
Nets Revel In GOP Infighting, Tout Trump Targeting Freedom Caucus

March 30th, 2017 10:10 PM
Just before the Big Three networks went live on Thursday night, President Donald Trump unleashed on the conservatives of the House Freedom Caucus in his latest Twitter tirade. And as the networks came on the air, they were eating it all up. “President Trump with a tweet storm, naming names, after his failure on health care, ObamaCare still the law of the land,” hyped ABC Anchor David Muir on…

GOP Rep. Calls Out CNN: Media 'Likes to Hit Conservatives'

March 30th, 2017 3:53 PM

On Thursday's At This Hour With Kate Bolduan, Virginia Representative Dave Brat called out CNN and the rest of the media. In an interview about last Friday's failure to repeal and replace ObamaCare in the House, the Republican congressman and House Freedom Caucus (HFC) member ruled that "It's always the mainstream media, et cetera, likes to hit conservatives."

Judges Who Overturned Trump Travel Ban Used Document Leaked to AP

March 30th, 2017 2:01 PM
Two Associated Press reporters appear to have officially joined the "resistance." In late February, the wire service released an "exclusive" covering a "draft" document leaked by someone in the Department of Homeland Security not reflecting the agency's official position. In mid-March, two judges used that AP dispatch — while ignoring readily available contradictory and genuinely authoritative…

CNN's Camerota Lets Angry Democrat Blast Gorsuch Over 'Stolen Seat'

March 30th, 2017 12:59 PM
On CNN's New Day, Thursday, Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley blasted Republicans for filling the vacant Supreme Court seat with Neil Gorsuch and for not allowing Obama nominee Merrick Garland a hearing last year. Instead of challenging the Democrat, such as citing polls which show Democrats oppose blocking Gorsuch, co-host Alisyn Camerota let Merkley rant about what he called a "terrible precedent."

CBS: ‘No Credible Source’ Backs Up Claim Clintons Paid for Uranium

March 29th, 2017 9:06 PM
In a clear effort to discredit President Donald Trump and keep Hillary Clinton clean, CBS Anchor Scott Pelley dismissed claims that the Clinton family received payments from Russia for American Uranium. “Well, today, President Trump sewed confusion on the Russian investigation. He asked why the media are not covering, quote, ‘Money from Russia to Clinton for the sale of uranium,’” he announced…

CNN Praises: ‘Hillary Clinton Is Back’ With Defense of April Ryan

March 28th, 2017 11:59 PM
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer found himself in some hot water with the sensational liberal media following his nationally televised throwdown with reporter April Ryan, during Tuesday’s press briefing. The turbulent exchange was noticed by failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who railed against Spicer in a speech she was giving in San Francisco, California. Clinton’s…

Hilarious! Ryan Says She Doesn’t Have ‘Agenda’ After Spicer Throwdown

March 28th, 2017 3:57 PM
Following her latest debate with White House press secretary Sean Spicer, liberal journalist and American Urban Radio Network correspondent April Ryan hilariously argued Tuesday afternoon on MSNBC that she doesn’t “have an agenda” despite being “road kill” in the eyes of Spicer.

CNN Sees White House Cover-Up: 'What Are People Hiding?'

March 28th, 2017 3:47 PM

CNN's Executive Editor speculated Tuesday that the Republican Party might be "hiding" information regarding former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates testifying in front of the House Intelligence Committee regarding alleged communication between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. This development came in light of an accusation from Yates' lawyer that the White House tried…


What?! CNN Complains About the Deportation of Drunk Driving DREAMer

March 27th, 2017 10:50 PM
If there was one thing that our politically divided country could agree on, it was the seriousness of drunk driving. But during Monday’s edition of The Lead, that common understanding took a back seat for CNN as they bemoaned that a so-called “DREAMer” was deported. “Last August [Jorge] Matadamas was charged with drunk driving and evading arrest. While in jail, he lost his DACA status,” reported…

CBS Frets Sessions’ Threat to Pull Federal Funds from Sanctuary Cities

March 27th, 2017 9:28 PM
During a press briefing on Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned that if so-called sanctuary cities continued to hinder the implementation of federal immigration law, then federal law enforcement funds would be pulled. CBS Evening News pushed back against the Trump administration’s efforts by playing on the fears regarding, as anchor Scott Pelley said, “Who is being targeted.” Meanwhile,…

Spreading Laughable Lies, Univision Goes To Bat For Big Bird

March 27th, 2017 4:01 PM
Predictably, Univision has also now joined the liberal media parade in defense of taxpayer funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and National Public Radio (NPR), with a totally one-sided report that is short on facts, as well as laden with omissions and laughable fallacies.

Cartoonist Scott Adams Turns Tables on Liberal, Anti-Trump Hit Piece

March 27th, 2017 1:01 AM
Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist who has been portraying life in the office cubicle for over three decades, spotted the Donald Trump phenomenon early on, wrote that "I have never seen better" persuasion skills, and ultimately predicted that Trump would win the presidency. Bloomberg Businessweek's Caroline Winter, apparently originally believing like so many others that Adams would be proven…

NBC's MTP Takes a Hatchet to ‘Area 51’ Freedom Caucus and Cruel GOP

March 26th, 2017 1:56 PM
In the wake of the failure of the House GOP’s health care legislation on Friday, blame was being hurled all over Washington. And during Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC, the panel joined in and savagely began tearing into the different factions of the Republican Party on the Hill. “That loss isn’t on the President it isn't on Paul Ryan and it is on the Area 51 sub-caucus of the Freedom Caucus,…

ABC Targets Trump Supporters After Weekend Rallies Turn Violent

March 26th, 2017 10:21 AM
On Saturday, supporters of the President gathered in locations all around the country for Make America Great Again rallies and marches. But with radical leftists in attendance at some rallies, violence erupted. But according to ABC’s Good Morning America on Sunday, it would appear that the Trump supporters were to blame. “All this as tensions grow higher than ever been Trump supporters and…