Stephanopoulos Propoganda, Inc

March 4th, 2009 5:45 PM

Chris Matthews: GOP 'Outsourced' Response to Indian-American Governor

February 25th, 2009 2:13 PM
“Oh, god,” why did he have to use that word? According to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, the GOP “outsourced” the Republican response to a young, successful Indian-American governor who “had nothing to do with Congress.”They had to outsource the response tonight, the Republican party. They had to outsource to someone who had nothing to do with Congress because the Republicans in Congress had nothing to…

New York Times Co. Suspends Dividend; Share Price Less Than Cost of Su

February 20th, 2009 9:03 AM
Yesterday, The New York Times Company suspended its quarterly dividend. The company's stock slid 5% to close at $3.51, yet another all-time low in the company's nearly 23 years as a public company in its current form (the Times has been a public company since the 1960s).Henry Blodget at Silicon Valley Insider noted, even before yesterday's announcement and share-price dip, that the company's…

Stimulus Bill Attempts to Impose Once-Moribund 'Net Neutrality': CNet

February 17th, 2009 12:02 AM
If you haven't figured it out yet, the fact that lawmakers in Washington who voted for the mislabeled "stimulus" bill championed by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid did so without reading it, let alone understanding it, means that in the coming weeks (or months?) we'll be learning about all manner of items in the legislation that "nobody" knew about. But that didn't stop House and…

Newspapers Launch PR Campaign Pleading for More Readers

February 4th, 2009 5:19 AM
A large grouping of newspaper publishers have joined together and launched a public relations campaign to inform readers that, yes, newspapers are still relevant -- despite the financial hardships and layoffs of thousands of employees industry wide. Unfortunately, the PR campaign does not seem to recognize that one of the main problems that newspapers are having is with their own content, not…

CBS Pundit Defends Daschle But Slammed Tom Delay

February 3rd, 2009 6:11 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Bill Plante reported on Health and Human Services Secretary nominee, Tom Daschle, failing to pay taxes and working as a health care lobbyist: "Daschle's problem shines a light on something that usually stays in the shadows around here, and that is how connections work in Washington. When is a lobbyist not a lobbyist, and how does a power player, like the… Omits 'Pro-Life' Groups' Connections to Democrats

January 28th, 2009 5:42 PM
Newsweek’s Sarah Kliff, in a January 27, 2009 web-exclusive article entitled “Pro-Lifers In Obamaland,” failed to mention how several organizations and individuals she labeled as “pro-life” have friendly relations with pro-abortion Democrats. She also tried to portray the pro-life movement as being “split” between “those who are preparing for the fight of their lives and those who see an…

Reich: 'Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michelle Malki

January 26th, 2009 5:12 PM
The Obama economic adviser who doesn't want infrastructure "stimulus" spending to only benefit "white male construction workers" is angry at Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michelle Malkin for having the nerve to report his racist remarks the mainstream media compliantly boycotted for several weeks.In an open letter posted at his blog Saturday, former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich accused…

Absolutely Pathetic AP Headline: 'Bush address includes laundry list o

January 16th, 2009 12:36 AM
Wow. This unbylined Associated Press story (HT Michelle Malkin) doesn't really require any elaboration, except to note one thing -- It ends the debate over the existence of liberal/left media bias: Exit question:

Harvard Scientist: Google Searches, Twitter, Second Life Are Major Car

January 11th, 2009 10:15 AM
Update, Jan. 12: Debunked, per Anatreptic, which leaves questions as to the motivation of Alex Wissner-Gross.(begin original post) Are we witnessing the beginning of the demonization of Google?The Internet search and service behemoth's reputation has largely survived co-operating with censorship in mainland China and inconsistent YouTube censorship that seems to lean towards protecting terrorists…

Press Plays 'Obama Distraction' Card Once Again, This Time Over MN and

January 6th, 2009 9:07 AM
Why can't everyone just settle down, get out of the way, get rid of the "distractions," and let Barack Obama do his magic? That seems to be a recurring media meme during this presidential transition period.Here are just a few examples in just the past 30 days: In a December 12 "analysis" piece at Reuters, Steve Holland opened by telling readers that "A political scandal that led to the arrest of…

Media Columnist: Deregulation Needed For Journalism's Survival

January 1st, 2009 10:19 PM
Ever since the financial services industry totally melted down in September, anti-free market media have pointed an accusatory finger at deregulation as the primary cause of bank, brokerage firm, and insurance company failures.Yet, as press outlets across the fruited plain deal with declining revenues and layoffs, some believe a looser anti-trust environment could be the solution.Even more…

New Scientist Names Liberal Wingnut a ‘Science Hero’ of

December 22nd, 2008 11:17 AM
It would seem New Scientist magazine recently decided to sacrifice credibility in the field of research.  Journalistic research, anyway.  In their recent article titled, "Science heroes and villains of 2008," New Scientist has taken the liberty of naming some noteworthy individuals in the field.  As their opening salvo states (emphasis mine):  The collective brain of New Scientist has come up…

Gregory Uses Lefty Columnist Coleman to Blast Bachmann

October 22nd, 2008 9:31 AM
The NBC/MSNBC family of networks has been getting maximum mileage out of Chris Matthews's interview of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) last week.  Matthews himself has been recycling clips ever since. This morning, David Gregory narrated a Today show segment about the interview and its aftermath.  The only journalist whose views Gregory aired were those of Nick Coleman, columnist at the…