really outdone himself.The Vanity Fair national editor most recently known for publishing a withering criticism of the Clintons during the 2008 presidential race has chosen a new target for summary destruction: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.This is no mere attack on the Governor’s policy positions, nor on her performance during the 2008 campaign – nor even on her…