AP Resists, Tries to Distort Good News in Trump-Saudi Oil Discussion

July 2nd, 2018 10:28 AM
On Saturday afternoon, Ken Thomas and Jon Gambrell at the Associated Press demonstrated the wire service's chronic resistance to recognizing genuinely good news during the Trump era. The pair pretended in their story about Donald Trump's Saturday conversation with Saudi King Salman that the President could only "claim" that Saudi Arabia has agreed to significantly boost its oil production in…

Mass. Reporter Fired After Claiming Annapolis Shooter Wore MAGA Hat

June 30th, 2018 8:55 PM
On Thursday, shortly after news broke of the Capital Gazette massacre in Annapolis, Maryland, Conor Berry, a reporter at the The Republican newspaper in Springfield, Massachusetts, published a tweet which appeared to be serious claiming that the shooter "dropped his #MAGA hat on the newsroom floor before opening fire." Berry, a journalist with 21 years of experience, is now an unemployed…

Reporte de Univisión trasquila proyecto de estadidad para PR

June 30th, 2018 12:35 PM
La cadena Univisión no puede dejar de proclamar su resolución predilecta al estatus territorial de Puerto Rico de casi 120 años- ni siquiera cuando reporta sobre la radicación de un proyecto de ley que enmendaría esta anomalía histórica y convertiría a Puerto Rico en el Estado 51 de la Unión.

Univision Badly Botches Report On Puerto Rico Statehood Bill

June 28th, 2018 11:50 AM
Univision can't contain itself from broadcasting its preferred resolution of Puerto Rico's going on 120 year-old territorial status - not even when reporting on the filing of a bill that would correct the still festering historic anomaly and make Puerto Rico the 51st state of the Union.

CNN Stealth-Edits June 12 Report on 'Iconic' Photo Six Days Later

June 27th, 2018 7:26 AM
CNN's Brian Stelter and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch got into a Twitter spat Monday evening over the press's handling of the story behind Getty Images photographer John Moore's "iconic" photo of a crying 2-year-old little girl at the U.S.-Mexico border. As usual, Loesch wiped the floor with the network's Reliable Sources host. During the back-and-forth, Stelter responded to Loesch's criticism of…

NYT Climate Alarmist Celebrates James Hansen, Hit Free-Market 'Lies'

June 24th, 2018 4:44 PM
Justin Gillis, former activist and alarmist Times environmental reporter, returned to the opinion page to continue his mission against emissions and to mark the 30th anniversary of NASA scientist and climate scold James Hansen’s jeremiad to Congress on global warming (now repurposed as “climate change”): “He Was Right About The Climate.”

There's More: Mom of 2-Year-Old in 'Iconic' Photo Previously Deported

June 22nd, 2018 6:55 PM
The narratives surrounding the 2-year-old girl photographed crying at the U.S.-Mexico border have imploded so completely that it couldn't possibly get more embarrassing, right? Wrong. A later segment of CBS's This Morning revealed that young Yanela Denise Hernandez's mother, Sandra Sanchez, was deported in 2013.

Dem Rep to CNN: UAC Detention Conditions 'Kept Quiet' Under Obama

June 16th, 2018 9:55 PM
Appearing to take the show's host by surprise, Henry Cuellar, a Democrat in Texas's congressional delegation contended Saturday on CNN that in 2014, the conditions at detention centers holding unaccompanied and separated illegal-immigrant children were "kept quiet under the Obama Administration." That's probably correct, but it should also be noted that enough info had leaked out that that the…

AP Reporter Bitterly Rips Amazon as Seattle's 'Head Tax' Faces Repeal

June 12th, 2018 5:21 PM
Seattle's $275-per-employee "Head Tax" (EHT), which was to be levied against every business with over $20 million in revenue, was repealed on Tuesday by a 7-2 City Council vote. City leaders' abrupt repeal occurred when it became obvious that a referendum effort would gather far more than enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. In a 1 p.m. ET Associated Press dispatch published…

The Internet ‘As We Know It’…Is Over. Well, It ‘Could’ Be. Maybe

June 11th, 2018 1:50 PM
A Net Neutrality-free Internet – is the Internet status quo. It’s “The Internet as we know it.” Everything you knew about the Internet the first two-plus decades – is what you know about the Internet now. Everything else being flung at you by the Media-Left – is just ideological monkey poo.

Maddow Omits Democrat Party Affiliation of Nashville Mayor in Scandal

May 31st, 2018 11:46 PM
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow pulled off a dubious trifecta Wednesday night. Not only did she fail to mention that a Nashville mayor forced to resign in March was a Democrat, Maddow most assuredly did mention the Republican affiliation of not one but two Republican governors swept up in scandal. She did this in all of a minute and a half. And some still wonder why she's a rock star on the left.

Amid Their Roseanne Firestorm, ABC Whines: Trump Hasn’t Condemned Her

May 30th, 2018 9:20 PM
Since canceling ratings-powerhouse Roseanne on Tuesday, ABC and Disney have been under tremendous fire for even hiring Roseanne Barr given her long history of racism and unhinged antics. And in a tweet Wednesday, President Trump called out the company’s double standard of keeping on other such people but who target him. Instead of keeping their head down and taking their lumps, ABC actually…

Starbucks CEO: 'I Am Not Aware' That Company Funds Planned Parenthood

May 30th, 2018 4:31 PM
On Maria Bartiromo's Wednesday morning Fox Business Network show, the host asked Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson to respond a Tuesday Washington Examiner op-ed by Alveda King, a longtime pro-life activist and niece of Martin Luther King Jr. King contended that if Starbucks is "really serious about eliminating racism," it will "stop funding" Planned Parenthood.

CBS/NBC Tout Federal Judge Ruling Trump Can’t Block Twitter Accounts

May 23rd, 2018 8:42 PM
On Wednesday, a federal judge out of the Southern District of New York ruled that President Trump’s blocking of people on Twitter somehow violated the First Amendment and declared Trump’s account was a public forum. Of course, the liberal media that has condemned the President’s use of the social media platform saw it as a victory and rejoiced. Both CBS and NBC made sure to touch on it during…