
Nets Hype Ivanka Getting Heckled at Women’s Summit in Germany

April 25th, 2017 11:51 PM
Ivanka Trump was embracing her role as adviser to the president on Tuesday when she was representing the United States at a women’s summit in Berlin, Germany. While on stage, she stated that her father has “been a tremendous champion of supporting families.” And with that, the European audience “hissed” and “jeered.” The liberal Big Three networks were more than happy to pounce on the incident…

Lesley Stahl Frets That Courts Aren't Doing Enough to Thwart GOP

April 25th, 2017 6:16 PM
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, Samuel Johnson famously observed. And the courts become a desperate refuge for liberals after they lose an election, political observers inevitably witness. Practically as soon as "controversial" Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski was introduced on Sunday's 60 Minutes by reporter Lesley Stahl, you could see her pitch coming.

CBS, NBC Celebrate Obama’s First Public Appearance Since Inauguration

April 24th, 2017 9:50 PM
Former President Barack Obama made his first public appearance at the University of Chicago on Monday, where the liberal media championed his return. “Meantime tonight, we're hearing from former President Obama speaking out in his first public event since leaving office, jumping back into the spotlight and a lot of attention focused on what he would say about his successor, President Trump,”…

CBS Defends NEA: ‘Art Needs Subsidy to Be Alive,’ Not the Marketplace

April 23rd, 2017 11:10 AM
During CBS’s Sunday Morning, the network dedicated their “cover story,” which lasted over nine minutes, to railing against the Trump administration’s proposed cuts to the National Endowment for the Arts. “With the proposed cuts in federal funding for the arts would hurt their program but not shut it down, but the same cannot be said for groups in other parts of the country,” whined host Jane…

King Hilariously Defends Yachting with Obamas; ‘Not Political' at All

April 22nd, 2017 11:08 PM
On Friday’s Access Hollywood, CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King responded to the fact that she had recently vacationed in Tahiti with, among others, the Obama family, pathetically claiming that it was “not a political statement” and no big deal since her “friends” are out of the White House.

Fake News: Rachel Maddow Invents Missing Trump Inauguration Funds

April 21st, 2017 8:34 PM
A little over a month since her overhyped non-scandal involving President Trump’s tax returns, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took to her show Thursday night to invent a controversy involving "missing" Trump inauguration funds. “We raised a question about $107 million that appears to be sloshing around right now somewhere inside the Trump administration, with nobody accounting for it,” she claimed near…

Mea Culpa Attempt at NY Times Over Pats' WH Photo Flap Is Itself Bogus

April 21st, 2017 9:40 AM
The New York Times is trying to make it look like it's doing everything it can to back away from the tweet it published Wednesday afternoon showing a bogus comparison of the turnouts from the 2015 and 2017 White House appearances of the players and front office personnel of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. In truth, it's doing everything except the one thing it should do.

Nets Omit Dem Official Blaming Obama for Party Failures in Elections

April 21st, 2017 12:16 AM
Following their humiliating defeat in the 2016 election, the Democratic Party found themselves in a terrible place where they were down over 1000 seats through all levels of government since 2008. And according to one high-ranking Party official, one person held the blame. “The number two official for the Democrats says former President Obama is to blame for the Party's recent electoral failures…

NYT Reporter Hints: Hannity Should Be Dumped Next

April 20th, 2017 4:00 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters hinted on Thursday's Morning Joe that Fox News's Sean Hannity be fired next after the network showed anchor Bill O'Reilly the door, Wednesday, in response to sexual harassment allegations. He lectured, "I think you have to look at somebody like Sean Hannity and question whether or not his -- almost propaganda-like attitude and programs every night is going to…

The ADL as a News Citation is No Different Than SPLC, NAACP, etc.

April 20th, 2017 1:31 PM
During the first few months of the Trump presidency, anti-Semitic incidents grabbed headlines, with hundreds of bomb threats against Jewish community centers and Jewish cemeteries vandalized in Philadelphia and other places. Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League were targeted. While these hate crimes are alarming and tragic, the ADL should not be immune from criticism as it is…

NY Times Politicizes Pats' WH Visit With Bogus Photo Comparison

April 20th, 2017 10:48 AM
At this point, it seems that there is nothing the New York Times won't fabricate in the their nonstop attempt to discredit anything and everything associated with President Donald Trump. Yesterday the @NYTSports Twitter account tweeted photos supposedly comparing this year's turnout of Super Bowl champion New England Patriots players and personnel at the White House to the analogous event in 2015…

ABC, CBS Touting Ossoff’s Non-Win, ‘First Scare at Ballot Box’ for GOP

April 20th, 2017 12:25 AM

After spending the morning playing up the non-win of Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff, ABC and CBS continued to play their game of spin-the-story Wednesday evening. “The President put all of his support behind Republicans in yesterday's congressional special election in Georgia, but it turned out that Democrat Jon Ossoff was the top vote-getter,” Anchor Scott Pelley announced on CBS Evening News, “…


NBC Shocked Supreme Court Would Dare Side With a Church Over the State

April 19th, 2017 9:47 PM
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court of the United States heard the oral argument for the controversial Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer. The case tackles the idea of a separation between church and state, “The question: Can states refuse to give money to churches even when it's for something that doesn't involve worship,” noted Anchor Lester Holt during NBC Nightly News. And judging by questions…

Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult

April 19th, 2017 6:31 PM
Thirstier than an ultra-marathoner lost in Death Valley in mid-July. Hyping the entertainment magazine's latest cover, Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller gushed this week, "How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?" Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of "cool." Leather jacket? Check. Overzealous airbrushing? Check. Humanizing grin? Check. Democratic…