
Univision Uses Flimsy Premise To Push Climate Agenda

February 21st, 2017 8:39 AM
Univision's news division is quick to remind us, as we recently saw, that it has a political agenda that extends far beyond immigration. 

CNN Finds Humor in UK Parliament Insulting Trump to Downgrade Visit

February 20th, 2017 11:55 PM
Debate raged in the United Kingdom’s Parliament Monday over whether or not President Donald Trump should be extended the warm welcome of a full state visit. As insults targeting Trump flew back and forth, CNN seemed to get a good laugh out of it all. “Insults flying over Trump's invitation for a formal state visit to the UK,” hyped Erin Burnett during her show OutFront, “One Member of Parliament…

Nets Tout Anti-Trump Protesters Rallying for ‘Not My President Day’

February 20th, 2017 9:05 PM
“Not my president” started off as a rallying cry for liberals shattered by Hillary Clinton’s historic defeat to Donald Trump. But during Monday’s Presidents’ Day holiday, leftists gathered for anti-Trump protests in cities from coast-to-coast in celebration of “Not My President Day.” The liberal Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) seemed to revel in the play on words the rallies brought. “And…

CNN All-In on Authoritarian Label, Trump’s Thoughts Are Brain Tumors

February 19th, 2017 4:56 PM
CNN went completely off the rails during Sunday’s Reliable Sources, as host Brian Stelter and his guests labeled President Donald Trump an authoritarian dictator with reckless abandon. After opening the program by calling Trump’s comments about the media “poison,” Stelter turned the floor over to CNN reporter Carl Bernstein who declared, “There's a history of what ‘enemy of the people,’ that…

Desired Damage Done, AP Buries Its Bogus Trump-National Guard Stories

February 19th, 2017 2:05 PM
Friday morning, Garance Burke at the Associated Press's "Investigative" unit broke what the wire service must have believed was an earth-shaking story that "The Trump administration is considering a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants." 30 hours later, you couldn't find that story, or its "Trump administration denies" follow-up, at any…

ABC, CBS: Violent Trump Backers Support 'Dictatorship in This Country'

February 19th, 2017 2:02 PM
The liberal media took Senator John McCain’s warning of a dictator Donald Trump during Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC and ran with it as the biggest story of the day, seeming to use it as a vindication of their smears since day one. “Is that over the top? Or is there a concern,” ABC’s Jon Karl inquired to Senator Rand Paul on This Week. While on CBS’s Face the Nation, moderator John Dickerson…

Dear America: You Have Disappointed Jorge Ramos.

February 18th, 2017 2:57 PM
The star anchor at Univision and Fusion has penned yet another moral preen of a column, this time, scolding America for having elected Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. But the only thing that Ramos managed to signal here, beyond progressive virtue, was precisely how out of touch he is with the country he purports to lecture.

Nets Highlight Immigrant Anti-Trump Protests Around the Country

February 17th, 2017 1:40 PM
Thursday was the national “Day Without Immigrants” protest, an event where immigrants of all statuses walked out of their jobs and schools and protested President Donald Trump. The protest was like candy to the liberal Big Three networks, all of which conducted full reports. “There were protests and walkouts across the country today aimed at demonstrating immigrants' impact on this economy,”…

Shep Unhinged, Claims Trump Staff Was Calling Russia During Hackings

February 16th, 2017 9:33 PM
The media were at DEFCON three Thursday following a lengthy and heated press conference with President Donald Trump where he went toe-to-toe with the biased press. Trump’s tongue lashing of the media had Fox News’ Shepard Smith frothing at the mouth with anger as he accused the President with a dubious smear during his show. “Your opposition was hacked and the Russians were responsible for it and…

CNN's Cuomo Falsely Claims Flynn Call to Russia Wasn't Wiretapped

February 16th, 2017 11:26 AM
On CNN's New Day Thursday, host Chris Cuomo attacked Republican Ohio Representative Jim Jordan over his party's handling of leaked allegations of communications between former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russian officials, which led to Flynn's resignation on Monday.

CNN Mocks Trump’s Rocky Start, Compares to Others’ First 100 Days

February 16th, 2017 12:04 AM
CNN took the time during Wednesday’s edition of The Lead to take jabs at President Donald Trump for not being able to get much done during his first three and a half weeks besides create controversy. When asked by host Jake Tapper to walk him through the events of Trump’s first month in office, reporter Tom Foreman joked that “it's more like staggering than walking cause it's quite an experience…

CBS Fawns Over ‘Progressive’ Efforts to Gin Up Anti-Trump Protests

February 15th, 2017 9:56 PM
CBS made their position on protests against President Donald Trump pretty clear during Wednesday’s Evening News. “President Trump has been an inspiration to many, including many of his opponents, motivating them to speak out,” mocked anchor Scott Pelley to start off the segment. Reporter Dean Reynolds touted the widespread efforts of ‘progressives’ to organize and rally against the Republican…

O'Reilly Rips Press Coverage of ICE Raids: 'A Low Point in Journalism'

February 14th, 2017 8:20 PM
In his opening monologue and first guest conversation Monday evening, Fox News's Bill O'Reilly sharply criticized the national and local press coverage of the past week's immigration raids. In his Talking Points Memo opener, O'Reilly observed the press's utter failure to headline the fact that the raids targeted criminal illegal aliens, describing that failure not as press bias, but as "blatant…

Media Furious That Trump Got No Questions About Flynn at Presser

February 14th, 2017 11:06 AM
One of the more amusing yet pathetic spectacles of the Trump administration’s early weeks — the ongoing establishment press fury at the richly deserved lack of respect it is getting from the President and his press secretary — neared meltdown yesterday. This occurred because Donald Trump wasn't asked a question everyone knew he wouldn't answer if asked about Michael Flynn at a joint press…