MSNBC's Nance Nominates Trump Tower Istanbul for ISIS Bombing

April 18th, 2017 11:27 PM
In an absolutely shocking tweet late Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC’s Counter Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance stepped up and suggested that ISIS bomb a Trump property. “This is my nominee for first ISIS suicide bombing of a Trump property,” he tweeted in response to another one asserting that President Trump congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s election win for corrupt reasons tied to…

ABC, NBC Fawn Over Ossoff: Democrats’ ‘Best Chance’ Against Trump

April 18th, 2017 10:11 PM

With the polls getting ready to close in Georgia’s 6th congressional district, ABC and NBC flaunted their admiration for the young Democrat Jon Ossoff Tuesday evening. “Tonight, the eyes of the political world are on a congressional district in Georgia where an upstart Democrat is trying to win a special election in what has been a Republican-held district for years,” announced Anchor Lester…


MSNBC Panel Unloads on ‘Madman’ Trump for Handling of North Korea

April 18th, 2017 5:47 PM
During Monday’s The 11th Hour on MSNBC, serial liar Brian Williams trotted of an expert panel of Trump critics and let them loose to smear the President’s actions against North Korea. “On the one hand, Brian, when you have a dangerous stand-off with a nuclear-armed adversary, of course, you would like to think that within our government we have stability, methodical planning, every step is very…

Sam Bee’s Show Tweets Support for Democrats in Georgia House Race

April 18th, 2017 3:26 PM
On Monday and Tuesday, the Twitter account for NewsBusters-stalking, far-left host Samantha Bee’s TBS show did its part for The Resistance by openly advocating for a Democratic Party victory in the Georgia sixth congressional district special election. 

MSNBC’s Tur Insists Trump’s Foreign Policy Flips Stem from ‘Ignorance'

April 17th, 2017 10:31 PM
MSNBC’s Katy Tur is notably not a fan of President Trump and during Monday’s MTP Daily, where she was filling-in for Chuck Todd, she took numerous swipes at the commander-in-chief. “There are so many questions about what exactly Donald Trump’s foreign policy is. What does the Trump doctrine look like? … There's a lot of confusion about it,” she told Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign…

CBS Hypes Young Democrat in Georgia Primary: ‘Hopes’ ‘Invested’ in Him

April 17th, 2017 9:05 PM

With the polls in Georgia’s special election closing in roughly 24-hours, CBS Evening News spent a segment of Monday night’s program seemingly hyping up the young Democrat running, Jon Ossoff. “30-year old John Ossoff has gone from unknown documentarian to Democratic-cause-celeb in the space of two months,” praised Correspondent Nancy Cordes. This, while poking fun at Republicans who they…

Fleischer Excoriates Liberal Media for Being 'Too Far' Out of Touch

April 17th, 2017 11:13 AM
Former George W. Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer gave a great interview to The Hill’s Joe Concha posted Sunday in which he slammed the liberal media for their bias “particularly on social issues” and proving daily how they’re too disconnected from their audiences. On media bias itself, Fleischer said “there’s no question about it” as the media have “an inherent bias toward conflict…

'Fact Checkers' Overwhelmingly Target Right-Wing Pols and Pundits

April 14th, 2017 9:45 PM
Thursday at NewsBusters, I noted that all of the major-media "fact-checking" efforts recognized by Duke University's website lean left, and that almost all of them are quite decidedly on the left. That only begins to explain how the "fact-checkers" are distorting the news landscape.

CBS Celebrates Federal Court Striking Down Texas’ Voter ID Law

April 13th, 2017 9:42 PM

On Monday, a federal judge struck down the state of Texas’ voter ID law with claims that the law was specifically designed to target minorities. Seemingly just hearing about it on Thursday, CBS Evening News touted the development. “A federal judge has again struck down Texas' voter ID law, ruling that it is actually meant to keep minorities from voting. The state is expected to appeal,”…

No Diversity Here: Officially Recognized 'Fact-Checkers' All Lean Left

April 13th, 2017 6:05 PM
Posts over the next several days will show that certain left-leaning websites and existing left-leaning news organizations have figured out that they can employ the technique of "fact-checking," perhaps once nobly intended, as a handy device to advance a left-supporting, right-bashing agenda. 

Actual TIME Piece: 'How Difficult Would It Be to Impeach Trump?'

April 13th, 2017 3:41 PM
TIME Magazine published Wednesday an eye-rolling piece regarding the possibility President Donald Trump could be impeached. Among a choir of left-wingers calling for his impeachment, the article "How Difficult Would It Be to Impeach President Trump?"-- already shared over 2,000 times--featured a holistic approach underlying factors that may lead to the third ever presidential impeachment.

CNN Blasts Trump for Golf Outings, Yawned at Obama's Vacations

April 13th, 2017 12:14 PM
CNN's New Day on Thursday blasted President Donald Trump for spending over $21 million visiting his Mar-a-Lago estate, but excused the price tag of former President Barack Obama's golf and vacation outings. "The President is on pace to spend more money on vacations in his very first year than former President Barack Obama did in eight years in office," anchor Alisyn Camerota said.

Unhinged Journalist's Conspiracy: United a ‘Distraction’ From Trump?

April 13th, 2017 9:01 AM
Readers who haven't recently ventured into the fever swamp known as the Los Angeles Times may have a hard time fathoming how utterly obsessed what used to the be the West Coast's paper of record has become with the threat to civilization known as Donald Trump. Once one understands how bad things have gotten, it will be easy to believe that one of its columnists, a Pulitzer Prize winner, actually…

CBS Highlights Study Claiming Supreme Court Justices Are Sexist

April 13th, 2017 12:20 AM
To cap off Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, the network spotlighted a study by a pair of Northwestern University law professors who claim the United States Supreme Court is a sexist workplace based exclusively on who interrupts who. “And at the Supreme Court, women broke the glass ceiling. Now, if the men don’t mind, they’d like to have the floor,” argued Anchor Scott Pelley during the opening tease…