
CNN: Is Dictator Trump Making You ‘Doubt Your Own Eyes’ to Truth?

January 22nd, 2017 5:37 PM
CNN’s resident anti-Donald Trump alarmist Brian Stelter took to his show, “Reliable Sources,” Sunday and issued his arguably most dire/bonkers warning about the president yet. “Do citizens in dictatorships recognize what's happening right here right now,” he sneered, “Are they looking at the first two days of the Trump administration and saying, ‘Oh, that's what my leader does?’” Stelter’s cries…

MTP Showdown: Flustered Todd Snaps at Conway Over Media Bias

January 22nd, 2017 2:07 PM
Things got heated on Sunday’s Meet the Press after the president’s counsel, Kellyanne Conway, confronted NBC’s Chuck Todd on his, and media’s, bias against Donald Trump. Todd was up in arms because Press Secretary Sean Spicer claimed that Trump’s inauguration crowd was the largest ever. “That now calls into question everything the press secretary will say from here on out,” Todd insisted. But…

ABC, NBC Tout Women’s March, Downplay Hate and Bomb Threat

January 22nd, 2017 11:22 AM
The Sunday following the anti-President Donald Trump Women’s March on Washington, network news rushed to spin the event as an inclusive event about putting the president on notice. “[Trump will] be confronting images, however, like this,” hyped Paula Farris on Good Morning America, “Hundreds of thousands of women, and men, hitting the streets.” There was no talk of the obscene parts of Ashley…

Women’s March Gets Darker With Talk of ‘Blowing Up the White House’

January 21st, 2017 5:15 PM
If Ashley Judd’s R-rated rant comparing President Donald Trump’s team to the Nazis wasn’t insane enough, loony Madonna admitted to wanting to kill the newly inaugurated president of United States. “Yes, I am angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” she proclaimed to the hundreds of thousands of march attendees in Washington, DC on Saturday.…

NBC: Trump ‘Caused Global Alarm,’ Only Russia Is Partying

January 21st, 2017 11:14 AM
The day after Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States, NBC News stoked fears for the next four years by hyping protests from around the world and portrayed Russia as the only country celebrating. “Protests not only taking place here in the United States but around the world as well, from Tokyo to Berlin to Manila, and London as well,” announced co-anchor Craig Melvin Saturday…

CNN’s Borger Whines, Trump Paid No ‘Tribute to Hillary’

January 20th, 2017 2:16 PM
Minutes after President Donald Trump took the oath of office Friday afternoon, criticism poured in from CNN. Chief political analyst Gloria Border demonstrated why the outlet has the moniker “Clinton News Network” when she ridiculously whined that, “I was also surprised that in some way he did not pay some tribute to Hillary Clinton… He did not do it.” According to Borger, it would have been seen…

CBS’s Bob Schieffer Recounts ‘Enduring Images of Barack Obama’

January 20th, 2017 12:07 AM
With President-elect Donald Trump set to take the oath of office in less than a day, CBS Evening News ended Thursday with anchor Scott Pelley turning the microphone over to former anchor Bob Schieffer to pontificate about how he imagines President Barack Obama. “In the early days, most Americans never saw their presidents or even their likenesses,” he began his gushy rambling, “In the modern era…

NBC’s Jansing Gushes Over Obama’s Legacy as ‘Father-in-Chief’

January 19th, 2017 9:44 PM
NBC closed out Thursday’s edition of Nightly News with an over-the-top tribute to President Barack Obama where they dubbed him ‘father-in-chief.’ “President Obama prepares to leave the White House, he's written a letter to the American people thanking them for making him, quote ‘a better man,’” touted anchor Lester Holt, “In the past, he’s also said the presidency has made him a better dad.”…

‘New York’ Mag Goes Full CSI: Miami on Staged Speech Writing Photo

January 19th, 2017 2:45 PM
In a rather pointless article published by New York magazine Wednesday evening, associate editor Madison Malone Kircher conducted an amateur forensic analysis of President-elect Donald Trump’s obviously staged speech writing photo, taken at his Mar-a-Lago resort, with the objective to mock it. “Live by Twitter, die by Twitter,” she declared at one point, “Or, at least, have your photographs…

Oscar Lopez Rivera's Legacy Of Terror Mostly Whitewashed By Univision

January 19th, 2017 11:52 AM
Univision's report on President Barack Obama's commutation of the prison sentence of convicted terrorist Oscar Rivera López is an astounding case study in fake news. The story, which went entirely unreported on the evening ABC, CBS and NBC newscasts, took top billing on Univision newscast. 

Somber Nets Mope Over Obama's Departure

January 18th, 2017 10:06 PM
The end of Barack Obama’s reign as president of the United States appeared to hit the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) pretty hard. All three of them took the time to bid the President an emotional farewell at the end of their Wednesday night programs. “While President Obama was busy changing the White House…the White House was also changing him,” remarked anchor Lester Holt on NBC Nightly…

CNN’s Jeff Zucker: The ‘Era of Access Journalism’ ‘Is Over’

January 18th, 2017 6:26 PM
In an interview with New York magazine, published on Wednesday, CNN’s president Jeff Zucker painted a dark vision for the future of journalism under a President Donald Trump but touted his organization’s bright future. “It’s just unfortunate that the most powerful person in the world is trying to delegitimize journalism and an organization that plays such a vital role in our democracy,” he opined…

MSNBC’s Williams Declares Trump Brought a ‘Dark Mood’ to This Week

January 18th, 2017 12:58 AM
On Tuesday, disgraced MSNBC journalist Brian Williams had a very poor outlook for the week of the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump. “There is a kind of a dark mood surrounding this week for a lot of people,” he whined on The 11th Hour, “The approval rating of Donald Trump is at 40 percent, it's the lowest of recording polling.” Williams was venting to Princeton University Professor…

NBC Praises Manning Release, Nets Ignore Terrorist’s Commutation

January 17th, 2017 10:51 PM
Late Tuesday afternoon the White House announced a list of 64 convicted criminals they planned to pardon, including 209 others whose sentences were being shortened. “The Obama presidency is ending on a note of forgiveness,” declared anchor Scott Pelley at the start of CBS Evening News. One of the most controversial sentence commutations was that of Private Chelsea Manning, who stole and released…