
CBS Hypes Anti-Trump Sentiment in the European Union and UK

January 31st, 2017 10:57 PM
As liberals around the country continued to rage over President Donald Trump’s not-a-travel-ban ban Tuesday evening, reporter Mark Phillips took the time on CBS Evening News to remind everyone that the people of Europe don’t care for our president either. “Not just the crowds that have poured onto the streets of Europe are angry with Donald Trump,” he reported, “The disenchantment has now reached…

MSNBC: Osama ‘Prayed’ for the Travel Ban, ‘We’re All Crusaders Now’

January 31st, 2017 1:22 AM
The radical rhetoric targeting President Donald Trump got extremely out of hand during Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s Hardball, with accusations that America’s number one enemy for 10 years, Osama bin Laden, desired Trump’s travel ban. “Osama bin Laden’s whole theory of a war of the west on Islam now gains great credence thanks to what Donald Trump just did,” declared the Huffington Post’s Howard…

NBC’s Holt Lectures Viewers on the Meaning of the Statue of Liberty

January 30th, 2017 10:39 PM
With the debate over the legality of President Donald Trump’s immigration and travel ban still raging Monday evening, NBC broadcasted their Nightly News program “from the shadow of the Statue of Liberty” accompanied by a lecture from anchor Lester Holt. “Behind me the Statue of Liberty, which for nearly 130 years, has symbolized the welcome arms of a country of immigrants,” he opined at the start…

Friedman: After Trump’s Policies ‘There Will Be No Jobs!'

January 29th, 2017 1:59 PM
In what seemed like the ramblings of a 19th century Luddite, New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner, Tom Friedman appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday where he issued a ridiculous warning about the US economy under President Donald Trump. “So what’s going to happen if prices go up? American companies will build those factories here,” he exclaimed, “And you know what they'll do?…

ABC’s Wright 'Sought Out' Khizr Khan to Slam Trump on Ban

January 29th, 2017 10:19 AM
The liberal media was abuzz Sunday morning after massive protests erupted at major airports across the country in opposition to President Trump’s Muslim ban. To help drive the point home on Good Morning America, ABC’s David Wright asked Khzir Khan to share his wrath regarding Trump. “We sought out Khizr Khan, the gold star father who spoke at the Democratic National Convention,” Wright said while…

Before March For Life, CNN's Keilar Tags Women's March as 'Liberal'

January 28th, 2017 3:03 PM
All that "non-partisan" posturing, and they couldn't even get CNN to buy it. On Friday, CNN presented a segment on the 44th annual March for Life before it began. The press usually ignores the march's existence until after it has taken place, typically barely recognizes it afterwards, and almost invariably insists on describing crowd sizes which have often been in the hundreds of thousands as…

AP Melts Down Over Losing First-Question WH Presser Privilege

January 26th, 2017 1:26 AM
In a late Wednesday afternoon NewsBusters post, I commented on the extraordinary hostility reporters at the Associated Press exhibited towards Donald Trump and his administration during their first two full business days in power. In that post, I wondered if they might be carrying a childish grudge over not being able to ask the first question at Press Secretary Sean Spicer's briefings, as they…

Networks Frown on President Trump’s Executive Actions on Immigration

January 25th, 2017 10:01 PM
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday a series of executive orders that will pave the way for the building of the US-Mexico border wall and the crackdown on sanctuary cities. The Democrats raged at the idea and the Big Three networks took exception to the orders, showing almost exclusively negative reactions. “Here in New York, a massive protest has erupted against his wall plans and policy…

Is AP Throwing a Tantrum Over Losing Its Press Briefing Priority?

January 25th, 2017 5:32 PM
Since last decade, it's been White House tradition that the press secretary typically calls on an Associated Press reporter to ask the first question at briefings. Trump administration Press Secretary Sean Spicer has not selected AP for the first question at either of his first two briefings, and numerous press outlets have noted that avoidance. It's more than fair to ask, given the tone of the…

CBS Distressed Over Possible US Embassy Move, ‘Would Be an Act of War’

January 25th, 2017 12:15 AM
President Donald Trump has made it known that he has some interest in moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the holy city of Jerusalem. The simple mention of the idea sent left into an uproar, as CBS Evening News on Tuesday demonstrated. “That would essentially be U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital,” fretted anchor Scott Pelley, “Palestinian leaders also claim the holy…

CBS Hypes Environmentalists Scrambling to Save EPA Data from Trump

January 24th, 2017 10:53 PM
One of the most frightening unknowns for the liberal media is how President Donald Trump plans to rein in the rampaging Environmental Protection Agency. The Trump administration recently banned the agency from using its social media accounts until further notice. This apparently spooked CBS Tuesday, because on Evening News they glorified the efforts of environmentalists who are trying desperately…

Twilight Zone: Rather Scolds Conway Over ‘Alternate Facts’ Flub

January 23rd, 2017 11:25 PM
Dan Rather, a man whose career at CBS was destroyed by a lie he couldn’t let go of, appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball where he was outraged at Kellyanne Conway’s coined term of “alternate facts.” “Well, to say it was unfortunate is, to put it mildly. This was a big mistake,” he declared as he started to tear into the president’s advisor, “None of us can go into this world alternative facts.” 

CNN's Sellers Admits: March For Women Really 'March For Liberalism'

January 23rd, 2017 11:25 AM
On CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 on Saturday, Bakari Sellers described Saturday's "Women's March" as "something we haven't seen in this country or around this world in a very long time." Concerned Women for America CEO Penny Nance then pointed out the obvious, at least as far as the U.S. is concerned, which is that the Annual March for Life in Washington has routinely drawn crowds in the hundreds of…

CNN Fails to Get Women's March to Admit Trying to Exclude Pro-Lifers

January 23rd, 2017 10:43 AM
On Saturday's New Day on CNN, during a segment with two organizers from the left-wing Women's March on Washington, D.C., CNN host Alisyn Camerota brought up the issue of pro-life women's groups being unwelcome even though the liberal activist group tries to market itself as if it represents all women. But her guests misleadingly tried to deny that pro-life groups are not welcome as they…