
MSNBC Badgers GOP Rep With Dem Talking Points on Spying

March 23rd, 2017 4:56 PM
On Thursday, MSNBC's Hallie Jackson used liberal talking points to grill GOP Congressman Buddy Carter on the way his colleague is leading the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into the Obama administration possibly collecting surveillance of members on then-President-elect Donald Trump's transition team. The Georgia representative, a supporter of Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, is…

Why the ‘Establishment’ Media Is Finding Itself on Shaky Ground

March 22nd, 2017 2:50 PM
As a member of The Daily Signal team, I took offense to The Washington Post’s recent questioning of our “legitimacy” as a news organization. The Washington Post began its story stating that, “In an age of partisan media, the lines between ‘partisan’ and ‘media’ can sometimes blur.” I wonder if the reporter has taken a look at just how partisan some of our country’s media behemoths actually are.…

CNN’s Gergen Cites Non-Existent New CBO Report on GOP Health Care Bill

March 22nd, 2017 12:39 AM
With the GOP’s new health care bill limping into Thursday’s vote in the House especially after the brutal Congressional Budget Office report, the media are taking every chance to give it one more kick. But during Tuesday’s CNN Tonight, commentator David Gergen claimed that the CBO had put out an even more damaging report. “We’ve just learned in last 24 hours the Congressional Budget Office says…

Nets Bury Gorsuch Hearing, Confounded by Lack of Dirt and Fireworks

March 21st, 2017 10:22 PM
NBC didn't bury the story after a commercial break like the other networks, but they did try to paint President Donald Trump’s nominee in a highly negative light, literally. “Gorsuch says he met Mr. Trump when interviewed for the job,” reported justice correspondent Pete Williams on NBC Nightly News. While he was saying that, a dreary black and white clip of Gorsuch shaking Trump’s hand played in…

Boom! GOP Congressman Schools MSNBC on Partisan, Anti-Trump Press

March 21st, 2017 6:46 PM
During an interview with Virginia Congressman Dave Brat on Tuesday, MSNBC’s Katy Tur got embarrassingly schooled on the fact that liberal media bias is a measurable fact. “Well, it’s hard on my side of the aisle. The press tends to be kind of like the faculty lounge where I taught for 20 years,” Brat joked, “I think 90 percent or so tend to be fairly Democratic. So, we always feel, you guys are…

Giddy CNN Swoons Dems Are Giving ‘Testier’ Gorsuch ‘Run for His Money'

March 21st, 2017 4:42 PM
During the second break in day two of Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing Tuesday afternoon, CNN detected some wind in their sails as they swooned and congratulated their Democratic allies for supposedly giving the “testy” Gorsuch “a little bit more of a run for his money.” CNN found nothing to object to in the first break around lunchtime, so it was inevitable that they would concoct some sort…

Cuomo 'Surprised Democrats Didn't Jump on Comey'

March 21st, 2017 10:16 AM
On CNN's New Day Tuesday, co-host Chris Cuomo implied his displeasure with FBI Director James Comey over the agnecy's handling of investigations last year, such as the hacking of the Democratic National Committee in addition to looking into whether then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on a private server while serving as Secretary of State. In…

WashPost: PBS Budget Was Cut Because ‘Sesame Street’ Mocked Trump

March 21st, 2017 12:44 AM
Following the release of President Donald Trump’s new federal budget last week, the liberal media was up in arms that Trump would dare to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. On Sunday, a CNN anchor asked the MRC’s Dan Gainor if it was “conservative revenge.” But The Washington Post on Monday had an even more ridiculous explanation. “Trump wants to defund PBS. ‘Sesame Street’ brutally…

ABC Reporter: Adolescent White House Is a 'Laughingstock' in Europe

March 19th, 2017 1:33 PM
Following a recent foreign policy dust-up between the White House and Britain over unfounded allegations of spying, the liberal media took it upon themselves to speculate the future of the long standing relationship. And during ABC’s This Week the network’s chief foreign correspondent, Terry Moran mocked the Trump administration and argued that all of Europe was laughing at the expense of the…

Morning Joe Opens With Juvenile Movie Montage to Mock White House

March 17th, 2017 11:12 AM
MSNBC's Morning Joe opened Friday's show with a juvenille montage of news and entertainment highlights. The one minute-and-fifty-four-second mix-up reel began with a reporter asking White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer whether or not President Donald Trump still stands by his accusation his predecessor ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower during the 2016 election. 

ABC Touts Liberal Judge Shooting Down Trump’s Revised Travel Ban

March 17th, 2017 12:34 AM
Late Wednesday evening, a federal judge in Hawaii put a temporary hold on the implementation of the White House’s revised travel ban. The development was celebrated by the left and championed by the liberal media. “There’s new fallout this evening after President Trump now faces his second defeat on his proposed travel ban. The revised ban blocked just hours before it took effect,” stated anchor…

ABC, NBC Vilify Trump’s Budget, Hurting the Poor and Cancer Research

March 16th, 2017 10:56 PM
The Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) pulled out all the stops and sharpened their knives for their effort to tear into the White House’s budget proposal on Thursday. “President Trump has unveiled his first budget proposal covering all the things the federal government pays for and how he wants to spend the money,” announced anchor Lester Holt during NBC Nightly News, “There's a lot more…

Carlson Asks: Who Tried Harder to Swing the Election, Russia — or NBC?

March 16th, 2017 8:15 PM
On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson opened his Fox News show by reviewing the "evidence," after months of allegations and bitter left-leaning cable news hysteria, that Russia conspired, perhaps with now-President Donald Trump's help, to engineer the Republican's November presidential win — by, in short, asserting that "there's no reason to believe that Russia changed the course of American political…

Cuomo: Trump Is 'Hoisted On His Own Petard'

March 16th, 2017 12:49 PM
On CNN's New Day Thursday, co-host Chris Cuomo said that President Donald Trump is like a "hoisted on his own petard." This remark occurred during a panel discussion regarding a House Intelligence Committee report concluding there is no evidence that former President Barack Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower.