Boston Globe Story Describes MA's State-Run Health Care As 'Trailblazi

June 24th, 2009 12:13 PM
There may be no limit to how far establishment media reporters will go in their attempt to prop up the public perception of failing state-run health care programs.The latest example comes from Massachusetts. The Bay State's CommonwealthCare (aka RomneyCare, so nicknamed because Governor Mitt Romney, rumored to be a Republican and pictured at right, championed the legislation's passage and signed…

Politico's Mike Allen: Hike Disqualifies Sanford From Running In

June 23rd, 2009 6:07 PM
Mark Sanford can’t run for President in 2012, all because he went for a hike. At least, that’s what Mike Allen of Politico would have you believe.  On June 23, during his normal appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Allen was discussing the recent media snafu over the governor’s jaunt through the woodlands:I think it might well be that he was just hiking. But the point is, he would have been a…

Grenade Goof: CNN's Cooper Says Grenades Bought In United States

June 22nd, 2009 4:17 PM
Should there be a background check for national reporters?  One wonders.  On June 21, CNN’s Anderson Cooper aired a special report for CBS’ “60 Minutes.”  In this report, Cooper repeated the tired, discredited, blatantly incorrect idea that 90% of Mexican drug cartels’ arms supply comes from the United States.  In addition, Cooper showed some interesting B-roll footage of seized weapon, some of…

Change You Can't Breathe In

June 20th, 2009 3:54 AM
Riding on a waning crest of bringing change to the United States and cleaning up the environment, Barack Obama is going head to head against Barbara Boxer on a big issue. There are 44 coal ash dumps that have been designated as a "high hazard" to the public. They contain arsenic and heavy metals from coal plants. Barbara Boxer has seen the list and wants to make it public, whereas Barack Obama…

Why ABC Goes OBC on Health Care: Follow the Presidential Campaign Mone

June 19th, 2009 12:01 AM
Earlier today, Julia A. Seymour of the Media Research Center's Business & Media Institute (BMI) pointed to a fact-check done by her group showing that "from January 20 to June 16 those quoted in health care stories on ABC's morning and evening news shows favored ObamaCare by a 3-to-1 margin (55 supporters to 18 critics)."You think that margin is bad; wait until you see the ratio at ABC of…

The Devil In The Details: LA Times Ignores Substance, Attacks U.S. Gun

June 18th, 2009 4:51 PM
The L.A. Times is parsing math.If you were to not read Josh Meyer’s June 17 article very carefully, you might think that 90 percent of the weapons recovered from Mexican cartel raids originated in the United States:The report by the congressional Government Accountability Office, the first federal assessment of the issue, offered blistering conclusions that will probably influence the debate over…

CNN's Cafferty Still Bitter Over Gore's Florida Failure

June 15th, 2009 6:41 PM
Jack Cafferty seems a bit bitter.  He apparently hasn’t gotten over Al Gore losing Florida in the 2000 election.  On today’s CNN Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, guest analyst Rob Sobhani briefly mentioned that the democratic process in Iran would be a bit like if the American Supreme Court chose who would be allowed to run for President:ROB SOBHANI: Well for your viewers, I think the best…

MSNBC'S Brzezinski Breaks Cover, Says Media's Palin Hatred 'Rabid

June 12th, 2009 5:14 PM
**UPDATED WITH VIDEO** This morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough broke the news that – are you sitting down? – the media are biased against Sarah Palin.The comic potential for this revelation is nearly unlimited.The Morning Joe Brew Crew provided some very interesting insight, however.  Scarborough led Brzezinski into talking about the insider’s view of the main-…

An Instructive Episode at What Remains of the Boston Globe

June 12th, 2009 2:20 PM
Some of us have speculated that many newsrooms in America are so hell-bent on maintaining their supposedly hallowed positions -- and that by their way of "thinking" they are exempt from the normal laws of economics -- that they will have be dragged kicking and screaming from their keyboards when the repo men come around to turn out the lights. This week's events at the Boston Globe give validity…

NYT's Paul Krugman: Conservative Media Laying Ground for Next Terror A

June 12th, 2009 1:27 PM
Friday's column by New York Times alleged economics columnist Paul Krugman, "The Big Hate," is a quintessential example of his modus operandi: Parrot the left-wing blog argument of the day in slightly varnished form in the august pages of the nation's most influential newspaper. The text box works as a topic sentence: "The conservative establishment and right-wing extremism." He warned that right…

HuffPo's Rowe: Right-Wing Media Culpable For Holocaust Museum Shooting

June 11th, 2009 4:27 PM
Michael Rowe has an article on the Huffington Post, posted today, that makes a few wild-eyed claims about right-wing extremists.For example, Ann Coulter is responsible for yesterday’s tragic shooting at the Holocaust Museum.Bill O’Reilly is responsible for the shooting of well-known abortion doctor George Tiller.Oh, and the coup de grace: Sarah Palin and all of her supporters are raging racists.…

Ford, Jr.: Letterman Wrong, But Palins 'Unique

June 11th, 2009 8:19 AM
Harold Ford, Jr. is the epitome of the equivocating politician who tries to play things both ways.  But that strategy came a cropper for the MSNBC contributor on Morning Joe today.  Ford claimed that though Letterman was wrong to make sexual jokes about Sarah Palin's teenage daughter, somehow the Palins are "unique," and thus presumably an understandable target. Mika Brzezinski came down on him…

Matthews' Black Helicopter Paranoia: Palin A Conspiracy Theorist

June 9th, 2009 2:57 PM
**UPDATED WITH VIDEO** In the ever-expanding aura of liberal hysteria surrounding MSNBC, Chris Matthews is regularly outpaced by the formerly coherent sportscaster, Keith Olbermann.  But Matthews may have won the nightly laurel wreath last night, with his insight on Sarah Palin’s warning against federal bailouts.The offending quote from Palin is not unlike many other things heard from other…

AC360 Strikes Gergen Gusher: Obama Speech 'Most Powerful Speech' Ever

June 5th, 2009 5:08 PM
It must have been a while since David Gergen dropped his resume in the hopper for Team Obama, so it’s no small surprise that it was about for him to turn on the rhetorical firehose and gush some love the White House’s way. On the June 4 “Anderson Cooper 360,” Gergen was asked by the host to give his initial reaction to President Obama’s speech in Cairo. Gergen immediately mugged for the…