CBS’s Pelley Blames Coal Industry for Global Warming

April 27th, 2009 4:45 PM
On Sunday’s CBS ‘60 Minutes,’ anchor Scott Pelley, who once remarked that global warming critics were the equivalent of Holocaust deniers, identified the American coal industry as one of the main culprits of climate change: "The future of our climate might be summed up in one question, what do we do about coal? Coal generates nearly half the electricity in the United States and in the world. But…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Links Terror Interrogations to Abu Ghraib...Again

April 24th, 2009 3:26 PM
In a news brief on Friday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Russ Mitchell implied a link between the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal and Bush administration approval of tough interrogation tactics on suspected terrorists: "Soon we will see more pictures of U.S. personnel allegedly abusing prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan. The photos, like these from Abu Ghraib, are being released next month, following…

CNN Smears 'Right Wing' As Nazis

April 15th, 2009 2:50 PM
**UPDATE ADDED BELOW!** Recycling the mid-1990s liberal smear campaign against grassroots conservatism, CNN has posted an article on the new DHS threat report complete with a Getty Images photo (shown at right) of neo-Nazi and white supremacist flags.If the report were about Nazi extremists, that picture would be warranted. However, the DHS report warns against an amorphous “right-wing extremism…

Too Good To Be True? Obama Iraq Troop Greeting Allegedly Staged

April 14th, 2009 4:12 PM
So says MacsMind (via Flopping Aces via Minority Report via Jeff Emanuel at RedState). MacsMind's post is in response to an all-too-predictable gusher delivered by Democratic operative disguised as Associated Press reporter Jennifer Loven on April 7 (bold is mine): Cheered wildly by U.S. troops, President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday and promptly declared it was time for…

Governments and Journalist Waste Time and Resources on Mythical Sea Le

April 13th, 2009 11:22 PM
To keep up with what has happened in the aftermath of the odious Kelo v. New London Supreme Court eminent domain ruling nearly four years ago (quick answer: nothing that has to do with actually building anything), your truly gets alerts relating what is going happening in that Connecticut town. As a result, I occasionally get alerts concerning things about the affected Fort Trumbull area that…

Couric Campaigns For Gun Control, Tosses Softballs To A.G. Holder

April 9th, 2009 2:54 PM
Katie Couric is on the warpath, so to speak.In her "Evening News" interview with Attorney General Eric Holder last night, Couric pushed Holder several times to commit to heightened restrictions on access to firearms. This comes in light of her recent biased blog post on Couric and Co., which NewsBusters noted yesterday.First, Couric pressed Holder on reinstating the assault weapons ban, noting…

Countering Couric: More People Die In Traffic Accidents Than Gun Viole

April 8th, 2009 12:26 PM
CBS’s Katie Couric, formerly queen of “Today” show sunshine, has written a very anti-gun piece on her blog, Couric & Co. It seems worthwhile to do a point-by-point response, so below, please note that italics are from Couric's blog, and the response is in normal font.Thirteen people shot dead in Binghamton, New York.Four people crushed to death near the Georgia-Tennessee state line.Eight…

In Reality, Nearly Ninety Percent of Mexican Cartel Weapons DON'T Come

April 2nd, 2009 6:08 PM
Apparently, America’s love of firearms has not rubbed off on our Mexican neighbors quite as much as the mainstream media led us to believe.It has been widely reported that 90 percent of the weapons used in the Mexican drug cartel wars come from America. As it turns out, that statistic is simply incorrect. According to the figures obtained from ICE and ATF officials by Fox News, only about 17…

NBC's Lewis Shuns Global Warming Skeptics

March 30th, 2009 3:40 PM
NBC climastrologer and all-around nice guy George Lewis said on Sunday's "Today" show that global warming is at least partly the fault of mankind. More disturbing, however, is the fact that exactly zero consideration was given to actual scientific criticism of such a viewpoint. CARTER ROBERTS, World Wildlife Fund: We're definitely asking people to do a couple things. To turn off the lights, but…

AP Continues to Perpetuate US-Kyoto 1997 Mythology

March 28th, 2009 2:49 PM
No environment-related historical myth seems stronger than the one claiming that if it weren't for the Republican Congress in the late 1990s and President George W. Bush after that, the US would have ratified the Kyoto Treaty and would be under mandatory strictures designed to combat alleged "global warming" -- which, as frequently noted here and elsewhere, has been, depending on the source…

'Fox And Friends' Exclusive: Notre Dame In Uproar Over Obama Speech

March 24th, 2009 6:05 PM
Major media began shielding Barack Obama from criticism early in the presidential primaries. It's no surprise, then, when they continue to do so today. However, the media's collective, instinctive tone-deafness in regard to grassroots activities continues to stun and amaze.NewsBusters has so far noted several grassroots efforts that have been ignored – despite similar left-leaning efforts…

No 'Tea Party' in NY Times, But Room for Leftist 'Bus Tour' of AIG Hom

March 23rd, 2009 5:15 PM
A left-wing "bus tour" protest prowled the affluent neighborhoods of Fairfield, Conn. on Saturday afternoon, looking for AIG execs to harass. The protest, run by a group sponsored by unlabeled leftists ACORN, were railing against the bonuses paid out to employees of the struggling insurance giant. The New York Times found the stunt worthy of a full story in the national section of Sunday's paper…

MSNBC Dives To Cover For Obama With New 'Special Olympics' Theory

March 20th, 2009 1:07 PM
This morning, MSNBC’s Alex Witt was in full damage control mode, working whatever apologist explanations she could find into her reluctant coverage of last night's teleprompter-free “Tonight Show” appearance by the president. [audio available here]Obama was doing quite well at staying on message, when he made the following comment in reaction to Jay Leno's question about his infamous lack of…

MSNBC's Brzezinski Defends Gibbs' Gaffe

March 17th, 2009 5:09 PM