
ABC Worries of ‘A New Normal’ with Deportation Sweeps by Trump

February 14th, 2017 12:36 AM
During Monday evening’s World News Tonight, ABC let it be known that they are distressed by the increase in sweeps being conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Donald Trump. “There are new images coming in this evening of the sweeps, undocumented immigrants detained facing deportation now,” announced anchor David Muir as he touted the efforts of “Senate Democratic Leader…

Nets Push Social Media Claim Trump Talked National Security in Public

February 13th, 2017 10:08 PM
As the old saying goes, ‘never let the facts stand in the way of a good story.’ The Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) did just that Monday night when they pounced on claims made on social media that President Donald Trump and his national security team discussed details of the North Korean missile test in public. They gleefully read the Facebook posts of a man who was in the dining room with…

ABC Panelist Declares, ‘Lives Will Be Lost’ After Obamacare Repeal

February 12th, 2017 3:35 PM
During a rather rowdy edition of ABC’s This Week on Sunday, publisher of The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel, went off the rails several times with radical predictions and unhinged proclamations. At the end of a conversation about how President Donald Trump and the Republican Party can ease the public fear of repealing Obamacare vanden Heuvel declared, “The very communities which elected Trump in…

CNN Panel Whines: Trump ‘Whiffed’ Statement on North Korea Launch

February 12th, 2017 10:56 AM

News broke late Saturday night that North Korea launched a missile in a show of force during the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to the United States. During a quickly put together media event PM Shinzo Abe spoke first to condemn the launch and was backed up with a brief statement of support from President Donald Trump. But that wasn’t enough for CNN’s Inside Politics, whose Nia-Malika…


Networks Go Nuts Over Trump’s ‘First Victim’ of Deportation

February 10th, 2017 1:48 AM
The Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had a field day Thursday in the wake of the deportation of a Mexican woman, Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos, from Phoenix, Arizona. “An undocumented woman at the center of an immigration uproar has now been deported after 21 years living in the U.S., she was arrested yesterday and shipped back to Mexico today,” announced anchor Lester Holt on NBC Nightly News…

ABC Touts ‘Major Defeat’ for President Trump, ‘Big Setback’

February 9th, 2017 10:26 PM
Late Thursday evening, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a stay on President Donald Trump’s travel ban executive order effectively keeping it from taking effect. Every network in the Big Three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) led their evening news programs with the development, but ABC came off as exceptionally hyped. “Good evening, and we begin with that breaking news here tonight,” announced anchor…

MSNBC Guests: Sen. McConnell Was ‘Drunk’ and Playing Bigot ‘Bingo’

February 9th, 2017 12:30 AM
Things got very twisted on MSNBC’s The Last Word Monday night, as two giggly journalists smeared Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for invoking Rule 19 against his colleague from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren. CBS’s Nancy Giles described McConnell as on a power trip, “I mean, it's like I think they are drunk with power. It's not ‘like,’ they are. They’ve got the House and they’ve got the…

MRC’s Noyes: Media Plays ‘Definitional Games’ with Terrorist Attacks

February 7th, 2017 6:36 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox Business Network’s Risk and Reward on Tuesday and called the media out for playing games with terrorist attacks. “So they have to stop trying to play games with this and definitional games and deal with this,” he explained to host Liz MacDonald, “You know, put all 78 together, and you got yourself a major terrorist threat that has been going…

‘CBS Evening News’ Praise Liberal Super Bowl Ads, ‘Brave’ Companies

February 6th, 2017 9:46 PM
It appears that on Monday night CBS wanted to follow in NBC’s lead, from earlier that morning, and highlight the super bowl ads that pushed the liberal agenda. “The 1984 Wendy's super bowl ad finding its way into the presidential campaign. Well this year, in something of an end reverse, politics found its way into the Super Bowl ads,” hyped anchor Scott Pelley, while reporter Don Dahler touted, “…

Media Critic Warns Stelter: Stop Being 'Ridiculous' in Vilifying Trump

February 5th, 2017 5:08 PM
Don't hold your breath awaiting Michael Wolff's next appearance on CNN. Then again, perhaps CNN keeps inviting Wolff because they've learned he's good for ratings. Here's one viewer who is definitely tuning in next time I know he'll be on. Shortly after Donald Trump's stunning victory in November, Wolff took fellow journalists to task for their collective fake outrage after Trump ditched them to…

Unhappy: Smiley Whines that Media Rushed to ‘Normalize’ ‘Racist’ Trump

February 5th, 2017 4:04 PM
The media’s relentless beating of the two-week-old Donald Trump administration could hardly be seen as beneficial to him, but PBS’s Tavis Smiley tried to argue that on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday. “What troubles me, Chuck, is that we -- too many of us that is -- rushed to normalize a racist, sexist, classist campaign that he ran to win this office,” Smiley whined as he smeared the president…

Hilarious: NYT CEO Thinks Paper’s News Coverage Isn't Biased

February 3rd, 2017 1:15 PM
On Thursday, New York Times CEO Mark Thompson stopped by CNBC’s Power Lunch to discuss the paper’s subscription numbers since the election and hilariously argued that the newspaper doesn’t display a liberal bias because “we aim to be objective and to tell people straightforwardly what's happening.”

NBC Censors Haley Getting Tough with Russia, Misquotes Trump

February 2nd, 2017 10:25 PM
NBC went all-out against President Donald Trump’s foreign policy during Thursday’s edition of Nightly News. They knocked Trump for getting tough with Iran, pretended he didn’t get tough with Russia, left out key parts of favorable quotes, and repeated dubiously sourced ones. “In these early days of his administration, President Trump is signaling a willingness to take the tough approach over…

CBS Lets 'So Smart' Liberal Lawyer Spin Gorsuch As Not 'Mainstream'

February 1st, 2017 1:31 PM
Wednesday's CBS This Morning turned to liberal attorney David Boies for his take on President Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. However, the newscast failed to provide balance by bringing on a conservative legal expert. Boies twice asserted that Gorsuch was "not in...the mainstream of judicial thought." Anchor Norah O'Donnell later gushed over the "so smart" guest.