NY Times, on Time Inc.'s Demise, Rewrites History, Exposes Its Agenda

May 21st, 2018 9:15 AM
On Friday, the New York Times published "The Last Days of Time Inc." Reporters Srudhar Pappu and Jay Stowe asked more than two dozen editors and writers "to reflect on the heyday of this former epicenter of power and influence, as well as its decline." Before that, they rewrote history to make it appear that all was well until "about a decade ago." One Time reporter exposed the magazine's (and…

AP Story About Trump-GOP Lunch Is Primarily About What Didn't Happen

May 17th, 2018 8:04 PM
On Tuesday, the Associated Press produced a dispatch exemplifying why the public so deeply distrusts and despises the establishment press. Tasked with covering President Donald Trump's lunch with Republican senators, reporters Lisa Mascaro and Anne Flaherty decided that relaying what happened and what was discussed was relatively unimportant. Instead, in a transparent attempt to fuel…

AP Publishes Virtual Press Release on California's Solar Panel Mandate

May 16th, 2018 5:04 PM
On Wednesday, the California Energy Commission adopted "standards requiring solar systems for new homes" beginning in 2020. Kathleen Ronayne at the Associated Press published a virtual press release celebrating the move, and presented woefully incomplete information about the alleged financial benefits of this unelected body's latest move.

CNN Stacks Comey Town Hall Audience Questions 2:1 Against Trump

April 25th, 2018 11:29 PM
CNN’s major primetime event on Wednesday night was their town hall featuring former FBI Director James Comey taking questions from the students, faculty, and staff at the College of William and Mary (his alma mater). Being a town hall-style event, the evening was filled to the brim with questions, a majority of which were asked by moderator Anderson Cooper. But when it came to the questions asked…

NBC Airs Adoring Segment About Dem Senator up for Reelection

April 23rd, 2018 5:55 PM
To the left, climate change is no longer a partisan issue; it’s merely a question of believers versus heretics. Perhaps that is why NBC felt justified in airing a Sunday Nightly News segment bursting at the seams with praise for liberal Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), whom NBC chief climate change correspondent Anne Thompson lauded as “part teacher, part Don Quixote.”

I Wonder Why? First-Quarter Ratings Tank at CNN, ESPN

April 5th, 2018 7:18 PM
In early March, Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted that CNN's February audience fell by 19 percent from February 2017. Full first-quarter cable TV ratings released this week show serious year-over-year declines not only at CNN, but also at ESPN, which has continued to push politically correct causes. Perhaps CNN's Jeffrey Tucker should consider the shortcomings in his network's programming instead…

Stelter Hides Liberal Bias of Fomer Sinclair Producer He Champions

April 5th, 2018 5:44 PM
In an obnoxious and greatly misleading article published on Wednesday, CNN media reporter Brian Stelter championed former KHGI-TV producer Justin Simmons for quitting his job at a Sinclair Broadcast Group-owned ABC affiliate in Nebraska following the controversy of their scripted promise to be factual. While Stelter tried to portray Simmons as a down-the-middle journalist standing up to corrupt…

CBS, NBC Decry Trump Pulling U.S. Out of Syria, Declare It ‘Retreat’

April 4th, 2018 9:02 PM
In a recent public statement at the White House this week, President Trump expressed his desire to pull U.S. troops out of war-torn Syria and bring them home. Of course, the hypocritical liberal media became enraged and threw up their arms in protest. During their Wednesday evening broadcasts, CBS and NBC were sure to voice their contempt for the idea by arguing there was so more to be done. CBS…

CNN Perpetuates Myth of Kennedy Heroism in Cuban Missile Crisis

April 4th, 2018 8:11 PM
Back on March 11, CNN began airing a six-part weekly "docuseries" on the Kennedys, America's "First Family," aimed at "uncovering how and why this one family so significantly impacted 20th century America." And less than a month after the series began, Hollywood will release its first cinematic treatment on the death of Kennedy campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick, a scandal that…

ABC/NBC Fret Citizenship Question on Census Could Hurt Dem House Seats

March 27th, 2018 9:18 PM
On Tuesday, the Trump administration announced that it would be reapplying a question about citizenship to the 2020 census form, a question that was removed by the Obama administration for 2010’s. While the CBS Evening News didn’t find it newsworthy, both ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News dedicated time to stoking fear about the question being asked. They worried it could drive…

Media Critic Touts Leakers: ‘True Patriots’ ‘Protecting’ Us from Trump

March 26th, 2018 6:03 PM
One of the major joys for a liberal journalist covering the Trump White House is arguably when they get a leak that can embarrass the administration. They’re such an integral part of their strategy against Trump that “anonymous sources” are key to many of their major stores. And despite some of their faulty information, they are praised and defended. That was true during Sunday’s Reliable Sources…

LAT Journo Agrees With Parkland Student: 'Journalism *Is* Activism'

March 26th, 2018 5:55 PM
On Sunday, CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter spoke with Marjory Stoneman Douglas school newspaper co-editor Rebecca Schneid. When asked if she sees "a difference right now between journalism and activism and what you're doing," Schneid responded that "in its own right journalism is a form of activism." In a telling Twitter follow-up, Los Angeles Times reporter Matt Pearce, who should know…

Not a Journalist: Baldwin Partners with Anti-Gun Group for CNN Panel

March 23rd, 2018 6:17 PM
Ahead of Saturday’s anti-gun, liberal media-supported March for Our Lives, Friday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom showed just how far left most of the network lies on the spectrum. “Fake news hypocrite” host Brooke Baldwin openly tag-teamed with the Michael Bloomberg-funded, pro-gun control Everytown for Gun Safety for over 14 minutes of discussion with families who’ve lost loved ones to gun violence…

NPR Touts 'Underground Railroad' For Abortion in Ireland

March 23rd, 2018 5:01 PM
NPR's All Things Considered on Thursday promoted an activist's own spin about her abortion campaign in Ireland, which likened the cause to the 19th-century effort that helped slaves escape bondage in the Southern United States. Lauren Frayer spotlighted how "there's a sort of modern-day underground railroad discreetly shuttling thousands of Irish women to abortion clinics" outside of the Emerald…